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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Charnwood

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Charnwood

    Reaching out for help can be hard, and finding the right treatment for your addiction can be even harder.

    With OK Rehab, it doesn’t have to be this way, and your admission into a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Charnwood can be simple, easy, and stress-free.

    We take over the difficult part of looking for the proper addiction treatment that fits your needs so that you can prepare for rehabilitation. We then follow you throughout your recovery journey, as you detox, as you participate in therapy and counselling sessions, and we will even be there for you when you eventually leave the care of your treatment facility.

    To get started with your enquiry or to simply find out more information about our recovery advocate services, call us today on 0800 326 5559, email us, or enter your details into our online form to receive a callback.

    Getting admitted to rehab: The process

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    The first step in your recovery journey with us here at OK Rehab is finding out what your personal needs for treatment are so that we can place you in the most appropriate drug and alcohol rehab in Charnwood.

    To do this, we put our clients through a few simple assessments during the admissions process. These quick assessments allow us to narrow down your pool of options by examining aspects of you and your addiction.

    The first assessment will take place over the phone. We may take into consideration your age, the severity of your addiction, whether or not you have a family history of addiction, the length of time you have been using, and the substances – or multiple substances – you have used.

    This information – which remains 100% confidential – is used to help us realise your specific needs and, as a result, we can recommend the most suitable drug and alcohol rehabs in the surrounding area.

    A second assessment will take place when you arrive at your suggested rehabilitation centre, and will most likely be performed by a doctor. This will further evaluate you and your addiction, but will also take a closer look at the state of your mental and physical health.

    The results of these assessments will combine to ensure you are admitted to the right rehab and are partaking in only the treatment that is relevant to you and beneficial to your recovery.

    Detoxing in rehab

    A woman with her hand over her face

    With the admissions process over, you will have entered your drug and alcohol rehab in Charnwood and ready to begin the rest of your long journey to recovery.

    To start your rehabilitation off, you will need to undergo a complete drug or alcohol detox (if you have not experienced one before your admission into rehab).

    The purpose of this detox is to cleanse your body and allow it to rid itself of toxins that remain from your use of drugs or alcohol.

    Over time, your body will have become accustomed to the substance you use, leading it to stop creating the chemicals it receives from such. Because of this dependence, the substance must be slowly tapered off over a week or two, until your body has adjusted to the lack of it.

    During a detox, you will undoubtedly experience several withdrawal symptoms, ranging from mild (nausea, headaches, dizziness, muscle pain, mood swings, shaking) to more aggressive (tremors, hallucinations, seizures, and in rare, severe cases, delirium tremens). Rest assured that medical staff and other team members will be on hand at your chosen rehabilitation centre to guide you through this process, and can prescribe medication to ease some withdrawal symptoms if necessary.

    These withdrawal symptoms should slowly begin to subside as your detox phase draws to a close, but some clients may experience Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, or PAWS, which is the ongoing impact of a detox from drugs or alcohol. It is characterised by largely psychological and mood-related symptoms such as severe mood swings. This can last up to a year but is more common among those who have been using it for many years.

    After your detox, both you and your body will be ready to begin the next phase of your treatment.

    Therapy and counselling in rehab

    Two women talking at a table

    The bulk of your treatment plan will be taken up by several forms of therapy and counselling. An addiction is both physical and psychological, so without this crucial phase of your treatment, a recovery would be decidedly harder to reach.

    Though the details of your bespoke treatment plan will largely be decided by the circumstances of your addiction and the results of the earlier-mentioned assessments, some common forms of treatment include:

    Whatever you participate in, be sure to give it your all and remain optimistic and willing throughout – it may sound clichéd, but a positive mental attitude can go a long way in rehab, and being negative or unwilling to partake in treatment can hinder your progress significantly.

    Through these forms of therapy and counselling and various other treatments, you can hope to prepare for your new substance-free life back home. You will identify your triggers and learn how to avoid them in the future, you will discover new ways to deal with your feelings and ways to cope with stress, and you will overall learn how to be a better, healthier version of yourself.


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    You will not be abandoned when you eventually leave the care of your drug and alcohol rehab in Charnwood. OK Rehab will stay with you throughout your adjustment period, and will only ever be a phone call away if you need information, advice, or simply an answer to a burning question.

    You will receive a detailed aftercare plan and a relapse prevention plan, both of which will guide you through your time back in the real world. We will also be able to make further appointments for you at a designated rehabilitation centre or outpatient clinic if they are necessary, whether they be for simple check-ins, or to receive additional treatment.

    We recommend you stay on high alert for any warning signs of a relapse approaching (you will learn about these signs in rehabilitation), to ensure that you reach out for help at the right time if you need to.


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