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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Edmonton

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Edmonton

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Edmonton

    Much like the rest of the UK, Edmonton has its share of struggles with drug and alcohol addiction amongst the local population.

    If you’re affected by addiction, you are not alone and there is professional help out there for you, if you’re ready to commit to your recovery.

    We understand that it can be tough to ask for help with drug or alcohol addiction, however, it may help you to know that you will receive no judgment from us.

    Here, at OK Rehab, our team specialise in addiction and addiction treatments, with many of them in recovery themselves.

    Men talking during 1-1 therapy

    Making the decision to attempt to rehabilitate from a controlling illness like addiction shows tenacity and strength of character, and those with the motivation to succeed often achieve sustained recovery.

    If you’re wondering whether or not you should consider professional help, or how severe your addiction is, we can provide free advice and support.

    We also offer a referral service whereby we can source you a place at local rehab facilities from our network of partner rehab services in Edmonton, throughout Greater London and further across the length and breadth of the UK.

    All advice and our referral services are free of charge, and we’re available 24 hours a day to take your call.

    Get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Edmonton by calling us today on 0800 326 5559

    The importance of sourcing immediate help

    Two women talking at a table

    Once you’ve realised or admitted that you are struggling with addiction, the best option is to seek help immediately. Addiction is a progressive disease, so the longer you’re affected, the more intensive it will become.

    Aside from the problems addiction can cause in your daily life, such as job loss, damage to relationships and financial insecurity, your health will also become more negatively impacted over time.

    Addiction problems can result in long term physical and mental health issues, not to mention death, if not addressed in time.

    It also becomes harder to recover over time, as the chemicals associated with addiction change your brain signals to require continued substance use.

    At this point, you become less able to make healthy decisions and may lose the motivation to recover.

    If you’re considering NHS treatment for your addiction, then there are resources available in the Edmonton area.

    However, you should be aware that rehab places, particularly those for structured residential programmes, are very hard to access.

    Unfortunately major underfunding in the area of drug and alcohol rehabilitation means that waiting lists for this sort of service are very long.

    Often delaying your treatment for this length of time can be hugely detrimental to your health, as well as your ability and motivation to recover.

    Group therapy session

    Private residential drug and alcohol rehab facilities, however, rarely have waiting lists to navigate.

    Our team as OK Rehab are often able to begin your pre-admission assessment right away, and you can begin your programme very shortly after that.

    Many people are concerned about the cost of private rehab, however, when weighed against the cost of an addiction, they ultimately save money in the long term.

    There are also options available for a range of budgets and some clinics offer payment plans.

    You may also be covered for certain aspects of medical treatment if you have private medical insurance.

    Make sure that you get the help you need at the right time from a drug and alcohol rehab in Edmonton by giving us a call on 0800 326 5559

    Are there drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities available in Edmonton?

    Group Therapy session

    If you would prefer to recover locally, there are both NHS and private rehab options available in the Edmonton area and elsewhere in Enfield.

    Many people enjoy the convenience of recovering locally, which can also be beneficial when planning for aftercare services.

    If you would prefer the anonymity of recovering in another location, however, we are able to offer you access to our partner clinics and rehab centres in the wider London area and throughout the UK.

    When you are ready to consider recovery, we will take you through a short assessment to identify the nature and severity of your addiction problem.

    We can then make recommendations based on the information you provide, as to which type of treatment will be most beneficial to you, and find you a local or national provider.

    Make sure that attend the right drug and alcohol rehab in Edmonton by giving our team a call today on 0800 326 5559

    Outpatient vs residential rehab?

    A man in a one to one therapy session

    When it comes to making recommendations about your care, it’s important that we source the style of addiction recovery treatment that offers you the best opportunity to make a sustained recovery.

    It’s important to note, that, if you have a moderate to severe drug or alcohol addiction, or you’ve been struggling with addiction for a long time, we’re most likely to recommend residential rehab.

    Residential rehab consists of a structured and holistic approach to your addiction.

    It tackles the physical and psychological aspects of your condition in tandem, leading to recovery success that is maintainable in the long term.

    Family therapy

    The environment is geared towards your recovery, with a calming and safe environment, which allows you to focus purely on the programme.

    All of our private residential rehab providers are regulated by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) and offer top facilities, experienced specialist doctors and round-the-clock support.

    You have access to psychological therapy sessions and leisure activities, usually in a rural or semi-rural setting.

    Two men comforting another man in a group therapy session

    Those with emerging addictive behaviours may benefit from outpatient treatments, which are more widely available and generally offer greater flexibility.

    In order to benefit from this type of programme, however, you will need to have the level of self-control required to manage your own schedule, attend each appointment independently and maintain sobriety without any monitoring.

    For help choosing between outpatient or residential drug and alcohol rehab in Edmonton, give our team a call today on 0800 326 5559

    What are the benefits of recovering locally in Edmonton?

    A man in therapy

    There are a number of benefits to local recovery, both for residential and outpatient treatment, with convenience and lack of travel being the major incentives.

    A few other things to consider may be the lack of disruption to your daily life and the potential for your family to become more easily involved in your care.

    Many psychotherapy sessions include a family therapy option, as this helps to create a strong support system.

    You may also want family or friends to visit you in residential rehab, as you will be allocated visiting hours each week.

    Last of all, each rehab programme includes access to substantial aftercare services, which are easier to attend in your local area.

    Get the help you need from the right drug and alcohol rehab in Edmonton by talking to our experts today on 0800 326 5559

    Getting help today

    Holistic therapy

    Wherever you decide to recover, you’re making the right choice, and we’re here to help you find the treatments that you need.

    If you are concerned that you or a loved one may need professional addiction treatment, contact OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559.

    All calls are entirely free and confidential.


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