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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Breckland

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Breckland

    Acknowledging your addiction can be tough, not only on yourself but on those around you. You may have been living in denial for a very long time and the thought of opening up to those around you can be anxiety-inducing. By calling OK Rehab today, we can help you navigate the rehab process, sourcing the most suitable clinic in the Breckland area.

    Whilst ignoring your addiction may feel like the best thing to do at this current moment, it is not a healthy or effective coping mechanism. Denial can cause your addiction to worsen and means that you may require longer and more intense treatment in the future.

    If you are still trying to justify your consumption or talk yourself out of treatment, we ask you to thoroughly consider your behaviour and the consequences of your actions. If you have any concerns or questions, call our helpline. Not only do we help to facilitate treatment but can offer free guidance and advice.

    Call today on 0800 326 5559.

    By utilising the advocacy and referral services on offer, you can begin to walk towards recovery safely and healthily.

    The benefits of choosing OK Rehab

    A man holding another person's hand

    If you are interested in entering drug and alcohol rehab in Breckland, our team can assist and support you. The biggest benefit our services can provide is that of high levels of personalisation, with tailored programmes assigned to each client.

    Many of our team members have stood in your position and understand the hardships involved with recovery. Having said this, we also understand the importance and value of rehabilitation and specialised addiction treatment. For many years we have worked hard to provide suitability to all clients.

    We work with partner clinics across the UK and abroad meaning we locate and recommend only the best programmes and facilities for you. We understand, in detail, how the rehab process works and why bespoke treatment is required.

    As a rehab referral service, we can carry out pre-admission assessments for all potential clients. This allows us to source the most effective treatment methods as well as find out a little more about your needs.

    From here, we can begin to recommend and promote a handpicked selection of clinics and treatment programmes within your local area. Following this, an admission date will be set therefore kickstarting your route to recovery.

    The signs of addiction

    people sat on sofa

    As mentioned above, many clients who seek our help are in denial. They may know that they have a problem with drugs or alcohol but fail to understand the severity of their consumption. Often it is friends and family who reach out on their behalf, using the intervention services we also provide.

    Many people facing addiction aren’t focused on the severity of their issue, but on the substance itself, wondering when they can next consume it. They also believe that their actions only have consequences for themselves.

    Sadly, friends and family are left feeling the consequences of addiction too.

    Signs of substance abuse in a person:

    • You feel lonely and isolated from loved ones
    • You begin to feel withdrawal symptoms if you can’t consume a specific substance
    • You struggle to remember things that happened a while ago
    • Your friendship group or social circle has changed and consists of others who also misuse drugs or alcohol
    • You consume drugs or alcohol whenever you can
    • You are struggling financially and have stolen from family or friends to fund your addiction
    • You don’t care that much about your appearance or hygiene levels

    Choosing localised recovery

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    For an increased chance of staying in long-term recovery, we recommend remaining local when completing treatment. By choosing a reliable treatment facility in Breckland, you can begin to withdraw from substances, and recover physically and mentally.

    Localised rehab often poses many concerns for clients with the idea that triggers and associations will be found around every corner. This is not true if clients partake in residential treatment. This means that they will live within a private facility for around 28 days whilst remaining local to their home area.

    Residential rehab can provide clients with both comfort and convenience. Two things that make a difference in effective recovery.

    Choosing to stay close to your local area means that you will experience ease in transitioning from home to your chosen treatment facility. Localised recovery also brings with it the benefit of family involvement. Having a network of family and friends is encouraged as you enter recovery, they can help you maintain motivation and provide support when you need it.

    Localised recovery also benefits you upon the completion of your treatment programme. It can ensure you have access to treatment and support from your chosen clinic at all times as well as allow you to take advantage of aftercare sessions.

    Returning home can place a lot of pressure on clients as old associations begin to resurface. Localised recovery can help ensure that levels of control are maintained and support is available to you at all times. By choosing to recover further away, you may find that motivations quickly diminish and temptations harder to resist.

    Contact our team today

    Three people writing at a table

    By calling our team today you can begin to experience many of the benefits that seeking drug and alcohol rehab in Breckland can provide.

    Whilst you may have originally thought rehab was a lone process, it doesn’t have to be. Attempting to source a clinic alone can cause intense stress and upset. By contacting our team today, we can help alleviate some of the pressure you are under and present you with a list of facilities within your chosen area that fulfil your requirements.

    You can also email us at for more information. For over twenty years, we have provided bespoke levels of care to people across the UK and abroad. Our team are ready to help you access the care you deserve so don’t delay, reach out to OK Rehab today.


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