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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Bosworth

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Bosworth

    Are you currently living in Bosworth? Are you tired of addiction ruling your life? Reach out to OK Rehab today for in-depth support and advice.

    You can contact us by calling 0800 326 5559 and speaking to a member of our team. Find out more about the benefits private rehab can provide to you.

    By remaining open during your search for rehab you will be able to receive handheld selections of the most suitable clinics. With rehab, suitability is key and can help you kickstart your recovery in the most effective way. Lots of people struggling with substance abuse issues fail to see the true value of investing in rehab and believe that recovery can be achieved by a short-term programme.

    Although many residential rehabilitation programmes span around 28 days, commitment and investment in treatment are required for the long term. After treatment, daily motivation is required to help you manage your newfound sobriety.

    With this in mind, before committing to a specific programme, we encourage you to reach out to our team. We can help to recommend the best programmes in Bosworth as well as the best clinics. With our experience, we can help to identify the most suitable treatment route for you, helping you to progress safely and healthily. Since the year 2000, we have advocated for inclusive and accessible care for all and will always continue to do so.

    The true dangers of drug and alcohol addiction


    If you are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, it is incredibly important that you seek help immediately. Addiction is a chronic illness that can cause a wide range of health and social problems within your life.

    If left untreated it can cause a wide range of health issues to occur including liver and kidney disease, heart conditions, cancer, and even death. It also can lead to an increase in strokes and overdosing.

    Psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia can all be triggered by prolonged substance abuse.

    Addiction doesn’t just affect the individual but their friends and family too. A person struggling with addiction can begin to show harmful behaviour to themselves and others which can be very concerning and worrying for loved ones to witness.

    Due to this, valuable relationships can begin to break. If an addiction remains untreated, it can destroy all aspects of your life.

    The benefits of a private rehabilitation programme

    A woman in therapy

    Many people don’t consider private rehabilitation when weighing up their options for treatment. They hold the belief that it is a severe, clinical space that costs far more than it is worth. Demands in addiction treatment have rapidly changed over the years meaning that treatment centres have adapted and changed for the better.

    Across the UK, there are lots of private rehab facilities that cater to a wide range of budgets and requirements. It is undeniable that investment is required but this investment is worthwhile and can benefit you greatly in the long term. Private rehab can offer a multitude of benefits, far greater than that from public treatment programmes.

    Private treatment includes:

    • Access to evidence-based, leading treatments: The types of treatment you engage in can determine your progress in rehab. By completing a combination of tailored programmes to help you heal physically and psychologically, you will be able to maintain progress at all times.
    • Consistent support: Residential treatment allows you to receive medical and emotional care 24 hours a day. The support of staff can help you especially during the detox period which many clients find challenging. Targeted care can help increase your chances of recovery indefinitely.
    • Luxury facilities: There are many private rehab facilities in the UK and abroad that offer high-quality treatment and luxury facilities. The amenities on offer range from saunas and swimming pools to equine therapy and acupuncture.
    • Support for mental health: Unfortunately, addiction is an illness that affects all aspects of your life. Private treatment will ensure that you receive support for both your physical and mental health. Dual diagnosis is the name given to treatment that provides support for addiction and mental health disorders. It can allow clients to confidently work through the problems they are facing with addiction specialists by their side.

    Life after rehab

    A young person with a therapist

    After you have completed a residential treatment programme, you will automatically be eligible for free aftercare. This is an extended form of treatment that helps you continue your rehabilitation efforts at home.

    Your chosen clinic will help you to develop a relapse prevention plan to avoid relapses. During this time, you will be invited to meetings with support staff as well as group therapy sessions with your peers.

    Community involvement will also be advised during the first twelve months of sobriety which may come in the form of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous sessions within the Bosworth area. Making use of a support network will be invaluable during this time and can help you to talk about current issues you are facing with a group of individuals who understand your situation.

    Find the best drug and alcohol rehab in Bosworth

    A family therapy session

    If you are struggling with addiction, the idea of recovery may seem far off. It is, however, important to remember that recovery is achievable, and the first step is to reach out to us.

    Avoiding the problem won’t make it disappear, by calling our team today you can begin to take the necessary steps to secure an admission date.

    You don’t have to go through any of this alone and many team members at OK Rehab have been in a similar position to you. Speaking from experience, we understand the challenges that present with addiction treatment, but we are here to help you.

    If you are ready to begin and invest in your future, contact OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559. Alternatively, you can email us at we can answer any queries or concerns you have about rehab and help to clear up any misconceptions. Let’s beat addiction together.


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