General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
International: 0330 333 8188

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Coseley

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Coseley

    Though it can feel safer and easier to ignore the problem at hand, you are putting yourself – and your loved ones at risk by continuing to do so. The time to reach out for help for your addiction is now.

    With the help of us here at OK Rehab, you could soon be back on track and heading towards a full recovery from your substance addiction, all you need to do is pick up the phone to get the process started. We will be with you every step of the way; through your admission into a drug and alcohol rehab in Coseley, as you receive treatment and take part in therapy, and even after you leave your chosen rehabilitation centre.

    Your recovery journey could begin today with one simple phone call to 0800 326 5559. You can also start your enquiry by emailing us or filling in the form available online.

    We hope to hear from you soon.

    We’ve been there before

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    It can be difficult to take advice and ask for help from people who do not understand the complexity of your situation, but we have been where you are before.

    OK Rehab was founded by people living their lives in recovery, who have experienced varied forms of addiction themselves in the past. We know better than anyone what you are experiencing, what you may be feeling, and most importantly, what you need to recover.

    This experience, of not only our addictions but also our many past clients, has given us the necessary knowledge and expertise that we need to help others reach their goals of a substance-free life. We understand how complicated searching for treatment can be, we recognise the hardships that come with battling an addiction, and we know just how possible a recovery is, regardless of who you are or how severe your addiction may be.

    So, rest assured that by choosing OK Rehab, you are putting yourself in the most capable and dedicated hands possible. Our job is to help you live a better life without substances, and we strive to uphold this purpose every day with every client.

    What treatments will I receive?

    A man in therapy

    Here at OK Rehab, we believe in the importance of bespoke and personalised addiction treatment. We know that treatment tailored to the individual is much more effective than blanket, one-size-fits-all treatment that may not work for some as it does for others, so we strive to give our clients only the best and most beneficial care.

    Because of this, no treatment plan will ever be the same. You will likely not experience the same methods of treatment as another client, and instead will only participate in what we deem to be most helpful for you and your recovery goals.

    To determine what treatments our clients receive, we perform a few quick assessments throughout the admissions phase to help us realise their specific needs.

    The first of these assessments will take place over the phone and will discuss general details about yourself and your addiction, such as the length of time you have been using, the exact substances you have used, the presence of a history of addiction within your family, and the overall severity of your condition. This will be our chance to get to know and understand your basic treatment needs, which will help us decide which type of facility to refer you to.

    The second assessment will likely be in person as you arrive at your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Coseley. This assessment will further evaluate your addiction and treatment needs, but will also look more closely at your physical and mental health.

    Any information we gain from these assessments remains 100% confidential and is only ever used to determine your treatment plans.

    Due to the personalised nature of our treatment here at OK Rehab, we cannot at this time specify which exact treatments you will participate in. However, some common methods of addiction treatment that you may encounter throughout rehab include Contingency management, motivational interviewing, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Motivation Enhancement Therapy (MET), family therapy, art therapy, group therapy, and individual therapy.

    How much does rehabilitation in Coseley cost?

    Two women talking and looking at a tablet

    Searching for suitable addiction treatment can be demanding as it is, but wondering about the possible costs of rehab and detoxing can add to this stressful time.

    Here at OK Rehab, we never want anyone to miss out on crucial treatment or rehabilitation simply because of the cost, so we strive to help everyone receive some sort of care for their addiction – no matter what.

    If you are struggling with finances or attempting to stick to a strict budget, please let us know at the beginning of your enquiry. We will try our best to work around any fluctuating or unpredictable financial situations and get you the treatment that you deserve.

    How long does rehabilitation in Coseley take?

    holding hands across table

    Rehab is not a miracle ‘cure’ for an addiction. Overcoming and recovering from an addiction is hard work, and it will take time.

    The average length of time spent in a drug and alcohol rehab in Coseley is around 28 days, though this is entirely dependent on the severity of your addiction.

    If you have used multiple substances, have been using them for multiple years, are also struggling with a mental health disorder, or have a long family history of addiction, you may inevitably need longer in rehab than others who are battling less serious forms of addiction.

    There is no shame if this is you, and your recovery is very much still possible even if it takes longer than the average to reach it. Rehab is not a race, and by focusing on the fictional finish line of recovery, you are neglecting the actual journey and treatment that will get you there.

    When to reach out

    Two women talking at a table

    As soon as you notice signs and symptoms of an addiction in your life, it is time to reach out for professional help. This could be years into an addiction, or at the very beginning of one, but you must search for and accept help as early as possible, to avoid any further damage being inflicted on your body as a result of substance use.

    Call us today on 0800 326 5559 to begin your enquiry and your new drug-and-alcohol-free life.


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