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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Camberley

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Camberley

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Camberley

    If you’re living with a drug or alcohol problem and realise you need help, it’s likely that you have started to experience concerning symptoms about your mental and physical self.

    There are lots of ways substances can negatively impact you. From causing serious damage to your organs, increasing your risk of cancer and heart problems, to seriously damaging your mental health.

    Depression and anxiety are extremely common for people who have addictions.

    Sadly, it can be difficult to spot just how far out the ripple effects of substance use reaches.

    However, once you accept the problem, it’s likely you’re more open-minded and realise now that your problem has created issues for people close to you as well as to your own life aspirations, finances, and home situation.

    For real and deep healing to occur, it’s imperative that you receive treatment.

    Addiction is an illness after all and like other conditions needs to be addressed by a team of specialists.

    What can occur in relationships with people you care about?

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    It’s highly likely that if you’ve lost control of your substance use that people around you are aware of it.

    There are certain behaviours that can occur when people are addicted.

    This might be linked to feelings of shame and guilt, due to the need to get more of the substance, or due to self-denial.

    Many people with addictions become secretive and deceitful. There also might be examples of selfishness and a loss of respect for others.

    Sadly, this is how addiction can take a hold. For other members in the family, this can create a huge stress and relationships often become strained.

    Some family members, without realising, will enter an enabling relationship with the person who is ill.

    Others might get so fed up with their loved one’s behaviour that they totally turn their back on them. This is known as apathy.

    These relationship dynamics are common and can be addressed through counselling at treatment centres as well as in 12 step groups that support family members.

    We’re happy to lead you through a free assessment which will enable us to find the best programme at rehab in Camberley.

    You can get hold of the OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559.

    What types of substances are people treated for in the Camberley area?

    Two men talking one to one

    Throughout the UK, people struggle with addictions to various types of substances.

    Some towns will have a problem with one substance more than the other. This tends to link to availability as well as trends in social groups.

    Rehab clinics in the Camberley area, though, do offer rehabilitation for a wide range of substances including:

    A call with the OK Rehab team will reveal to you whether you can be treated for a substance which isn’t on the above list.

    There is also provision for people to be treated for behavioural addictions alongside addictions to psychoactive substances.

    Behavioural addictions are those such as shopping, exercise, gambling, sex, and porn use.

    Your personal approach to entering rehab

    a woman in a therapy session sitting on a sofa

    Many people will worry that they won’t ever become sober. The reality is that many individuals who have addictions don’t recover unless they access help.

    To be able to heal, you need to be treated by doctors, psychological and alternative therapists, and drug and alcohol workers.

    A person has to be open to receiving the treatments outlined by the professionals.

    Along with this, though, is the need for particular character traits that make healing much easier to achieve: honesty, determination, focus, and the ability to choose sobriety every day.

    This final trait might seem impossible now but if you want it and are willing, it is possible to achieve.

    It’s also important that you go into rehab knowing that you’re seeking change.

    This means learning how to change, being ready to create it, and changing parts of your life when you leave rehab.

    It’s only through making your thought patterns and life activities different and positive, that you can begin a new and healthy life of meaning.

    At rehab, you’re given an aftercare plan

    man looking at phone

    It’s important that as you come to the end of rehab treatment that you clearly understand what you need to do when you leave rehab.

    During your stay you will have had discussions with the staff and other residents and have identified steps to take on your return home.

    These steps usually include maintaining contact with outpatient services such as 12 step groups and light therapeutic input.

    You will also have decided on meaningful activities that you can begin in order to create places of enjoyment in your life.

    The aftercare plan will also clearly outline a relapse prevention plan and what to do if relapse occurs.

    We’re happy to lead you through a free assessment which will enable us to find the best programme at rehab in Camberley.

    You can get hold of the OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559.

    Other benefits of going to rehab

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    As well as the aftercare plan, you’ll gain the following:

    • A supported detox in order to become sober
    • Psychological therapies that will give you new ideas on how to think about the causes of addiction, the triggers, and how to manage your responses in the future
    • Alternative therapies to improve and nourish your mental health
    • Social connection with other residents and ideas on how to develop positive relationships when you leave rehab

    Long term recovery is much more achievable when you go to rehab. Without going the chances of a life without drugs and alcohol are incredibly slim.

    We’re happy to lead you through a free assessment which will enable us to find the best programme at rehab in Camberley.

    You can get hold of the OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559.

    What happens now? Can I go to rehab in Camberley?

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    A conversation with us will outline to you what treatments and services are available in Camberley. Our team offers advice, guidance, and emotional support if you need it.

    Each person is an individual and needs to be treated as such. This is why tailored guidance is the most effective.

    If, after a conversation with us, you want to secure a place at rehab, we can refer you and handle the arrangements on your behalf.

    We’re happy to lead you through a free assessment which will enable us to find the best programme at rehab in Camberley.

    You can get hold of the OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559.



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