General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Dumbarton

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Dumbarton

    Are you a resident of the Dumbarton area who is looking for help with treating substance abuse? Or are you worried about someone close to you who is demonstrating signs of addiction?

    Either way, OK Rehab is here to help. Once you tell us a little more about your needs, we can recommend the most appropriate private rehab facility in your area, and get you referred there as quickly and easily as possible. We can also provide advice for anyone who is looking to stage an intervention for a loved one.

    If you are ready to get help, please call us freephone on 0800 326 5559. If now is not a good time to speak, feel free to have a read through some of our most frequently asked questions below.

    What does OK Rehab do, exactly?

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    We provide rehab placements at quality rehab facilities around the country, allowing our service users to get the best possible standard of addiction treatment. We refer only to private facilities, meaning that there are no waiting lists, and a person can start treatment within a couple of days of contacting us.

    We suggest your clinic based on a consultation that we have with you over the phone, in which we will find out more about your needs and personal circumstances. Aside from referrals, we also act as a resource for free information. If you want to ask anything about rehab, however specific or vague, we are here to help.

    We have provided these services since we set up in the year 2000, and have helped countless people get into rehab in that time.

    Why should I go to rehab?


    Simply put, rehab is more effective than any other addiction treatment. It combines every type of treatment, from detox to therapy, within the same facility, within the same timeframe.

    This level of convenience, combined with being in a dedicated, secure environment, makes rehab the best choice. If you were to write a list of all of the different treatments and therapies you will receive at rehab, and try to arrange them independently outside of rehab, it would be much more expensive, not to mention much more difficult to arrange.

    For anyone who is serious about getting help with their addiction, a course of treatment at a residential rehab clinic is always the way to go.

    What does detox at rehab involve?

    woman running in sunset

    Detox, although it can be a challenging process, is a necessary part of anyone’s rehab treatment. While you are at rehab, you will be able to undergo detox under the watch of a specialist team of clinicians, who can help you manage any discomfort or pain you might be experiencing.

    The approach will differ slightly, depending on which drugs you have been using, and the severity of your addiction and use. For example, someone who has been abusing opiates will be prone to severe withdrawal symptoms, which will have to be managed carefully by the team.

    This may include the use of a temporary medication such as Subutex. In some clinics, alcoholics may be offered a ‘wet’ detox, where they reduce their intake of alcohol over a number of days.

    This is one of the issues that can be discussed during your consultation. Whatever your needs are, and whatever substances you have been abusing, the team will be able to take good care of you and get you through detox safely.

    What other treatments can I expect at rehab?

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    Once your detox is over, you can move on to your treatment plan, which to a certain degree will be tailored to your needs. Your plan will include some combination of counselling, psychotherapy, group meetings, and educational classes and workshops.

    Through a combination of treatments, you will be able to explore the issues that underlie your addiction and be provided with healthy coping techniques and other psychological tools to utilise in the future. It is also likely that your treatment schedule will include some other complementary activities, such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, gardening, etc.

    Although these activities are not technically therapies, they will be beneficial to your recovery and your sense of well-being. Rehab is not just about introspection and intense therapy sessions – it is also important to let the body and soul heal from the trauma of addiction.

    Can I attend rehab as an outpatient?

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    Some people aren’t keen on the idea of going away from their homes for a month, so this is a question that we get asked quite a lot. It may be possible for you to attend rehab as an outpatient, but please be aware that this is only recommended in a small minority of cases.

    Basically, outpatient care is more suitable for a person whose addiction is on the less severe end of the spectrum, and who lives close to the clinic in question. On top of this, there are other factors to consider, like whether or not the patient has a toxic or abusive home life, or other stress factors at home which could affect their recovery.

    The vast majority of service users do not fulfil these criteria, which is why it is the norm to attend rehab as a residential inpatient. Doing so eliminates any complications of home life issues or travelling to the clinic, and it also means that you can recover in a quiet, safe, secure environment, away from the noise and stress of the modern world.

    Put substance abuse behind you for good

    We hope that you gained some valuable information from the FAQs above.

    If you are ready to accept that you have an addiction, and are willing to put in the necessary work to achieve recovery, you can reach out to us on 0800 326 5559 and speak with one of our trained operators.

    If you are happy to go ahead with treatment, we can have you in a top-class facility in the Dumbarton area within a few days. Recovery may feel a long way off, but within just a month, you could be walking out of rehab clean and sober, and ready to embrace a healthy new life.


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