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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Tendring

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Tendring

    It’s interesting how different drugs attract different people. Usually, a certain personality or person will be seeking a particular effect. This will be for various reasons.

    For instance, a person might feel tired a lot and seek more energy, so cocaine might attract them. Another might want to disconnect from their thoughts and so ketamine holds allure. While others might have experienced such pain, heroin eases this emotion.

    When they find the drug or it might be alcohol that provides them with this feeling, it can be impossible to stop using it. This is especially the case where there might be historical trauma or a pre-existing mental health condition.

    To find out how to get control of the addiction and how to begin to change, call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559. Our team of staff can provide emotional guidance as well as explain what rehab options there are for you in Tendring.

    Are You Suited To Rehab?

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    The question is, do you use substances? The issue with that question is that many people who use drugs and alcohol don’t think they have a problem, some might outright deny it, and others will know they have a problem but still perceive benefits in using the substance.

    Addiction isn’t a typical disease. The person will still return to the substance despite all the harmful consequences. Here’s the thing, though, wherever you are in your drug and alcohol journey, rehabilitation services are required.

    Even people who use drugs and alcohol recreationally need accurate information and harm-reduction techniques. Also, more support given at the early stages of substance use means that there is a lesser chance of a problem developing down the line.

    When A Rehab Stay Is Critical

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    Some factors mean a stay at rehab is essential. This is because the health and safety of the person or people close to the person are at serious risk of harm.

    These include the following:

    • Where 30+ units of alcohol are being drunk every day. However, you shouldn’t wait to reach 30 units before accessing support. Drinking every day, even if only a couple of units, comes with risks. Alcohol, does after all, cause cancer.
    • If you have repeatedly tried to stop using drugs and alcohol but keep failing to maintain sobriety.
    • If you become violent when you’re inebriated.
    • If you have a mental health condition alongside using substances.

    What A Stay At Rehab In Tendring Will Offer You?

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    A stay at rehab comes with lots of benefits. It might seem scary to start with as with anything you do that is new. This can be especially the case for a person who has relied on drink and drugs heavily. To imagine a life without the substance can feel extremely unsettling.

    What you stand to gain by going to rehab in Tendring:

    • Access to the best quality treatment available for addiction in the UK
    • A safe environment. You’re looked after by a team of professionals who ensure you feel safe in the rehab building as well as emotionally. In terms of detox, you’re also given any necessary medications to manage your withdrawal
    • Physical, psychological, alternative, and group treatments
    • Improved health as you cut out the substances and begin to focus on healing
    • Improved relationships as those who care about you see what you’re doing and you reconnect in more positive ways
    • The beginning of long-term change
    • The foundation to build a better and more positive future

    What Treatments Are On Offer?

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    There are various treatments at rehab clinics. What you’re given will depend on the substance you’re addicted to, the severity of your addiction, and what other personal circumstances you have. For instance, if you have a mental health problem too, you’ll require a tailored approach specific to your needs.

    The treatments on offer are:

    I’m Worried About What Happens After Rehab, Is There Aftercare?

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    It’s only natural for you to worry about your time after rehab. Many might worry about relapsing. First of all, relapse isn’t a failure. What’s important is what you do after a relapse. Second of all is that you need to trust in and follow the rehabilitative process that begins and is outlined in the rehab programme.

    Rehab supports millions of people throughout the world to gain and maintain a life of abstinence. It can do the same for you if you’re prepared to do what’s required.

    On leaving rehab, you’ll have an aftercare plan. This will have been discussed with you and the professional team. It will make clear what you need to do in life to stay focused on healing and recovery. It will include a relapse prevention plan. It’s likely that you’ll have some outpatient care and might attend local rehab groups. You’ll also begin to instigate changes in your life around hobbies and goals.

    How Long Would I Have To Stay If I Went To Rehab?

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    A stay at rehab is different according to the person. Some people require short-term stays, others need longer. As a rule, longer stays tend to be more effective. This is especially so for people who are at the start of their recovery and who have severe problems with substances.

    A stay can be anywhere from three days to eight weeks. In general, though, the most common length of stay is twenty-eight days.

    What Does OK Rehab Do To Support You?

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    OK Rehab supports hundreds of people throughout the UK to find the most suitable rehabilitation programme for their needs. We provide support and information on treatments and clinics, and also refer people to rehab.

    Whatever question you have, we’re here to help. We can also offer support around practicalities in accessing rehab should you need that.

    A referral through our team means we can get you a place at a rehab clinic within days where this is necessary. We understand that rehab usually needs to be accessed as soon as the motivation is there and as such, we aim to support people into rehab as quickly as possible.

    Contact the OK Rehab team now on 0800 326 5559 to find out more.


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