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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Prescot

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Prescot

    Finding the help you need for a drug and/or alcohol addiction is not as difficult as many people initially think.

    With just one call to OK Rehab, you could get instant access to the support and assistance you need through a variety of treatment programmes and services.

    Call a member of the OK Rehab team today for free confidential advice on 0800 326 5559 and find out how we can help you and your addiction.

    Addiction and its associated issues

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    For some individuals, understanding the difference between addiction and a simple situation of substance misuse can be difficult.

    There are some common features between the two issues, though it is necessary to be able to distinguish the two and understand the impacts that both can have on an individual’s lifestyle and quality of life.

    Along with this, it is also important to assess when a situation requires professional intervention and care. There is hardly ever a benefit in delaying this care, so beginning to research and assess the different rehabilitation options available is a must for those who believe that they are struggling with addiction.

    Recognising a drug and alcohol addiction in yourself or others


    In some cases, an addiction can develop slowly over a period of constant substance use. This does not necessarily mean heavy use but understanding when drug and alcohol consumption becomes too much can be difficult.

    Generally, OK Rehab lays out a few ‘base’ questions to help individuals assess their consumption of drugs and alcohol. Although these are not the most specific questions, they help to promote individuals to think about their potential substance abuse.

    Below are some examples of the questions you may ask yourself or others:

    • Do I need to take more and more of a substance to get the same effect?
    • Would it be difficult to stop taking these substances altogether?
    • Has taking this substance impacted your physical or mental well-being?
    • If you have tried to stop taking the substance, did you experience withdrawal symptoms consistently?
    • Is your substance use interfering with other areas of your life such as finances, relationships, or your career?

    If any of your answers to the above questions surprise you or make you begin to consider rehabilitation more seriously, then it is likely that drug and/or alcohol abuse is starting to impact your life in a serious way.

    Depending on the history of this problem i.e., the length and severity of the substance abuse, there could be a number of more serious factors that are also impacting your life. Seeking and researching different rehab options is therefore of the utmost importance.

    Overcoming and recovering from addiction


    When considering addiction treatment, the most important factor to consider is the relevance and appropriateness of the treatment. There is no use in partaking in treatments that are not suitable for your specific needs.

    For example, someone who wants to rehabilitate close to home would not benefit much from a rehab centre in a different country.

    Additionally, entering a waiting list or delaying treatment will also not be beneficial. Through other addiction treatment providers such as the NHS, care is often postponed by long waiting lists.

    With OK Rehab, addiction care can begin after just one initial telephone consultation.

    The advice we offer to most people who contact us is to begin researching and educating themselves on different rehabilitation options available to them.

    Whether this is taking a look at facilities offered by different rehab centres or reading about experiences in group therapy, OK Rehab is a firm believer in individuals understanding the process of addiction therapy as well as their addiction itself.

    Addiction treatment programmes in Prescot

    For those individuals who are ready to progress with addiction treatments and care, OK Rehab is ready to provide support in any way necessary.

    With our comprehensive referral programme, OK Rehab is in contact with leading addiction treatment providers including dedicated rehabilitation centres, counselling services, and treatment programmes to name a few.

    Most individuals opt to remain local when considering treatments for convenience or financial reasons. This is generally the most recommended and appropriate option, though it is not acceptable for every single case.

    Whatever your preferences, OK Rehab will take them into account when considering your addiction treatment programme. We never make decisions without your wellbeing in mind, and we constantly strive to match clients to service in the most optimal way possible.

    Modern addiction treatments

    two people sat on sofa with open laptop, laughing

    Most rehab centres and treatment programme providers offer the most modern and up-to-date treatments available.

    Due to the increasing statistics for the number of individuals affected by addiction in the UK, it is essential now more than ever that treatments offered to clients are at the forefront of addiction research.

    A more recent method of addiction care is the holistic approach. This refers to an addiction programme in which all elements of life affected by addiction are considered and treated accordingly.

    This may mean that centres offer standard treatments such as counselling and talking therapy alongside more modern therapies such as art and music therapy or yoga.

    Additionally, support will be provided to friends and family in the form of Family Drug Support classes as well as Relapse Risk Reduction workshops and treatments.

    Aftercare is also provided by most centres and programmes, but to learn more about any of the above programmes, please do not hesitate to call and ask OK Rehab on 0800 326 555.

    OK Rehab and how we can help you

    For those considering beginning their rehabilitation journey, OK Rehab is ready to provide support and advice for any situation.

    Our team is specifically trained to handle your queries in a confidential and professional manner, whilst still providing the best care, suggestions, and advice available.

    No matter if you’re interested in learning more about a specific type of therapy, or if you believe that you or someone you know needs to begin rehabilitative care, then it’s time to take action and make that first call to our team today.

    Contact us today on 0800 326 5559 for 24/7 support and guidance or check out our other webpages to find more information on a variety of different addiction and rehabilitation topics.



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