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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Gosport

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Gosport

    Struggling with an addiction alone and without support is extremely difficult and very stressful.

    Perhaps you have noticed that the amounts you’re consuming have reached high levels and you’re finding it hard to cut back.

    Sometimes people conceal just how much they’re using and how often, from their family and loved ones.

    This is not a good sign.

    Alcohol and drug addiction can have such a negative impact on your life, and others around you.

    It causes undue stress and can cause mental health issues as well as damaged to the body, which is sometimes irreparable.

    Relationship breakdowns and friendship loss are also a common factor of addiction.

    two people talking

    It can also have a negative impact on your working career, resulting in job loss and income, which in turn will cause financial worries.

    This in turn could make the addiction worse.

    Finding support and professional help can be daunting but that’s where OK Rehab comes in.

    Our dedicated team can help you get the treatment and help you need.

    State-funded resources have become stretched with cuts and long queues, so they cannot see people right away.

    At OK Rehab, we can treat you without that wait. Treatment is available and easily accessible by calling 0800 326 5559.

    Addiction and the Effects

    A woman sat behind a sofa looking anxious

    Hundreds of thousands of people are affected by addiction around the world so, you are not alone in your suffering.

    Despite the stereotyping, there is no one type of person that is affected by addiction.

    They come from all walks of life, regardless of their living conditions or financial position.

    Addiction can cause long-term effects to the body and the brain.

    Some of the damage may be irreversible, such as damage to the liver, and heart.

    Sometimes people try to quit drinking or taking drugs by themselves.

    When they do, it can be quite dangerous due to the withdrawal symptoms they will experience because they have stopped abruptly.

    After a short time of going without substances or alcohol, the symptoms may get too much, and it causes people to begin drinking or taking drugs again to cope.

    For a person struggling with addiction, this cycle of behaviour makes it hard to break their habit.

    Getting Help for Addiction in Gosport

    Man crying on the phone

    By getting help earlier, addiction can be treated easier.

    Getting professional help is a good idea because breaking free from addiction can be difficult and challenging at times.

    If you are considering going to a rehab facility, or having a home detox, it is natural to be apprehensive about the idea.

    There will be many questions and perhaps worries also about what to expect.

    The most important thing is that clients get the proper help they need to get better.

    At OK Rehab, we can treat you without that wait. Treatment is available and easily accessible by calling 0800 326 5559.

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    OK Rehab has access to many centres, all with comfortable facilities that are luxurious and relaxing in which to get treatment for addiction.

    Our treatment centres can have you on the road to recovery and feeling positive with one of our specially tailored treatment plans.

    We will assess you and your treatment needs, to see which options you have for available to you.

    It may be residential is preferable, or it may be that you like the idea of a home detox but talking through with our team and going over your options will give you more information.

    There are benefits to both, however, residential rehab does remove you from your current stresses and temptations of your life at present and allows you to concentrate on your treatment.

    This treatment also has a higher rate of success.

    What Happens in Residential Treatment in Gosport?

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    At residential rehab, you will go through an assessment on arrival, which will help to determine your treatment plan.

    Everybody’s addictions are different, and so are their treatment plans.

    We begin your treatment with a detox which is the first stage of your treatment.

    During the detox, the toxins that have built up over time need to be cleaned from the body.

    Sometimes, the detox process can cause discomfort for some, and be difficult to cope with.

    Our medical team prescribe specialist medication for this process.

    At OK Rehab, we can treat you without that wait. Treatment is available and easily accessible by calling 0800 326 5559.

    A man reading in bed

    Addiction is not just physical, but phycological too, that’s why both need to be treated for you to get better.

    Following your detox when you are clean from alcohol or substances, we move on to therapy treatments with you.

    These treatments are to help you think differently about things and in a more positive way.

    CBT, or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy teaches you how to change your negative thought processes to more positive ones.

    This is extremely useful when it comes to fighting cravings.

    Exercise, yoga, and meditation and other holistic therapies are also offered as part of your wellbeing treatments here at the OK Rehab treatment centre, which will help with improving how you feel.

    Staying free from alcohol or drugs requires constant work and positivity.

    We also have group therapy treatments for you to attend which are beneficial for you as you will meet others going through the same thing and can relate to exactly how you feel.

    This peer-to-peer support can be very comforting.

    What Happens Next?

    A man in a one to one therapy session

    When your treatment with OK Rehab is complete, you will return home to Gosport.

    One of the most important things we feel you should do, is to find and join a local support group in Gosport.

    It is vital that you continue with any therapy work we have started with you, as it will help you to remain focused on staying addiction free.

    We will be on hand for support and guidance, but it is important that to you add to your support network with people you can trust and rely on to help you stay on your path.

    There will always be times when you have cravings, so having a support network to help you in those times and using the skills you learned in therapy will help you when those times arise.

    Working on your wellbeing will aid your mental health greatly and also be a great help.

    At OK Rehab, we can treat you without that wait. Treatment is available and easily accessible by calling 0800 326 5559.

    OK Rehab are ready to help you

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    Our team are here for you, when you are ready to reach out and get the help you need.

    OK Rehab can get you the treatment that will help get your life back together.

    Call our free confidential phoneline on 0800 326 5559, and we can help you get on the right pathway to an addiction free life with no end of possibilities.



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