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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Mauritius

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Mauritius

    OK Rehab provides a wide array of rehabilitative services across Mauritius. Many are highly luxurious establishments and run a wide range of modern addiction treatment programmes for those who most need them.

    OK Rehab has a number of residential rehab centres across Mauritius for individuals who wish to undertake treatment abroad. Having access to these services allows us to provide for a wide range of clients, as we understand the different requirements that people may have when selecting a suitable treatment centre.

    This is important for a number of reasons. Some people want to completely remove themselves from the environment in which their addiction develops. Others require rehab for more personal or private reasons and so may want to be far away from people they may know.

    Whatever the reason, this is why  OK Rehab believes in providing a range of options for rehabilitation – not just in a range of treatment programmes, but also in location.

    Specialised rehabilitation centres in Mauritius are not available through the NHS and therefore must be paid for by the individual, however OK Rehab offers a range of different payment plans and budgeting options most suitable for each case.

    Whatever you choose, private rehab centres offer the best care available across different rehabilitation service providers, and they also provide the highest rate of success and lowest rate of relapse after leaving.

    Is Mauritius a suitable rehabilitation option for everyone?

    holding hands across table

    Going abroad for rehabilitation is seen as a glamorous option and is very inviting for many, however, it is not always the most suitable environment in which to provide care for those suffering from addiction.

    On the other hand, there are some individuals for which this will be the most suitable option.

    If you are looking for a high level of privacy and/or anonymity throughout rehab, then going abroad to a foreign country such as Mauritius is a highly viable option.

    No matter which rehabilitation centre you choose for your care, confidentiality is always of high concern, meaning that your time will be free from this stress.

    In addition, when attending rehab in Mauritius, you are more likely to be around people in a similar situation and/or with similar experiences. Because of the high cost of rehabilitative care abroad, other individuals staying at the centre will be high-paying individuals to reflect the quality of care.

    These individuals are also likely to be private clients, mainly due to the lack of this type of care available through the NHS.

    As mentioned previously, rehab centres in Mauritius are generally highly luxurious. This not only applies to the appearance and facilities, but also to the accommodation, treatments, and extracurricular activities available.

    Some centres host facilities such as spas, massage suites with trained masseuses, private gyms, and excursions around the coast and neighbouring islands. The inclusion of such extras makes the centre luxurious but also improves the general well-being of the mind and body.

    Cost of rehabilitation and centres in Mauritius

    This is not the most affordable option for rehabilitation, but your value for money will be unparalleled.

    For reference, the cost of rehab in Mauritius varies but is generally set at around £20,000+ per month. This is more expensive in the surrounding areas. For example, in Barbados, rehabilitation centres can charge upwards of £100,000+ per month.

    If this option sounds like the right path for you and your needs, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with our team today.

    Whether you are interested in being admitted to a rehab centre, or if you are simply enquiring further about something you have read on this webpage or on our site, then please do not hesitate to contact our team to ask any questions.

    Through OK Rehab, we are often able to offer discounts through our services rather than through the centre directly. Contact us today for more information.

    OK Rehab is committed to helping each individual case that contacts us. We understand that even though some cases may seem almost identical, it is always necessary to specifically tailor treatment programmes to each individual.

    To start your recovery journey, and to be admitted into a rehab centre in Mauritius, please call a member of our team on 0800 326 5559 today to being discussing your options and move forward with your addiction rehabilitation.



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