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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Kempston

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Kempston

    Every day thousands of people all across the UK from every walk of life deal with some form of drug or alcohol dependency.

    The issue of substance abuse has been on the rise in recent years due to more people than ever struggling with the effects of an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty in their everyday life.

    A person’s mental health can have a massive effect on every aspect of their life, including being the reason for the start or return to substance abuse.

    It is important that you understand that a drug or alcohol dependency is much more complicated than just a series of bad decisions. Instead, it is an attempt to escape from a bad situation that you are in either physically or mentally.

    With times being as difficult as they are, it is understandable that many people feel as though they have no other way to cope other than with drugs or alcohol.

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    So they numb the pain and allow you to carry on as normal.

    However, this is only a short term solution and will eventually stop working.

    Substance abuse will only make your mental health worse.

    You need actual help from a trained therapist in a specialised facility to learn real and effective coping mechanisms.

    With addiction, there may be a temptation to bury your head in the sand and try to live with it.

    But your body and mental health need treatment.

    No matter how bad things feel or seem, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and addiction can be overcome.

    At OK Rehab, we know how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction. Many of our team of helpline agents are in recovery, and can offer the support you really need.

    To find out more about rehab in Kempston, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    person leaning on ledge and looking out at lake

    It is to prioritise looking after yourself and your family in a sustainable and non-destructive way.

    Nowadays, the brave thing to do is not to swallow your feelings so that you can pretend the day thoughts are not there.

    Now we know that by doing this, you are giving in to your fear and anxiety.

    Courage is admitting you are afraid and that you need help.

    But, then, it is turning to those that have the expertise and resources to help you and putting your future into their hands.

    You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to put your mental health first and to seek treatment in the best facility for you.

    How a drug or alcohol dependency affects your mental health

    man rubbing his eyes

    Your mental health is a complex thing that needs constant work to improve.

    In a perfect world, there would just be a pill to take in order for your mental health to get better on its own.

    But unfortunately, in real life, you need to get the help of fully trained and licenced experts in order to see actual results.

    The leading cause of substance abuse is past trauma.

    Trauma can be caused by a number of different things, including:

    • Military service
    • Serious illness
    • Death of a loved one
    • Car accident
    • Sexual assault
    • Violence
    • Domestic abuse
    • Homelessness
    • Child abuse
    • Harassment
    • Stalking
    • Bullying
    • Disability
    • Home burglary

    At OK Rehab, we know how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction. Many of our team of helpline agents are in recovery, and can offer the support you really need.

    To find out more about rehab in Kempston, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    A man and woman on a bed, one person with their head in their hands

    Trauma can come from anywhere, and it is simply an event that caused you serious mental and/or physical distress that resulted in your brain changing how it responds to stress.

    A person that has not experienced trauma will be able to compartmentalise the stress they experience in their everyday lives.

    This means that their brains are able to respond to the danger that comes from losing their keys and crashing their car differently.

    A person who has experienced trauma, however, will likely experience these two very different events on a similar level of threat.

    This is known as hypervigilance, and it is essentially a person living in a constant state of fight or flight.

    Many people find this incredibly difficult and turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to dull these responses so that they are able to carry on with their everyday life.

    Similarly, many people living with an undiagnosed mental illness use substance abuse as a way to self medicate. This is very common with illnesses such as:

    Two women talking at a table

    Getting a diagnosis through the NHS mental health services is difficult, and it can take an incredibly long time to even begin getting help.

    This leads many desperate people to turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to try and regulate their mood and to again try and carry on as normal.

    Unfortunately, substance abuse will only make your mental health worse in the long run.

    A drug or alcohol dependency can have a seriously negative effect on your brain chemistry making mental illnesses much worse.

    A drug or alcohol dependency can also be more easily developed by people who are living with a dopamine deficiency.

    This is because when you first abuse substances, you cause your brain to experience a rush of the feel-good chemical dopamine.

    Soon your brain will get used to these higher dopamine levels, and you will need more drugs or alcohol to achieve the same effect.

    woman looking out a car window

    Eventually, your brain will believe that you need drugs or alcohol to produce any dopamine at all and will cause you to experience cravings and eventually withdrawal symptoms when said cravings are ignored.

    A healthy brain can still become dependent on drugs or alcohol, but one that is already struggling is much more vulnerable.

    If you have a history of mental health problems, then you will need specialist care in a drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Kempston area so that it can be addressed along with your drug or alcohol dependency.

    At OK Rehab, we know how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction. Many of our team of helpline agents are in recovery, and can offer the support you really need.

    To find out more about rehab in Kempston, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    How a drug and alcohol rehab centre can help your mental health

    A man in therapy

    Most drug and alcohol rehab centres are residential facilities, and they offer you a break from the pressures of your everyday life.

    You will be able to get away from temptation and just focus on improving your mental health in a controlled and, most importantly, supportive environment.

    You will be surrounded by people who know what your going through and can help you work towards long term recovery and a healthier state of mind.

    This is done through you attending regular group therapy sessions with others staying at the drug and alcohol rehab centre at the time.

    In these therapy sessions, you will work with a fully trained therapist to understand what has caused your mental health to decline and how it has impacted your substance abuse.

    In addition, you will be able to learn tools to use to centre yourself and to avoid triggers for your cravings.

    Most importantly, you will be able to learn healthier coping mechanisms such as relaxation techniques to replace your substance abuse.

    This will be a supportive environment where you can be open about your experiences without fear of judgment or punishment.

    You will be safe to work to improve your mental health and work towards long term-recovery.

    How to find the right drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Kempston area

    A young woman in a therapy session talking

    At this point, you may be ready to begin your journey to improve your mental health and to deal with your drug or alcohol dependency.

    But you may not know where to start.

    At OK Rehab, we aim to make the process of finding the right drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Kempston area for you as easy as possible.

    We do this by asking you to give us a call and completing our free initial assessment.

    We then use this to create a profile on you, your needs, your history and your experience with the recovery process.

    You’ll be referred to a drug or alcohol rehab centre with the best possible facilities to cater for your specific needs.

    At OK Rehab, we know how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction. Many of our team of helpline agents are in recovery, and can offer the support you really need.

    To find out more about rehab in Kempston, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    A group of people at a table with notebooks

    We understand that this will be a very difficult time in your life, but you will be supported in every way to deal with the obstacles you’ll face.

    This may seem scary and even impossible at times, and we can’t promise you that this will be easy and that you will never struggle.

    But we can promise you that the decision to work towards long-term sobriety in a drug and alcohol rehab centre will change your life for the better.

    You just need to be willing to put in the work and place your trust in people that have years of experience helping people like you.

    The begging of your journey is just one phone call away. Are you ready to begin?

    We hope so because we are ready and waiting to help you at every step of your journey.

    At OK Rehab, we know how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction. Many of our team of helpline agents are in recovery, and can offer the support you really need.

    To find out more about rehab in Kempston, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.


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