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Valium Rehab

    Valium Rehab

    Many people believe that Valium is safe and non-addictive, as this medication is regularly prescribed by doctors. However if the dosage is not properly monitored, the individual is obtaining multiple prescriptions or the Valium is purchased illegally from dealers then it is highly likely that addiction or dependency may develop. [1]

    Thankfully, it is possible to recover from a Valium addiction with the help of specialised treatment programmes and rehabilitation centres.

    What are the symptoms of a Valium addiction?

    Addiction to Valium can manifest in a range of physical, psychological, and behavioural symptoms, all of which can have a detrimental and even dangerous impact on an individual’s health and wellbeing.

    Physical symptoms of a Valium addiction include:

    • Lack of coordination
    • Slurring words
    • Drowsiness
    • Skin rashes
    • Blurred vision
    • Dizziness, loss of balance
    • Seizures
    • Irregular breathing
    • Irritability

    Psychological symptoms of a Valium addiction include:

    • Memory loss
    • Paranoia
    • Feeling agitated and aggressive
    • Trouble concentrating
    • Mood swings
    • Cravings

    Behavioural symptoms of a Valium addiction include:

    • Stealing from friends, family, school, or the workplace
    • Behaving in a dishonest and evasive manner
    • Displaying withdrawn and secretive behaviours
    • Denying the extent of the problem when confronted
    • Visiting multiple doctors to obtain extra prescriptions for Valium

    If you are concerned that you or someone you care about is suffering from a Valium addiction and is showing a number of the above symptoms, get in touch today. Our team can help to guide you in the right direction and assist you in choosing a treatment programme that suits your lifestyle.

    What are the long-term effects of a Valium addiction?

    While the short-term effects of a Valium addiction can be unpleasant and even dangerous, the long-term effects are often extremely detrimental and result in a number of physical and mental health problems.

    Long-term effects of a Valium addiction include:

    • Chronic sleep disturbances including insomnia and nightmares
    • Brain and nerve damage
    • Memory loss
    • Anxiety and depression
    • Increased risk of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s
    • Hallucinations
    • Strained relationships with friends, family, and colleagues
    • Lack of employment opportunities

    It is possible to recover from a Valium addiction, no matter how severe or long-lasting. The most effective method of recovery is a treatment programme within a specialised rehabilitation centre, which can be completed as an inpatient or an outpatient depending on your specific needs.

    Do I need to go to rehab for a Valium addiction?

    Although Valium can be prescribed by a doctor and is considered one of the safest forms of benzodiazepines available, it is still possible to develop an addiction to this medication that requires professional treatment and care.

    The warning signs of addiction are not always obvious to the affected individual, and it can be difficult to recognise that you have a problem until a crippling addiction has developed.

    If you can relate to some of the statements below, you may have a dependency or an addiction to Valium and should consider a medically assisted detoxification and rehabilitation programme.

    • I have attempted to reduce or completely stop my Valium intake but have been unable to do so
    • I feel as though I cannot function without Valium
    • I need to take Valium more frequently and/or increase my dosage regularly
    • I am having trouble at work, school or in my relationships due to my use of Valium
    • I will often choose to not attend social situations if I am unable to take Valium beforehand or during the event
    • I have little interest in hobbies that I once enjoyed
    • I find it difficult to imagine my life without Valium
    • I have experienced negative consequences directly related to my Valium intake but I continue to use it
    • It feels as though my life revolves around buying and using Valium
    • When I am unable to take as much Valium as I usually do, I begin to experience withdrawal symptoms

    How does Valium rehab work?

    1. Detoxification

    An effective treatment plan, whether inpatient or outpatient, will usually begin with complete detoxification. This process involves slowly tapering off the dosage of Valium, supplementing with additional prescribed medication if needed, until the body is completely cleansed of the substance. [2]

    Many people will experience withdrawal symptoms during this time, which is why it is recommended to detox from Valium in a medical setting.

