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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Fife

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Fife

    Drug and alcohol abuse is a huge social problem around the UK, particularly here in Scotland. There are many different reasons for this, with social and cultural factors playing a big part.

    Whatever the causes of addiction, if you have found yourself dependent upon any substance, it is time to reach out for professional help. We at OK Rehab can arrange treatment courses at top-quality private rehab clinics all over the country, including here in the Fife area.

    Once you have accepted that you need help, all you need to do is call us on 0800 326 5559, where you can speak to an advisor in complete confidence.

    In your own time, they will be able to talk you through a consultation, in order to find out what your circumstances and needs are in terms of recovery. From there, we can make a suggestion on an appropriate clinic within travelling distance of your home.

    The many benefits of rehab


    There are many standalone addiction treatments available out there, such as home detox and addiction support groups. However, if you really want a comprehensive treatment plan, which deals with everything from detox to therapy to future planning, then rehab is the right choice for you.

    You can think of rehab as a kind of ‘one-stop shop’ for addiction treatment, where everything is taken care of under one roof. You can go through a medically assisted detox and get therapy and treatment from some of the top professionals in the industry, all within a comfortable, secure environment.

    There is a huge advantage to having this respite from the stresses of your usual life while you recover and being among a small community of others who are healing as well. It is not surprising that rehab has been consistently proven to be the most effective method of treating drug and alcohol addiction over the years.

    How OK Rehab can help

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    Since we formed in the year 2000, the team at OK Rehab have helped thousands of people get through rehab and into recovery. We are able to use our industry-leading knowledge to recommend a rehab clinic that would be a good fit for you, once we have learned a bit more about you through our telephone consultation.

    We can also provide detailed information on anything you might want to know about rehab or the recovery process, including how to fit the cost of private rehab into your personal finances. Call us for free on 0800 326 5559 – even if you just want to find out more information, we are happy to help in any way that we can.

    Calling us does not obligate you to take up any kind of rehab placement, and all of our calls are handled with strict confidence.

    The importance of getting help quickly


    Anyone who has been in substance addiction knows that it is a destructive cycle which, in all likelihood, will only continue to get worse. This is one of the key reasons why it is so important to get professional help as soon as possible.

    Here at OK Rehab, we only refer to private rehab centres, which means that you won’t have to deal with any type of waiting list, as you would if you went through public services. This will mean that you can start your course of treatment quickly, usually within a couple of days.

    We understand that you may be concerned about the cost of private rehab, and this is totally understandable. However, when you consider the standard of treatment, care, and accommodation, it is very much an investment worth making.

    Detox and therapy at rehab

    A man reading in bed

    Detox is one of the first things that will need to be done once you arrive at rehab. This will be handled by a small team of clinicians, who will be able to help you through any physical or psychological difficulties that you may experience through withdrawal.

    This can be particularly severe for those withdrawing from opiates or heavy alcohol use. In some cases, detox may require the use of appropriate medications, which the staff will be qualified to prescribe.

    In any case, the detox team will be there for you from start to finish. Once this stage of recovery is over, you can then begin your treatment plan, which will comprise a number of different therapies, including counselling, group, and CBT.

    The treatment plan will be drawn up with you in mind and will take your needs into account. Your schedule will also include complementary activities, which might be things like yoga, meditation, or gardening.

    While these are not technically therapy, they are certainly helpful to your overall well-being. After all, recovery is about healing the body as much as the mind.

    Overcoming fears around recovery

    person leaning on ledge and looking out at lake

    As well as helping you through detox and therapy, the clinical staff at rehab will also be able to help you put together a relapse prevention plan, which will highlight some of the potential pitfalls that you may face, as well as suggest proactive steps that you can take.

    This will likely include going to some kind of ongoing group therapy meeting, such as Narcotics Anonymous, or getting individual counselling for the foreseeable future.

    It will also require you to reassess your personal relationships – for example, if someone you know is still in substance addiction, you may have to cut ties with that person, for the good of your own recovery.

    Although these decisions will not be easy to make, they are all suggested with your best interests at heart. Staying in recovery doesn’t just happen – you have to take a proactive part in the process.

    Reclaim your future today

    Rehab can help you to put the misery of substance abuse behind you, and begin a fulfilling new life in long-term recovery. We are here to make that process as straightforward as possible.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559 to speak with one of our advisors. All calls are free from UK landlines, and your call is treated with the strictest confidence.

    If now is not a good time to talk, for whatever reason, we can arrange to call you back at a more convenient time. If you are ready to commit to rehab, we can have you starting treatment within a matter of days.

    Please know that recovery is always possible, no matter how long you have been in addiction.


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