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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Angus

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Angus

    When it comes to drug and alcohol use, what starts as a ‘recreational’ habit can soon develop into a full-on addiction. When that happens, there is no telling the amount of damage that can eventually be brought upon that person’s health and well-being.

    Some people may be able to carry on for years drinking or using drugs problematically, perhaps even being able to function in their lives while doing so. However, sooner or later, addiction will take its toll, in one way or another. To prevent any serious damage from happening, you need to seek treatment for your problem as soon as possible.

    Ok Rehab was formed over 20 years ago to get people who need addiction help into rehab, and ultimately into recovery. We have successfully achieved this for thousands of people since then, and we can provide the same service for you.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559 to speak with one of our team of telephone advisors, who can start your consultation when you are ready.

    Please note that we only refer to private rehab clinics, so there will be a cost involved with your treatment. Once we have suggested a clinic, we can provide full transparency about the cost, and any ways that you might be able to fund your treatment.

    The various symptoms of addiction


    Many people around the country use alcohol or drugs infrequently and don’t believe that they have a problem with addiction. However, what starts as so-called ‘recreational’ use can soon develop into a dependency.

    So, what is the cut-off? Well, to provide some clarity, here are some of the behavioural signs to look out for when it comes to drug & alcohol addiction:

    • You often use all of your available money to buy drugs or alcohol
    • You have lied to conceal the level of your substance abuse from others
    • You have stolen from others or committed some type of crime so that you could use
    • Your using has negatively affected your relationships with your family and friends
    • You have lost jobs, career opportunities, or relationships, due to drug or alcohol use

    If any of these apply to you, it likely means that you are in active addiction. This is not something that you should be ashamed of, but it is something that needs to be addressed and treated.

    If you have noticed any of these behaviours in others, it may be time to stage an intervention. This is one of the things that we can provide detailed advice on when you call us. Some people consider it a drastic step, but sometimes it is the only way to get through to someone who is in addiction.

    How rehab helps with addiction

    A woman talking on a mobile phone and grinning

    Rehab provides an opportunity to go through every aspect of addiction treatment within the same secure facility.

    Under one roof, you can go through a detox under proper supervision, get therapy and education on addiction, and plan for your future once you leave. You will have access to care from a team of specialised professionals, who will take care of your mental and physical health as you recover. It also means that you can go through recovery in comfort, and have all your basic needs taken care of, while you focus on getting better.

    It is possible to access various forms of addiction treatment outside of rehab, but there is nowhere else that you can get everything taken care of in one coherent care package. All things considered, it’s not surprising that rehab has been constantly demonstrated to be the most effective method of treating drug and alcohol addiction.

    The benefit of getting treatment quickly

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    Addiction is a destructive cycle, and without treatment, the chances are that it will continue to get worse and worse as time goes on. For this reason, the sooner you can get into treatment, the better.

    At OK Rehab we refer to private clinics only. When going through private rehab, there are no waiting lists to worry about, and you can begin treatment within a few days at the most.

    If you were to go through public services, you might be waiting on a list for months before getting seen, and even then, you would likely not have much say in the type of facility where you receive treatment. We understand that not everyone can afford to attend private rehab, but those who can would be well advised to invest, considering the quick admission and higher standards of care.

    Our referral process

    A man in therapy

    We know that deciding to go to rehab is a big step, emotionally and psychologically. That’s why we want to ease your transition into your rehab clinic and help as much as we can with the practical arrangements.

    If you are interested in securing a place at rehab, all you need to do is call us on 0800 140 4690. When you are ready, you can begin your consultation with the OK Rehab team member on the other end of the phone.

    We will aim to find out more about your circumstances, such as your living arrangements and personal budget, as well as your needs and goals in terms of rehab. Once we come to know more about you, we can use our expertise to recommend the right clinic for you. If you’re happy to proceed, we can have you walk through the clinic doors within just a few days.

    Call OK Rehab today

    Two women talking and looking at a tablet

    We want to help you on your recovery journey in any way that we can. Referral to rehab is our main service, but we also provide free information about everything to do with rehab, addiction, and recovery.

    We can advise on practical matters, such as how to make rehab more affordable or explore finance options for treatment. We can also just provide a friendly ear if you want to share your addiction experience with someone in confidence.

    Whatever your needs, we’re just a phone call away. Call the OK Rehab team for free on 0800 326 5559 to get started.


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