    2. Counselling

    This is the psychological aspect of Valium rehabilitation, during which the individual will meet regularly with a trained and experienced therapist to discover healthier ways of dealing with difficult emotions and identifying the mindsets and behaviours surrounding the root cause of the addiction.

    This can involve a range of different therapy treatments including cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, group therapy, and family therapy.

    3. Aftercare

    In many cases, the most difficult aspect of Valium recovery comes after the treatment programme has ended. The individual must now resume their daily life and use the strategies learned during therapy to resist cravings and avoid potential triggers, even during times of stress.

    Before the treatment programme ends, you and your doctor will create an aftercare plan designed to guide you through the days, weeks, and months following rehabilitation. This can include NA meetings, continued therapy sessions and self-care rituals such as meditation and journaling.

    How to withdraw from Valium safely

    It is recommended that anyone attempting to reduce or completely stop their Valium intake should do so under the guidance of a trained medical professional, usually within a specialised treatment programme.

    As Valium is often prescribed to treat symptoms of anxiety, the cessation of this medication can often cause the initial anxiety symptoms to return within a fairly short period of time. Taking more Valium can quickly calm these unpleasant feelings, which is why many people find it difficult to successfully complete the withdrawal process when attempting to detox without medical guidance.

    As a result, it is not advised to stop taking Valium cold turkey due to the risk of relapse. Instead, the dosage should be gradually lowered over a period of time until eventually the individual is no longer ingesting this medication. This method can help to reduce some of the more severe withdrawal symptoms and a range of medications may also be prescribed to make the detoxification process more pleasant.

    What are the symptoms of Valium withdrawal?

    When an individual has a physical and/or psychological addiction to any substance, the reduction or complete cessation of this substance can result in a number of withdrawal symptoms as the body and brain attempt to rebalance and find a way to function without the medication or drug in their system. [3]

    Some of these symptoms can be life-threatening, which is why it is important to seek medical advice and guidance before attempting to withdraw from any addictive substance. Even when merely unpleasant, the emotions and feelings that stem from withdrawal often cause the individual to relapse as a way to avoid these uncomfortable sensations.

    Symptoms of Valium withdrawal include:

    • Flu-like symptoms including headaches, fever, and body chills
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Frequent tremors, particularly in the hands
    • Increased blood pressure
    • Changes in heart rate
    • Confusion
    • Seizures
    • Intense cravings for Valium
    • Anxiety and depression
    • Panic attacks
    • Intense mood swings

    How long does Valium withdrawal take?

    Recovering from physical dependence or addiction to Valium can be a long and difficult process, with the initial phase of recovery lasting for up to 90 days. This is due to the long-acting nature of this substance, and as a result, the first withdrawal symptoms may not begin to appear until up to a week after the last dosage.

    However, the most uncomfortable physical effects will often dissipate after the first four weeks. In severe cases of valium addiction, many individuals will experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) in which psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia may linger for months after the initial detoxification phase is complete.

    1. Medications for Valium withdrawal

    While the ‘tapering off’ method of withdrawal can be an effective method of detoxification when conducted under medical supervision, the resulting side effects can be unpleasant and difficult to deal with.

    As a result, there are a number of medications that can be prescribed in order to alleviate many of the more uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

    2. Melatonin

    A natural hormone produced by the body, melatonin can aid in recovery from a Valium addiction by reducing feelings of anxiety and inducing feelings of drowsiness and relaxation.

    3. Anticonvulsants

    One of the more severe withdrawal symptoms is the development of seizures, which can be life-threatening if not promptly treated. Anticonvulsant medication can prove helpful in this instance, reducing the severity and frequency of seizures and potentially preventing them from reoccurring.

    4. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

    As Valium is commonly prescribed to ease feelings of anxiety and depression, the return of these sensations is a common withdrawal symptom. SSRIs are a form of antidepressant that can help reduce anxiety and depression during the withdrawal process, potentially lowering the risk of relapse.

    5. Baclofen

    Intense cravings for Valium can make the withdrawal and recovery process feel unbearable. In these instances, Baclofen may be prescribed to reduce cravings and help the individual get through the detoxification phase more comfortably.







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