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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Lambeth

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Lambeth

    When thinking about rehabilitation services, it’s worth finding out the facts for yourself. Through doing online research and speaking with reliable people who understand what’s available you get the most useful information.

    In Lambeth and in the London area, there are many treatment options available to you. Since the development of addiction services and especially in more recent years, treatments have advanced, and you deserve the best to suit your recovery goals.

    It’s really worthwhile asking yourself what you want to gain by accessing rehab services. What are your future goals in relation to your drug and alcohol use? Do you want harm reduction advice? Or are you looking for deep input in order to create a healthy lifestyle? Is abstinence your goal? Is rebuilding relationships and identifying meaningful goals important to you?

    Whatever your aims, it’s useful to speak to people who have up-to-date information about addiction and treatments. It’s likely that you’ve had lots of people try and tell you what you should and shouldn’t do about your addiction. Before you make decisions, it’s useful to speak with advisors who are impartial while being understanding.

    To get the most reliable information on what services are offered in the Lambeth area, call the OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559.

    How did you end up with an addiction?

    group of people cheersing their drinks

    Many people throughout the UK ask themselves this question. It can be a very overwhelming moment. People often report feelings of shame, guilt, and embarrassment. Some feel frustrated and angry.

    There are many reasons that addictions develop and your problem won’t have occurred because of one specific cause. That’s rarely ever the case.

    Usually, there are the influences of personality, genetics, the social and familial, traumatic experiences, that create the conditions for an addiction to arise.

    It’s very common for people to need treatment for more than an addiction to a psychoactive substance when they enter rehab services. Often, people will also be living with mental health issues, other behavioural problems (such as gambling addiction), and eating disorders.

    Humans are complex and life can be very tough. There’s often a complex weave of psychology and behaviours that interweave with addiction.

    It’s therefore critical that people seek rehab services which offer a fully comprehensive approach to treatment. Private clinics in the Lambeth area offer the most successful treatments in terms of recovery outcomes.

    The way you think makes all the difference

    two people talking

    When you reach the point of deciding you need rehab services, this is a huge step. This, however, isn’t enough on its own. Along with actually seeking out a clinic, you need to participate in what’s offered. But the most important thing?

    Your mindset. How your healing path unravels is incredibly dependent on how you approach each day. It’s imperative that you start to think in a different way. One where, even when you think it’s impossible, you tell yourself that you are quitting and that you are doing everything it takes.

    Within the therapeutic setting and by connecting with others who are a positive influence, you will start to cultivate certain traits that will really help you, such as honesty, determination, resilience, and self-confidence.

    The longer you stay committed to participating in treatments and achieving sobriety, the more these traits will develop.

    Rehab clinics in Lambeth and what they offer

    Addiction affects a person’s health as well as their psychology and thereafter it impacts their social and quite often financial life.

    Usually, residents will require support in all areas to recover. That’s why there are doctors, therapists, alternative therapies, and drug and alcohol support workers.

    This way all your needs are covered. Whatever it is you might be concerned about, there is a member of staff to help. All you’ll need to do is choose someone to open up to first.

    Physical treatments

    Your body will have undergone serious damage from drink and drugs. They’re poisonous substances in respect to what they do to your health.

    When you enter rehab, you’ll first start the detox stage of treatment. This is essential for everyone.

    It’s the time period where your body is cleansed of the substance and you’re looked after by the medical team. Where necessary, you’ll be offered medications to manage any painful or psychotic episodes.

    Psychological treatments

    There are some really brilliant psychological therapies which underpin the recovery of millions of people throughout the world. These are on offer at rehabs in Lambeth.

    Psychotherapists work with you to start rewiring the brain through thought. When you change your thought processes, you’re empowered to change your behaviours.

    Alternative therapies

    These are special treatments where people learn to become grounded and feel peace within themselves. Finding a place of inner solitude is encouraged in order to equip you to be able to find that same place in the future.

    Within these therapies, you will explore various new activities that many people choose to keep doing after they leave rehab. You might also find it easier to share and express in some of these settings.

    Group work

    Many people think of 12 Step groups immediately when thinking of drug and alcohol addiction. This is because of the popularity of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

    The 12 Step structure was adopted from AA and is now used in other groups to support people with other addictions too. The reason it’s so popular is because it’s supported millions from the early 1900s to maintain a sober lifestyle.

    As well as 12 Step groups, there are SMART recovery groups, as well as art and music therapy groups.

    Get help from OK Rehab now

    If you call 0800 326 5559 you’ll reach the OK Rehab team. We are here to explain what rehabilitation services there are in Lambeth (as well as further afield if you’re interested in alternatives).

    With your consent, we can hold a free pre-assessment and then match you to the most suitable rehab clinic to suit your goals. Following this, we’re able to refer you to the clinic and liaise with the centre and you up to your admission date.

    Call us now to take the next step towards recovery.


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