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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hucknall

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hucknall

    Now is the time to receive the treatment that you need – and deserve.

    To do so, reach out to us here at OK Rehab today, and we can support you in finding the suitable and local addiction treatment that you have been searching for. With our help, you could soon be on your way to a full recovery in a drug and alcohol rehab in Hucknall, and taking the steps to reach your new, substance-free life.

    To find out how this is possible, get in touch via our free-to-call, 24/7 helpline – 0800 326 5559 – email us, or fill in our online form to receive a callback.

    Preparing yourself for rehabilitation in Hucknall

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    It can be incredibly daunting to leave your world behind to start treatment in a drug and alcohol rehab in Hucknall, and it can be even scarier doing so without being prepared. To help ease some of these nerves, to make your rehabilitation experience a little easier, and to ensure your life does not fall apart in your absence, we suggest doing a few simple preparations before your time in rehab begins.

    A huge thing to do before rehabilitation is to tell the people in your life about your plans for recovery. This can be a difficult step to take, and some loved ones may not be as supportive as you hoped, but it is important that your friends and family are aware of your goals.

    If they are supportive of your journey, they can aid your recovery by visiting you in rehab, or even taking part in family therapy sessions.

    Telling employers and bosses about your rehabilitation is also crucial. Whether you wish to terminate your employment or would like to continue in your role when you are back home, it is essential to let the necessary people at your workplace know, so they can make arrangements for you and the workload that must be fulfilled whilst you are gone.

    Having a job to return to after your rehabilitation can be incredibly helpful for your recovery journey, and can give you a sense of purpose when you are back home, or even just something to look forward to.

    Another preparation to do before your time in rehab is very much internal. Rehab is not a vacation or spa treatment, and it will require a fair amount of hard work, effort and dedication from you if you wish to see successful results. Therefore, we suggest mentally preparing yourself before your admission and getting yourself ready to put in the necessary work.

    Be prepared to get uncomfortable when discussing your addiction in therapy and counselling, and be prepared to meet others and share your story. Overall, be prepared to prioritise your recovery and work hard to achieve it.

    Helpful preparations that can help your life stay in order in your absence can include: Arranging care for any pets or children you may have, asking a loved one to visit your home frequently to collect mail or simply check in, and setting up automatic payments for bills that will need to be paid whilst you are away.

    Tying up these loose ends can leave your mind at ease, and can allow you to focus more on yourself and on the treatment at hand without the distractions of your regular outside life.

    Staying sober after rehabilitation in Hucknall

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    When your time in rehabilitation draws to a conclusion, it will be time to slowly adjust back to the real world, and back to your normal life.

    We will guide you through this vulnerable time, provide you with a detailed aftercare plan, and will only be on the other end of the phone if you need us once more. Whilst we will of course do all we can at this time to support and assist you, a lot of the responsibility to keep up your improvement and stay sober will now fall to you.

    Thankfully, just as there are preparations you can make before your time in rehab, there are also many helpful things you can do to ensure your recovery journey does abruptly not end, even after you leave rehabilitation.

    One of these things is taking a close look at the people in your life. It is highly important that the people you surround yourself with – whether this be a partner, chosen friends, family, or even colleagues – are supportive of your recovery journey, and are not doing anything that will put your health or progress at risk.

    If you find that someone in your life is appearing to be detrimental to your recovery (maybe they are offering you further substances, using them around you with no regard for your health, or even forcing you to use again), it may be time to move on from that relationship. Take this chance to find new people that understand and uplift you, instead of bringing you down.

    Starting a new hobby can also considerably aid your recovery journey. Joining a sports team, taking part in a new club, or simply getting active are all great ways to positively impact your overall mental health, but can also serve as necessary distractions and variations from old routines that may have led you to substance use before.

    You will, at this point in your journey, know the many signs of a relapse and the warning symptoms of an addiction on its way back into your life. We are always only a phone call away, but it will be up to you when you are back home to be vigilant and on the lookout for these signs so that you know when to contact us again. Remember, you have not failed if you experience or come close to a relapse.

    Progress is not linear, and your recovery and substance-free life are still possible.

    To find out more about how to prepare for a drug and alcohol rehab in Hucknall, call us today on 0800 326 5559. One of our team will be happy to answer any questions or queries you may have, offer advice and support, or get the ball rolling with an official enquiry.


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