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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Makerfield

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Makerfield

    OK Rehab is a specialist rehab service that provides referrals to high-quality private rehab clinics around the United Kingdom. All of the clinics we refer to are approved by the UK Government’s Care Quality Commission, ensuring high standards of care and accommodation.

    If you would like to get addiction treatment at a rehab clinic near you, please call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Once we have a better understanding of your needs, we will be able to recommend an approved rehab clinic that is suitable for you. All calls are held in strict confidence, and free to call from any UK landline.

    How to know if you have an addiction

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    Collectively, there a millions of people in the UK who regularly use drugs or drink alcohol. It’s a big part of the nightlife culture, which in turn is a big part of life in every major city.

    Most of those people will not end up developing a full-blown addiction, but some will, so how can you tell hen ‘recreational’ use has become a dependence? Well, it usually shows through in a person’s behaviour, and the lifestyle choices they are making.

    You should seek help if any of the following apply to you:

    • You have missed work commitments or missed out on career opportunities due to your substance abuse
    • Your personal relationships have suffered as a result of you abusing drugs or alcohol
    • You spend most or all of your money on drugs or alcohol
    • You cannot go a day, or even a few hours, without using, or thinking about using
    • Your mental and/or physical health have suffered considerably as a result of your substance abuse

    If any of the bullet points above apply to you, it is very likely that you have fallen into substance addiction. This is not something that you should be ashamed of, as it can happen to anyone. However, it is important that you now take responsibility and reach out for help with your substance abuse problem.

    The best treatment for drug or alcohol addiction is rehab, and if you are looking for an appropriate clinic near you, we at OK Rehab can help you.

    How OK Rehab can help

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    At OK Rehab, we provide a referral service for anyone looking to get into a top-quality private rehab facility in the UK. We have been providing this service for over 20 years now, and have helped countless people get their lives back on track through treatment.

    We start this process by talking you through a brief telephone consultation, the goal of which is to find out a little more about your needs and your current situation. Once we get to know you a bit better, we can use our expertise to make a recommendation on a location for your care.

    If you’re satisfied with our suggestion, we can get you in the clinic, and begin treatment, within just a few days.

    We are also a vital source of information for anyone who wants to know more about addiction, recovery, or the ins and outs of rehab treatment. If you call us on 0800 326 5559, you will get through to one of our team, who are trained, empathetic, and discreet.

    They will be able to answer whatever questions you have, whether they are vague or highly specific. We understand that addiction and mental health are sadly still taboo subjects for many, so we handle all of our calls in strict confidence.

    We can also arrange a callback at a more suitable time if you would prefer.

    What to expect from rehab

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    If you are still using when you arrive at rehab, which is the case for the vast majority of patients, then the first thing on your schedule will be a medically supervised detox. Whatever substance you have been abusing, you will be able to get through detox in a safe and proper manner, with assistance from specialist professionals.

    Should you experience any unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, which is highly likely, the team will be able to help you through the pain and discomfort in a manner that does not disrupt your recovery. In some cases, this might involve the use of medications like Subutex, which is often used to manage heroin withdrawal.

    Overall, detox should take about 10 days, and then you will be able to move on to the next phase of treatment – therapy.

    Your rehab therapy plan will be put together by the mental health professionals on-site, who will take your personal needs into account when considering your care. It will include a fairly wide array of treatments, possibly including CBT, DBT, psychotherapy, and counselling.

    The idea is to get to the root of whatever underlying issues you have, so that you lessen the risk of turning to substance abuse again in the future. There will also be group therapy sessions with the other members of the recovering community.

    These sessions can provide a great outlet for sharing your own thoughts, as well as learning from the perspectives and life experiences of others in the group.

    The final phase of treatment at rehab will involve preparing for a successful transition back into the wider world, and for staying in recovery long-term. This will involve putting together a relapse prevention strategy, with help from the mental health staff at the clinic.

    By this stage of treatment, you will have learned a great deal about your own triggers and addiction factors, as well as having the coping mechanisms to deal with cravings and other distressing feelings. The aim is to put that new knowledge into action once you leave, and stick to a plan going forward.

    Part of this plan will probably involve going to regular therapy sessions for the foreseeable future, whether this is with groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, or with a counsellor.

    Your prevention plan will also present you with some choices on how to conduct your life in a way that prioritises your ongoing recovery. For example, you may have to cut ties with all of your old friends who are still abusing drugs or alcohol, for the sake of your own sobriety.

    You may need to stay away from certain spaces wherever possible, such as pubs, bars, or casinos. Although restructuring your social life may be a difficult adjustment, it is important to remember how far you have come, and that your recovery and wellbeing is the top priority.

    Staying in recovery for the long term is not easy – it requires proactive participation, and consistently making the right choices.

    Getting addiction treatment as an outpatient

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    We know that the prospect of going away to rehab for a month might be a daunting one, for a number of different reasons. One of those reasons might be that you don’t want to leave your regular life on hold for that long, or you think that your dependents might not be able to cope without you.

    This is a common concern, and because of this, we often get asked whether it is possible to attend rehab as an outpatient and remain at home during the treatment programme. The short answer is that yes, this is possible. However, whether you will be eligible for outpatient treatment or not will depend entirely on your own circumstances

    Outpatient care is only really suitable for those who live close the to clinic in question, and whose substance abuse problems are on the mild end of the addiction spectrum. Anyone who has been abusing drug heavily and/or for a longer period of time would not be eligible, as great efforts will need to go into their detox and recovery.

    Another consideration is how stable or unstable your home life is. If, for example, you are living with a toxic partner, or you have issues such as antisocial neighbours, outpatient care would not be appropriate.

    This is because these stress factors can easily interfere with a person’s recovery plan. These are all issues that we can discuss over the phone during your initial consultation.

    Call OK Rehab for addiction help

    We hope the information above was helpful, and that you now have a better idea of what rehab looks like, and how we can help you get there.

    To start your recovery story, call OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559.

    After we conclude our consultation, we could have you in a great clinic within a matter of days, with no need for waiting lists or priority assessments. As experts in addiction and recovery, we know all too well how hopeless a substance addiction can make a person feel.

    Please be assured, however severe your addiction has been, and however long you have been in addiction, there is always a way out through proper treatment at rehab.


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