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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Gedling

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Gedling

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Gedling

    Does your life feel like your own? Or has your life become taken over by drugs and alcohol?

    Have you tried on multiple attempts to reduce your substance consumption alone, with little success?

    Has frustration pulled you further into the ebb and flow of addiction?

    If these questions were too quickly answered with a yes, don’t fret. There is help out there for you in a rehab treatment programme, which is essential in battling the push and pull of addiction.

    The Dangers of Going Cold Turkey

    A doctor typing on a laptop

    It can take some time for people to come to terms with the severity of their addiction, believing that an at-home detox is their best recovery method.

    It may feel more convenient to recover from addiction at home. But the truth is going ‘cold turkey’ is nothing but unsafe and ineffective for long-term recovery.

    Choosing to complete a structured rehab programme to battle your addiction is vastly superior to DIY recovery.

    However, if you’re determined to overcome your substance or behavioural addiction, then professional support is a must.

    Using a premium addiction centre is the best way to achieve a life without drugs and alcohol due to the well-established and successful rehabilitation treatment methods you’ll benefit from.

    So reach out to our friendly helpline at OK Rehab today so we can help you find the right drug and alcohol rehab in Gedling.

    At OK Rehab, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    To find out more about rehab in Gedling, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    The Crucial Nature of Structured Rehab Programmes

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    Drug and alcohol addiction dramatically damages the brain, creating a facet of physical and psychological adverse effects through long-term substance abuse.

    To reverse these changes and get your physical and psychological functioning back on track, you’ll need excellent addiction treatment. [1]

    You will endure many different emotions, stresses, behavioural changes, and side effects as you go through recovery. Facing these difficulties is where structured rehab programmes are vital to your recovery success.

    Recovery success rates are far greater for those receiving structured addiction treatment, mainly due to the suitability and effectiveness of their combined addiction treatments. [2]

    When you suffer from inevitable withdrawal symptoms, the medical staff can reassure you and monitor your safety.

    They can also help you build your coping skills and confidence when challenges arise.

    Therefore, structured rehab programmes offer a consistent and focussed approach to addiction treatment that enables you to avoid future relapse.

    Try to avoid unsupervised and unstructured attempts at sobriety, like those you would experience at home alone.

    Instead, choosing a personalised and structured treatment programme facilitated by addiction and medical professionals is the only realistic way to beat addiction.

    OK, Rehab’s helpful referral services can help you find the right drug and alcohol rehab in Gedling.

    Going Through Drug and Alcohol Detox

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    Choosing the right addiction rehabilitation centre means your mind and body will benefit in many ways.

    For example, you’ll find physical detoxification from drugs and alcohol the first step in your recovery.

    Your consumption of drugs or alcohol will be reduced entirely through a detoxification programme, resulting in rapid withdrawal.

    You may already know that detox symptoms are anything but pleasant, but they can also be life-threatening.

    But completing a medically managed detox programme through rehab allows your body to withdraw from the physical associations to drugs and alcohol safely and comfortably.[3]

    At OK Rehab, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    To find out more about rehab in Gedling, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    Better Mental Health for Better Recovery

    Man smiling in a suit

    Achieving recovery is doubtful if your body is the only aspect you try to improve. Just as taking care of your body is essential, taking care of your mental health is equally vital.

    Mental health is a common factor with addiction for two reasons. First, for many, addiction can start as a potential consequence of pre-existing mental health conditions. [4]

    But the symptoms of poor mental health can also show themselves after prolonged alcohol and substance misuse, often getting out of hand without proper treatment. [5]

    Second, poor mental health can drastically increase or decrease your sensitivity to addiction treatment.

    Therefore, your mental health must receive the same level of treatment as you go through the rehab process. You may already have experienced negative mental health episodes.

    But through the right treatment programme, you’ll receive a dual diagnosis and the appropriate treatment to improve your mental health.

    Get a New Perspective on Drugs and Alcohol

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    Many go through active addiction by justifying their drug and alcohol abuse, perhaps thinking that the third glass of wine is well deserved after a challenging work week.

    However, in a world where using alcohol to relax has become routine, you may have normalised the side effects of addiction.

    You may even feel unwilling to give up the psychological impacts of drugs and alcohol, as they numb the senses and momentarily make you forget your problems.

    Your recovery chances are significantly reduced without changing your mental state and psychological outlook on drugs and alcohol. For the best chance of recovery success, you’ll need to alter the way you see drugs and alcohol.

    If you only think of alcohol and substance abuse in a positive light, you’re never going to want to quit.

    You must begin to fully understand the dangers and long term adverse effects of substance abuse to want to recover.

    We can help you do this by helping you find a structured rehab programme, where you’ll go through several treatments that can best help you change the way you think about addiction.

    These treatments often come in the form of individual and family therapy, counselling sessions, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), exposure therapy and support groups.

    Utilising these treatments fulling will help you disconnect from your addiction persona and help you create a new mindset.

    At OK Rehab, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    To find out more about rehab in Gedling, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    Getting Ready for Life After Rehab in Gedling

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    Rehab is only the start of your recovery journey. To give yourself the best chance of maintaining lifelong sobriety, you must prepare for your post-rehab life.

    These preparations don’t have to be expensive when many free aftercare services are available through most rehab centres.

    These aftercare services can put plans into place to support you after rehab on an individual basis.

    Combining a comprehensive treatment programme with a relapse prevention plan is vital in creating a happy, healthy, pleasant life, and most importantly, free from drugs and alcohol.

    To improve your life, any post-rehab planning will help you identify your triggers, develop coping strategies, and implement a firm relapse prevention plan.

    Blending all these factors sets you up in the best possible way against drug and alcohol relapse and leads you back into normality.

    Set yourself up for the lowest chance of relapse by committing to addiction recovery through a drug and alcohol rehab in Gedling.

    Finding Help Through a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gedling

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    When severe addiction hits and your only real goal is total recovery, you’ll find the best chance at success through a drug and alcohol rehab facility.

    Using a Gedling based treatment centre means you can not only find a rehab programme to suit your needs but one that is conveniently located to you.

    For some, outpatient treatment may be more suitable for those who wish to maintain their schedule and responsibilities.

    Outpatient support can ensure your life keeps an air of normality and flexibility.

    However, these centres can only provide success rates to those who are motivated, resolved to recover, and only suffering from mild symptoms of substance abuse.

    Where more severe or chronic addiction is concerned, a personalised residential structured rehab programme is more reliable when facing drug and alcohol addiction symptoms.

    Choosing a drug and alcohol rehab in Gedling gives you the best chance at focussing on your addiction recovery, with a more increased chance of maintaining your sobriety.

    Rest assured, we can help you by putting you in direct contact with local professionals that can support you through recovery, including doctors, licensed therapists, and counsellors.

    Don’t delay. Get help today by calling for a free and confidential initial assessment.

    At OK Rehab, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    To find out more about rehab in Gedling, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

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