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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Holmfirth

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Holmfirth

    When you first began drinking or taking drugs, it’s likely to have looked a lot different to how you use them now. People usually try psychoactive substances with an experimental attitude.

    However, of all the people who experiment, there will be a group of those who go on to use it more regularly.

    When people use psychoactive substances often it can cause serious effects. Alcohol and drugs have a direct impact on how the brain functions.

    It forces the brain to release chemicals that make a person feel relaxed, happy, or pain-free. These feelings create a positive reaction – they feel good.

    An addiction exists when a person keeps returning to a substance to acquire these feelings. It reaches a point, though, where the person will keep returning to the substances even when the positive feelings have disappeared and negative impacts have taken hold.

    What makes a person return to a substance when the consequences are negative?

    group of people cheersing their drinks

    The reason a person will keep returning to a substance despite the negative consequences is because by this time the brain has been rewired to follow certain thoughts and behaviours. The body has also come to rely on the substance to function regularly because the organs adapt the way they work to accommodate them.

    This is dangerous because the body organs and systems need to do the jobs they’re made to do, but instead, they’re under the strain of toxin build-up.

    There are various ways you can support your body to be healthier even while you’re at the grips of addiction. It’s worth speaking with a professional about this.

    Call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 and we can point you in the right direction.

    What stops a person from seeking help when they have an addiction?

    A man looking out of a window drinking tea

    Addiction is a different type of illness to others. It’s not viewed the same way. This is down to societal misunderstanding and misinformation. Addiction is a disease that impacts the brain and body.

    However, people who don’t know much about it think that those with the problem have a choice as to whether they take the substance or not.

    This simply isn’t the case. Feeling as though you aren’t able to quit is a barrier to people seeking treatment. Low self-worth and a lack of self-belief is common in people who have addictions.

    These are personality traits that are addressed within the therapeutic context. Even if you’re unsure of your capacity to recover, it’s worth accessing treatment to try and work on your personal development and gain harm reduction techniques.

    Another reason people don’t access treatment is that feelings of guilt, shame, and embarrassment are apparent. This is because of the way society stigmatises addiction.

    It’s really important to keep in mind that the professionals at rehabilitation clinics are compassionate and aren’t permitted to share your information without your consent.

    If you attend a rehab programme and see someone you know, then they’re in the same position and that’s something you have in common. Not a source of embarrassment.

    People might not access rehab because they feel they want to quit on their own. This suggests that perhaps the person hasn’t been completely honest about the severity of the addiction.

    On the other hand, it could reveal that they don’t realise that, like other physical and mental health illnesses, addiction requires treatment.

    Finally, people might not access treatment because part of them still enjoys the substance or doesn’t know any other way of being. In this case, it’s beneficial to ask yourself what you stand to gain by continuing to use substances and what you stand to gain by quitting.

    The effects of long-term substance use

    A woman taking a white pill

    By continuing to drink alcohol and use drugs, the body is put under enormous strain. Although people start to feel the repercussions of this at different times due to individual differences, it’s inevitable that serious damage will begin to unravel.

    Those who have addictions commonly experience the following:

    Ultimately, through direct or indirect use, substances can cause death.

    What happens when you access rehab?

    Two women looking at an iPad and smiling

    When people enter a rehab centre for a stay they become sober. They’re offered treatments to support them to remain sober into the future. People leave rehab clinics substance-free and will have a twelve-month aftercare plan in place to support them going forward.

    On entering the clinic, staff hold a psychiatric assessment. This is so they’re able to understand what your lifestyle is like, what your goals are and what treatment requirements are needed.

    With this information, a tailored programme is constructed for you to follow.

    Initially, residents will undergo a detox. This is to ensure that people are clear-headed and safely substance-free.

    A detox usually lasts between seven and ten days for those with dependencies. Otherwise, they can take a shorter amount of time. Librium and Subutex might be prescribed if you’re experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms.

    After this, people will begin psychological healing through therapies. Addiction is rooted in memories, events, trauma, and the structure of the brain. This is why therapists and your willing participation and honesty are essential if a sustainable life of abstinence is to be achieved.

    Cognitive behavioural therapy, in particular, will be instrumental in supporting you to break habits by controlling your thought processes.

    Alternative therapies will provide a space for emotional healing. You’ll have access to art and music therapy, yoga, and mindfulness. This will offer a way of becoming in tune with yourself and finding inner peace.

    What should you do if you want to go to rehab in Holmfirth?

    To find the best rehab programme to suit your needs in the Holmfirth area, call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559. We can give you all the information you need.

    Our team can also secure you a place at rehab and support you up to your admission date.


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