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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Northwich

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Northwich

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Northwich

    Many people in the early stages of seeking help for addiction feel overwhelmed. From the path ahead of them. From the number of choices available in terms of treatment. Even from the concept of admitting they have an addiction problem in the first place. That’s what OK Rehab is here for. We know how difficult this process can be and we want to help you through it in whatever way we can.

    We have a more detailed guide to our services, as well as a phone number to call below. And if you’re specifically looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Northwich, we have more information on that too!

    Our services

    Probably one of the most essential parts of the services we provide is our helpline. It’s always on hand to offer advice for any addiction-related issues. It always has been and always will be a judgment-free space, where anyone looking for guidance has access to it.

    If you’re looking for something a bit more specific, we can also arrange specific treatments for you, or at least direct you towards the right organisations and centres. Many of said organisations and centres are likely to assess your specific circumstances, to decide for certain what kind of help you need.

    Every case of addiction is unique, especially as it’s such a vast and complex disorder, with a multitude of substances, levels of severity, differing treatments and underlying causes.

    Let’s look over some of the questions you’re most likely to be asked in any addiction assessments, so you can feel prepared if and when the conversation comes up:

    • What are you addicted to? – This is asked because different addictive substances and behaviours often need to be treated very differently. Many of them are also addictive on different levels. Either way, this is something that will be a major factor in any treatment you undergo.
    • How long have you been struggling with addiction for? – This is another one that may tell anyone assessing you just how deep your addiction runs. Generally, the longer an addiction has been happening for, the harder it is to treat – that’s why it’s so important that you reach out about it as soon as possible.
    • Does anyone else know about your addiction? – Home environment can also be a big driver of addiction. Also, if you’re in an environment where you won’t be supported in your journey of recovery by those around you, then residential rehab will defiantly be for you.
    • Have you tried to get help before? – If you’ve been through treatment before, what’s worked and what hasn’t worked previously could really help us in deciding what you need now. You also might not need to learn as much about the process and in general someone who’s relapsed will probably require different help and support in comparison to someone new to this.

    If you would like to arrange a personalised treatment plan, or if you would like to access further advice and support, simply call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Why choose professional support

    In amongst the tangled web of complexities that is addiction, one thing is clear: professional help and support is the absolute best way for you to heal. To make use of a cliché often seen in mental health discussions, you wouldn’t try to treat a broken leg on your own. Or even any other kind of mental illness. Well, you might do, but it wouldn’t be advisable or effective.

    A word of warning – please don’t fall into the trap of unsupported, at home detoxes or recovery methods found online. These might seem easier than the paths we’re talking about here, but they’re also largely ineffective. Addiction changes the way your brain works on a physical level – you’ll need the support of people with experience to fully manage it.

    Only the kinds of treatment used in rehab will give you the lifelong skills you need to get a handle on it going into the future. One major example of this is therapy, where you’ll finally be able to confront any and all psychological factors at play. Past trauma is often a big reason that people fall into the trap of addiction in the first place. And therapy (as well as counselling) is proven to be the best way of dealing with said trauma, if that is something you need help with.

    Workshops are another category of treatment that put a spotlight on life skills. They’re generally on offer at residential rehab centres and can focus on a wide range of subjects, including addiction itself, health and even nutrition.

    We’ll discuss detoxes in a bit more detail below, but that’s also something that can only really be achieved with the support of professionals.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Northwich

    Whether your ideal treatment path turns out to be inpatient (at home) or outpatient (at home), we’d highly recommend that you try to stay as local as possible when looking at treatment options. It’s more convenient and will be far more accessible to you in the long run.

    There are a few residential rehab centres accessible locally, or at least close to Northwich. Two of the most popular are Delamere and Action Rehab UK. If you call us, we can also chat in more specific detail about local therapists and support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

    When deciding which rehab facility to go to, it’s also very important that you do thorough research into all of the options you’re considering. Look on every part of their website that you can reach, look into what kinds of treatment they offer, what their rules and regulations are, where they’re located.

    The more prepared you are, the less anxiety-inducing it will be to reach out and get treatment from them.

    How to deal with the addiction of someone you care about

    Addiction is one of the hardest things a person can go through. But it’s also hard to watch someone you care about struggle with it. One of the best things you can do is just talk to them about it, although it’s likely that you’ll be met with denial, possibly even anger.

    If you can’t get through to someone you think could be suffering from an addiction, we offer an intervention programme. And our helpline is always open – in many ways, we’re here to support you too.

    A guide to detoxing and withdrawals

    We mentioned earlier that the detox you’ll likely complete at the beginning of your treatment will be one of the most important steps in the process. In a detox, your intake of addictive substances will slowly be reduced and replaced with prescribed medication. Overall, this is much, much safer and more effective than attempting to detox alone.

    The first reason is that an at-home, unsupported detox will honestly be incredibly difficult, if not impossible to achieve. We mentioned earlier that addiction changes the way your brain works – it also works on multiple levels, affecting you physically and psychologically.

    A clear plan of action will always be needed to actually manage something that vast.

    The second reason why at-home detoxes are a bad idea is withdrawal symptoms. After a while of being addicted to any form of drugs or alcohol, your body will start to become reliant on it. As a result, some symptoms will then begin to emerge if you attempt to stop.

    These range from unpleasant to straight-up dangerous, with some of the most common being:

    • Tremors
    • Nausea
    • Seizures
    • Hallucinations
    • Insomnia
    • Irritability
    • A runny nose

    We also want to note that, for the sake of brevity and simplicity, we are generalising a bit. These also range widely from substance to substance and they can be different for alcohol, so make sure you fully research the withdrawal symptoms for what you’re addicted to.


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