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Substance Abuse


Understanding the Feelings of a Cocaine High

by Ray Sadoun ǀ January 10, 2024

In the UK, cocaine remains a very popular substance – both for regular users and weekend revellers. According to the latest data, in 2021, powder cocaine accounted for 19,209 treatment entrants. For more information on cocaine statistics in the UK, see more here. However, according to a survey, people that used cocaine reported that they […]

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Crack Vs Cocaine: What’s the Difference between Crack & Cocaine?

by Ray Sadoun ǀ October 5, 2023

It’s likely you’ve heard that crack and cocaine are the same drug, hence, landing on this page. While these two forms of cocaine come from the same source and are chemically the same, there are some clear differences between crack and cocaine that are worth knowing about. This drug is a stimulant that affects the […]

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Snorting Xanax: Xanax Addiction

by Ray Sadoun ǀ September 21, 2023

According to the latest statistics, the UK is the second-largest market for online sales of Xanax and Xanax addiction following the US. The UK accounts for 22% of all online sales of Xanax and has been linked to over 200 deaths in the UK since 2019. (1) For more information about statistics related to Xanax, please […]

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Five Household Items Teenagers Use to Get High

by Ray Sadoun ǀ August 17, 2023

The positive psychological effects of drug and alcohol use are well-known and have been well-researched. However, what is probably not so widely appreciated is the number of everyday household items that possess chemicals that can elicit similar positive psychological feelings and sensations to alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately, just like alcohol and illicit drugs, they can […]

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Cannabis and Blood Pressure

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 30, 2023

Cannabis is a widely used psychoactive drug that tends to be popular among teenagers and young adults as they seek new experiences and gain independence as they approach adulthood. The main motivating factor behind cannabis use for users is to help them achieve a calm, relaxed, peaceful state and to reduce the impact of any […]

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Can You Overdose on Cannabis?

by Ray Sadoun ǀ May 12, 2023

Cannabis is a plant, famous all over the world for being a recreational drug. Its long, green leaves are forged into buds, joints, and oils, and are known for the pleasurable effects they produce when ingested. The means of consuming Cannabis vary depending on the form in which individuals acquire it. It can be smoked, […]

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Cannabis Edibles: Risks, Side Effects & Dangers

by Ray Sadoun ǀ May 5, 2023

While cannabis is commonly smoked or vaped, it is becoming increasingly popular to consume cannabis edibles as an alternative way to ingest this substance. However, this method of cannabis use also comes with a number of risks, side effects and dangers that you need to know about. What are cannabis edibles? Cannabis can be ingested […]

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Does Cannabis Kill Brain Cells?

by Ray Sadoun ǀ April 28, 2023

If you’ve experienced the effects of cannabis, you may be wondering about the impact that this drug has on your brain. Alternatively, you may be concerned about someone else’s cannabis use and want to know whether cannabis kills brain cells. Read on to learn more about cannabis, whether it lowers your IQ and how it […]

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Drug Street Names

by Ray Sadoun ǀ April 21, 2023

In the UK, many substances are known by both pharmaceutical and street-slang name. The latter is often used to describe illegal drugs, and a single substance can be given a wide variety of different names and ways of referring to it. In many cases, the street names for drugs are those which are more well […]

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