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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hackney

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hackney

    It can be really disheartening being committed to giving up drugs and alcohol and then within hours or a day or two have used the substance again. This cycle can lower self-confidence in one’s ability to overcome an addiction.

    If this is how you feel, it’s important to think about what the substance is doing to your mind and body. There are reasons that people find it hard to quit, many find it impossible. Trying to quit alone isn’t usually achievable.

    To make a future of recovery a reality, medication, therapy, new activities and new people to spend time with are essential. Recovery is a time when people come to understand themselves more as well as how the addiction is impacting their mind and body.

    Self-development begins when a person starts rehabilitation.

    This might seem an impossible idea to grasp, especially if you’ve been taking substances for many years. It can be hard to imagine a life without drugs and drink and contentment in life with healthy meaningful activities.

    If you’re struggling to imagine this or want information on rehab options in the Hackney area, call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559.

    How to overcome barriers to entering rehab

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    Sometimes the idea of going to rehab might not be attractive. To conquer the barriers you need to think about what they are and what your life will be like if you don’t give up.

    Initially, it’s vital to acknowledge the first barrier. That the reality of facing an addiction head-on is going to be a battle of courage.

    The challenge of quitting a substance is huge, yes, but consider the opposite: a life of drug and alcohol use. This lifestyle comes with a whole host of difficulties linked to the negative effects of using, such as increased mental health problems, destruction of relationships, and the increased likelihood of developing illnesses and diseases.

    Daily triggers that cause you to return to drinking and drugs might also be the issues that stop you from accessing rehab. The problem is, if you don’t learn to see triggers and manage them in an alternative way, you’ll always be ruled by them. Again this leads back to a life of ill health.

    Rehabilitation support can give you the tools to face triggers. When you start using these, they provide resilience and new patterns of behaviour. This makes every part of your life start to feel easier.

    Why it’s important to treat the causes of addiction

    Two people talking over coffee

    Another reason people aren’t usually able to quit alcohol or drugs on their own is that they don’t have the skills or knowledge to address the causes of their addiction.

    A person might know what their drug or alcohol is linked to, but understanding how to build a new perspective around the causes is impossible. Only through psychological treatments are people able to heal their minds and responses to events and other people.

    Addiction might be linked to certain causes, but it’s up to the person to learn new coping strategies. A psychotherapist or alternative therapist offers these new strategies.

    Therapy can be uncomfortable at times, but patients only have to share when they’re comfortable. It’s important to bear in mind, though, that being open and willing to have treatments is essential for healing to occur.

    I have other mental health problems, can I still go to rehab?

    person leaning on ledge and looking out at lake

    Yes. The professional teams at the private clinics OK Rehab refers to are specialists in treating people who have addictions as well as mental health problems. The two types of conditions actually go hand-in-hand much of the time.

    Recovery is best supported when residents are treated for both at the same time. This way more positive outcomes are achieved.

    Is there a rehab I can stay in, in Hackney?

    There are many rehab programmes in the Hackney area that you can access. People in the Hackney area will be offered either outpatient or inpatient services.

    The format will be decided by a number of factors including:

    • How severe your addiction is (how much you use and how often).
    • What your commitments are in daily life.
    • What budget do you have available.

    For people who have severe addictions or have serious mental health problems connected to the addiction, then a residential stay is the best option.

    Staying at a clinic in the Hackney area means that you’re also able to access therapies where you can invite family or close friends to join in. This is a brilliant option for people who have very strained relationships.

    How long does a person usually stay at rehab for?

    A man looking out of a window drinking tea

    A residential stay at rehab will last between a few days to a month. Due to how addiction works, it’s usually advised for people to stay as long as possible so that real treatment can take place.

    Immersive therapies and counselling have more successful outcomes when more time is put in.

    The majority of people will stay for around a month, especially if they’re suffering from a severe addiction. There are options for people to return to rehab months down the line if they’re really struggling or have relapsed and want a little additional input.

    These stays are usually shorter than a month.

    What will OK Rehab do to support you on the first step of recovery?

    Our team of advisors offers a variety of services. The aim of this is to make a really difficult moment in your recovery journey as easy as possible.

    This is a moment of your life that you need to be smooth and supported.

    When you call our team on 0800 326 5559, we’re able to offer the following:

    • Advice on substances and their effects.
    • Emotional support from an objective and compassionate stance.
    • Guidance on rehabilitation options in Hackney and throughout the UK.
    • A free pre-assessment to assess the level of your addiction and ascertain the most suitable treatments, rehab programmes, and clinics.
    • A referral and guaranteed quick admission to a private clinic.
    • Handling of practical arrangements leading up to your admission date to rehab.

    Call us today to take your first step towards recovery.


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