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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Upminster

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Upminster

    There are many paths that can lead to addiction. No matter how you got here, you are able to recover through rehabilitation.

    Though residential rehab can be scary for many individuals, it remains the most effective treatment for those battling addiction and could help you reach your recovery goals in no time. We have seen from our own experience, and years of helping other clients reach their recovery goals, that rehab is truly the best option if you are wishing to heal from your addiction in a safe and welcoming environment.

    It is our job here at OK Rehab to help you find the perfect treatment facility for you to do this in, which for you could be a local drug and alcohol rehab in Upminster. With our help and guidance, you could soon be living the substance-free life that you have been hoping for.

    To find out more about how your dreams can become a reality, contact us today on 0800 326 5559. You can also fill out our online form to receive a call back at a later date.

    You are not alone

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    You do not have to be alone in the fight against your addiction. OK Rehab can help.

    Many of our team members have experienced some form of addiction themselves in the past, so we know better than anyone what it takes to overcome this disorder, but also how isolating it can make you feel.

    This is why we now work harder than ever to ensure that everyone dealing with a drug or alcohol addiction finds the treatment that they need. Here at OK Rehab, we work around budgets, offer advice and information to loved ones of those battling addiction, provide support throughout the entirety of the recovery journey and even beyond, and make sure that every client we work with feels safe, comfortable, and motivated to succeed.

    It can be scary, but help from others, and help from OK Rehab, can mean all the difference when attempting to withdraw, so call us today on 0800 326 5559 to begin an enquiry.

    Preparations before rehabilitation

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    Entering rehab can be extremely daunting. You will face the anxieties of leaving your world behind, of facing the unknown in rehabilitation, of saying goodbye to family and friends, and of withdrawing from substances.

    Luckily, there are a few ways to prepare for your time in rehab, which is sure to ease some of these worries.

    To help alleviate some of the stress of leaving your normal life for rehab, try to lessen some of the distractions that could weigh on your mind during your recovery. This could be simple things like cleaning your home before you leave so you return to a tidy environment, or it could be more important tasks like paying bills in advance or arranging care for pets or children in your home.

    These little preparations make sure that your life does not fall to pieces in your absence, and it means you have a lot less to worry and think about while you are undergoing treatment.

    Another way to motivate your return is to ensure you have a job to go back to. This may not be a top priority for some people, but to some, a job can be a great distraction and can offer a sense of purpose and direction that can really help once you are home.

    Have a chat with your employer about your plans for rehab and recovery and enquire whether or not you will be able to return when you are ready. If possible, you can also help arrange cover for the workload you will be unable to fulfil.

    It is also a good idea to let friends family and other loved ones know about your rehabilitation. Having people on the outside to talk to or come visit can be another helpful distraction tool, and if they are supportive of your journey, family members can even join in with family therapy sessions.

    One of the main preparations you can make before rehab is very much internal. Rehabilitation is not easy, and it will require a lot of effort, dedication, and a will to succeed in order to offer the desired results.

    We suggest mentally preparing yourself for the long journey ahead of you and getting ready to participate – and perhaps sometimes get uncomfortable – in therapy and counselling.

    Being ready and prepared to share your stories and discuss sensitive topics can really improve your recovery journey and make therapy a little easier to experience.

    Relapse prevention after rehabilitation

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    Just as there are plenty of ways in which you can prepare for your rehabilitation in a drug and alcohol rehab in Upminster, there are also things you can do afterwards, that will ensure you stay on track.

    Though, of course, OK Rehab will always be available to offer a helping hand, the bulk of the responsibility to continue your recovery journey will fall to you during this adjustment period.

    To help you continue with the improvement you are sure to have made in rehab, we suggest taking a step back and examining your social group. Unfortunately, it is common that some people in your life will not be supportive of your withdrawal from substances, and may attempt to force you to use again, or will use around you with no regard for your recovery journey.

    If you find that someone you know could be detrimental to your health and recovery, it may be time to leave them behind. Take this opportunity to seek a more supportive circle of people, such as those that can be found in aftercare groups such as AA and NA.

    Try starting a new hobby, getting active with a sports team, or joining a club that you are interested in – all these are great ways to not only positively impact your mental health overall, but to also offer a necessary distraction and change from your old routines.

    By now you will know the various signs and symptoms of a relapse on its way. Part of your aftercare will include staying as vigilant as possible and always being on the lookout for these signs.

    If you do need our help once more, we are always only a phone call away and will be happy to assist you.


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