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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Notting Hill

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Notting Hill

    Living through addiction can be tough, especially when there are negative stereotypes associated with substance abuse. This can cause people to suffer in silence and not reach out for the professional care they need.

    At OK Rehab, we understand addiction. Many of our team are in long-term recovery and have stood in your shoes.

    This means we are well-equipped and experienced to deal with all addictions whether substance addiction or behavioural.

    Addiction can impact your life in a variety of different ways, placing pressure on your health and personal life. Some people think this should be enough to get sober, however, addiction requires professional help to treat. Professional help can allow you to heal both your body and mind with a programme tailored to your every need.

    Attempting to overcome addiction alone can be very challenging and stressful due to the tricky cycle substance abuse leaves people in. Many people struggling with addiction often refer to it as ‘uncontrollable’ meaning it requires specialist care to treat.

    The home environment can present many challenges when trying to recover which is why we urge most clients to consider residential treatment. This means that you can access all the care you need under one roof.

    If you are ready to overcome your addiction and are tired of drugs and alcohol ruling your life, reach out to our team today on 0800 326 5559.

    What does treatment consist of?

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    For most clients, treatment begins with a detoxification programme. This means you will be assisted by medical staff to help cleanse your body of all toxins left behind by substance abuse.

    This programme is always recommended for those with severe addictions however, staff will work around the clock to ensure your safety and well-being at all times. Detoxes usually last for around 10 days, though this will depend on the results of your physical and psychological assessment conducted before your programme begins.

    Whilst this can be a tricky part of treatment, it is far better to take part in this programme within a medical facility than at home. At-home detox attempts can often be very stressful experiences as you don’t have access to the information and utilities needed to cleanse the body.

    After your detoxification programme has ended, you will be able to move on to therapy.

    What therapies are available to me in Notting Hill?

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    Rehab not only aims to treat the physical effects of addiction but the mental ones too.

    From one-to-one counselling to family therapy, here is a list of the most common forms of therapy available to clients who seek rehab in Notting Hill:

    • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): This is a talking therapy that helps to reframe the way you think so that you can adjust negative thought patterns. It is primarily used to treat mental health disorders though has also proved promising in helping ease chronic pain.
    • Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT): Like CBT, this is also a talking therapy. It involves speaking your feelings aloud to a therapist. It can help you to feel valued and listened to whilst also learning new ways to find acceptance.
    • Art and craft therapy: Many people struggling with addiction find it hard to express themselves effectively. Doing so with art can help people to express difficult feelings and emotions.
    • Acceptance and commitment therapy: This is a type of therapy that helps clients find the root of their substance abuse issues. It can help them to address fear and worry, then find effective ways to address and move past it.
    • Holistic therapy: This type of therapy revolves around the mind and spirit. It can help clients explore mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, creating mental clarity and calmness.

    These are just a few of the many kinds  of therapy available to you when you embark on your recovery journey. Healing your mind is just as important as healing your body and by speaking to a member of our team today we can begin to create your personalised programme.

    What are the benefits of attending rehab?

    Two people talking over coffee

    There are many benefits involved with attending rehab. Not only can you begin to treat your addiction in a safe environment, but you can also:

    • Gain access to 24/7 medical care
    • Receive support in a safe and neutral environment away from distraction
    • Begin therapy
    • Focus on your mental health
    • Actively choose to step away from social groups and situations that encourage your substance consumption
    • Create goals that will see you succeed in life outside of treatment

    How do I begin the admission process?

    A man in therapy

    To begin your admission process all we ask is that you call us on 0800 326 5559. From here, we can begin to compile more information about your addiction and the treatment you require.

    We will then be able to recommend a select list of rehab clinics within your chosen area that we believe you will benefit from attending.

    At your chosen clinic, we advise you to bring any medication you are currently taking. If you are unable to drive, contact your clinic who will be able to arrange transport for you.

    The first step is to acknowledge your problem. Whilst this often sounds easier said than done, once you can admit you are struggling, you will be in a much better position to accept help.

    Give us a call today

    If you are concerned about your substance use and are want help getting sober, call us today on 0800 326 5559.

    Our team of experienced staff will work with you to ensure you enter a facility best suited to your needs.

    We also provide support to friends and families. If you are worried about a loved one, we urge you to reach out to OK Rehab today. We can discuss the possibility of an intervention as well as how our team can offer you support.

    We can also provide our services to many other areas in London such as Harrow, Camden, Hillingdon, Hackney, Bromley, Kensington, Southwark, Lewisham, Greenwich and Enfield.


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