General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Argyll

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Argyll

    Since setting up over 20 years ago, we at OK Rehab have been helping thousands of people get from addiction into treatment and recovery. Using our expert knowledge of the private rehab industry, we can arrange treatment at a clinic that best suits your needs.

    All we ask is that you are able to acknowledge your addiction, and are prepared to put in the necessary work to get into recovery. If you approach the process with that attitude, the staff at the clinic can help you with everything else.

    Call us freephone on 0800 326 5559 to speak with an advisor and begin your referral consultation. If you’re not ready to call us yet, have a read through some of our FAQs below.

    How does referral through OK Rehab work?

    One man with his hand on another's shoulder

    All rehab clinics are slightly different in how they operate, so we want to be sure that we suggest a rehab that is the right place for you. This is why we need to find out about your needs and personal circumstances before making a decision.

    To do this, we talk you through a personal consultation, once you call us on the number provided above. We will ask you some questions about how substance addiction has impacted you up to this point, what your goals for recovery are, and anything else that needs to be considered.

    Once we have a better understanding of what your situation is, we can suggest a clinic, and make referral as easy as possible. If you’re happy with the clinic that we suggest, you could be in there starting treatment within just a few days.

    What addictions can I get help with?

    A man turning away. The sky behind him is grey

    There are rehabs for all kinds of different issues, from gambling addictions to anxiety and other mental health conditions. Here at OK Rehab, we refer people to rehabs that provide treatment for drug and alcohol addictions.

    This includes alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis, opiates such as heroin, codeine, and morphine, and amphetamines such as speed or crystal meth

    . It doesn’t matter what the legality of the drug in question is, or how dangerous that drug is regarded to be – if your use of a substance has taken over your life, a course of treatment at rehab can help you with that.

    How can rehab help me to beat addiction?

    people hugging

    Rehab offers a style of treatment that is so thorough and comprehensive that it cannot be rivalled. It allows patients to go through every stage of recovery in the same facility, with expert professional help, as well as high standards of accommodation and other amenities.

    People who attend rehab will experience many different kinds of help, from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to stress management and group therapy.

    All of these different activities will be helpful in their own way, and the person will leave rehab with a much better understanding of addiction, and of themselves.

    Trying to arrange all of these different treatments away from rehab would be so complicated and stressful as to be almost impossible. All things considered, it is not hard to see why rehab is such a popular choice for addiction treatment, and why it is constantly proven to be effective in doing so.

    What are the advantages of attending private rehab?

    A man looking out of a window drinking tea

    Since it may be possible to pursue rehab treatment through public services, you may be wondering why someone would choose to opt for private treatment. First and foremost, private rehab generally provides a much higher standard of care and accommodation than you would find elsewhere.

    A person going through private rehab also has the bonus of not having to wait on any kind of waiting list, as you would almost definitely need to if you went through the NHS. It can take months, or even years, to get treatment this way.

    Getting into a private rehab means that you can start treatment quickly, usually within a day or two, and cut out the cycle of self-destruction that comes with chronic substance abuse. We completely understand that pricing is a concern, which is why we offer free advice on how to make rehab more affordable, among other practicalities.

    Can I get rehab treatment as an outpatient?

    This depends on whether you stay close to home for treatment or not. You have the option to go anywhere in the UK for treatment, and we are more than happy to help you with that.

    However, anyone who wants to pursue the idea of outpatient treatment will need to stay close to home, for obvious reasons. In any case, outpatient care is not recommended for most people.

    It is only really suitable for those whose addiction and substance abuse have been at a mild level, and who don’t have any complicating issues at home, such as a toxic environment or antisocial neighbours. This doesn’t apply to most people, so the majority attend rehab as inpatients.

    We can discuss during your phone consultation whether or not you are a suitable candidate for outpatient care.

    What is the cost and timeframe of private rehab?

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    Understandably, these are probably our two most frequently asked questions. In terms of cost, it is not possible to give an exact price for treatment without talking to you first.

    This is because every private rehab clinic has its own pricing, and we need to figure out which of them are within the range of your personal budget. When we have identified an appropriate rehab facility for you, we can provide advice on the finance issue, and how to make your treatment more affordable.

    As for the timeframe question, most people take about 28 days to complete rehab. However, it can end up being slightly longer, often due to detox taking longer than usual for some service users. From the day you arrive at rehab to your release, it shouldn’t take much longer than a month.

    Get help in Argyll today

    We hope that the information above gave you a better understanding of what we do, and how rehab can help people with drug and alcohol addictions.

    If you’re ready to start rehab, we can get you into a top clinic in Argyll or any of the surrounding areas within a matter of days.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559 to start your confidential assessment, or to ask any other questions that you have about rehab.

    Reaching out for help can be a hard thing to do, but it is nowhere near as hard as spending the rest of your life in active addiction. Get in touch today and invest in a better future for yourself.


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