General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Halesowen

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Halesowen

    Battling an addiction can be incredibly difficult.

    You may feel ashamed of your situation thanks to the unnecessary, negative stigma that surrounds addiction and recovery. You may feel stressed out attempting to live a normal life whilst still dealing with your addiction.

    You may feel angry at yourself for getting this far. Lonely in your efforts to recover. Hopeless in the face of temptations and cravings for further substance use.

    You don’t have to feel this way. OK Rehab can help.

    With the help of our advisory and referral services, you could soon be placed in a drug and alcohol rehab in Halesowen, and on your way to a full and long-lasting recovery. You could be feeling welcomed instead of isolated, understood instead of judged, and hopeful instead of hopeless.

    With a quick phone call to our admissions team on 0800 326 5559, or by filling in our online form, you could take the first step in your very own recovery journey, and be on track to begin your new, substance-free life.

    Our philosophy

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    We know just how difficult it can be to reach out and ask for help at a time when you feel most vulnerable. It can feel shameful or embarrassing to discuss your situation with strangers, but you can trust us here at OK Rehab – We’ve been in your shoes before.

    A number of our team members have experienced some form of addiction themselves in their own lives, and are now living proof that recovery is possible no matter what, and no matter the circumstances of the individual.

    Because of these personal experiences, we are not only better equipped to handle all types of clients who are in similar situations to ourselves, but we are also the most understanding of what an addiction can do to people, and how isolating it can be.

    This is why we strive to make sure that OK Rehab is a safe and judgement-free space where clients can feel at ease discussing sensitive topics surrounding addiction, and even taboo matters like financial situations. We know what it’s like to be scared to reach out, confused at the many options available for addiction treatment, and worried that people will judge you for your past or even present choices.

    With our help and guidance, you could instead feel welcomed, relaxed, stress-free and even happy and excited about the journey ahead.

    We do not discriminate based on race, gender identity, sexuality, class, or addiction. We are open and welcoming to any and everyone who is experiencing the impact of a substance or behavioural addiction and can find help for you no matter what.

    OK Rehab is a place where you can feel safe and comfortable, but we are always open to feedback. If you feel like we are not upholding the above-mentioned standards, or that we could do better, do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team either by phone, email, or our online form.

    Why choose OK Rehab?

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    There are many options out there for addiction treatment, and it can confuse those searching for the right route to take to recovery.

    This is where we come in. With OK Rehab it is easier than ever to search and find suitable addiction treatment that matches your personal needs and requirements.

    We work with a network of rehabilitation clinics and outpatient centres across the United Kingdom so that we can filter through the many options for treatment and narrow down facilities that will be perfect for you, whether that be a drug and alcohol rehab in Halesowen or one further afield.

    We do this by assessing our clients early on in the admissions process and finding out the needs and details of each client’s condition and addiction so that we can accurately determine what treatment methods and facilities would be most beneficial for them.

    This information also allows us to create bespoke treatment plans for each client, that they will follow throughout their treatment in rehab, as an outpatient, or even at home. Proven to be more effective than a blanket, one-size-fits-all treatment, the personalised treatment ensures each client solely receives and partakes in treatment that is more likely to propel them towards recovery.

    To hear more about what we can do for you, call us today on 0800 326 5559.

    When to reach out

    It can be tricky to decipher when the best time is to reach out when you are battling an addiction.

    Addiction often takes up all of our time and can cause lasting effects on our brain and body through stress alone, leaving us with little time or even strength to search for treatment. There is also mounting pressure from the ‘outside world’; the fear of judgement from the public, or even your family and friends, that can hold you back from reaching out for help.

    All this is understandable, but asking for help is the first and most crucial step in reaching a recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction, so try your best to fight these obstacles.

    The best time to reach out for professional help when dealing with a drug or alcohol addiction is simple – as soon as you can.

    This may be as soon as you begin to notice the signs and symptoms of addiction within your own life, it could be years into your addiction when you finally realise you may need help, or it could be when a loved one begins to express concern over your use of a substance. The timing will differ for each individual, as no addiction or personal circumstances will ever be identical.

    As soon as you start to question whether professional treatment like rehab is the way forward, you should be actively pursuing it. Time is precious, and time spent waiting or mulling over your decision could be dangerous – sometimes even deadly.

    Try to take the leap to treatment now, before any more damage can be done to your body and brain through the use of substances, and you can start the healing process as soon as possible.

    The earlier we catch an addiction, the easier it usually is to treat, and the higher chances there are of the individual reaching a full recovery sooner, and in better health.


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