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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Margate

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Margate

    It’s massively common for people with drug and alcohol problems to have an event or date in mind for when they’re going to stop using. This could be linked to wanting the final “blowout” or the final few months of “guilt-free” use.

    Is this a situation you’ve been in? If you have an addiction, you might have been in this space and the date might have passed and yet you’re still drinking and taking drugs. You might have set another date in mind as to when you’ll stop, or maybe a big festival or party is coming up and you just want to go to that final event.

    Ask yourself, though, haven’t you already been to lots of these events? Do they ever change? The truth is, you know what to expect. That lifestyle never changes and neither will you if you repeat the same behaviours.

    For healing to occur, a new frame of mind is essential. It can be really difficult to build one of these, though. It’s practically impossible trying to do this alone or by spending time with the same people whom you drink and do drugs with.

    The reality is that for your recovery to begin and be successful, you need to talk with and meet new people. You need connections that will bring you meaning and value in life through doing new activities that aren’t related to substances.

    Knowing where to begin can feel daunting. OK, Rehab can provide you with a pair of ears for you to say everything that’s on your mind: the good, the bad, and also the things that perhaps you’d rather hide.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559 to share your feelings about your addiction and seek advice on how to recover.

    What Are The Initial Moves You Can Make Towards Healing?

    A woman talking on the phone with a ring on her hand

    Well, landing on this webpage is probably the third step, so you’re already doing well. What are the previous two steps?

    The first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem with drugs or alcohol. Millions of people throughout the world live in denial of their issues. Being honest with yourself and others is the first step.

    What comes second? This is interesting. Lots of people will be able to admit they have a problem, but then when this happens a new challenge arises other than the addiction itself and that is: what to do about the addiction? The second step, therefore, is deciding whether or not to seek support. Even when a person decides they want support to recover, actually seeking it can take a long time to happen.

    So leaping and seeking support is the third step. This is a huge moment. It’s a big step.

    Whatever happens next on your recovery path, remember that you have reached this point and why. It’s really useful to keep in mind what makes you want to recover.

    Ask yourself: what makes you want to quit drinking and drugs?

    With this in mind, you then begin searching for the most appropriate drug and alcohol services to treat you and your addiction. Finding the right clinic for you can be a task, especially when you already have the internal battle that arises through wanting to quit but being addicted. To make this moment easier for you, OK Rehab exists.

    Our team can guide you through the rehabilitation services in Margate as well as in other areas in the UK. We’re able to match you to the most appropriate treatment programme that will offer the highest chances of recovery for your particular needs.

    What Other Issues Can Be Treated At Private Rehab Clinics?

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    Before we consider this, it’s important to understand that OK Rehab can advise you about both your local free NHS options as well as your private options. We have a working knowledge of both types of services and what they offer.

    One of the most beneficial aspects of private rehab clinics is that they allow for people who have a range of comorbid conditions, or dual diagnosis. This is where more than one issue exists at a time. At a private clinic, people can be treated for a substance addiction alongside the following:

    It’s common for more than “just” an addiction to exist. Clinicians and therapists at private clinics completely understand this and offer treatments with the outlook that treating conditions alongside each other results in the most positive outcomes. This is what your foundation for change can be built on.

    Before Beginning A Rehab Programme, Consider Your Aims


    Addiction isn’t an easy illness to overcome. It’s a disease and as such it’s incredibly taxing on the mind and body and related health and wellbeing.

    To be successful in recovery for a person who has an addiction, it takes honesty with oneself. This means accepting that recovery usually means abstinence for the vast majority of your position. The reality is that addiction by its very excessive nature isn’t manageable unless it’s ruled out of your life.

    What this means is that monumental changes will need to happen in your life to facilitate this. Your lifestyle and habits need to change for you to be able to. This includes stopping old habits and starting new hobbies, cutting ties with old friends and making new ones.

    All this can be discussed with drug and alcohol workers, counsellors, and peer support groups. These settings provide a safe space for sharing where you’ll discover a network of support for your recovery. This is also the environment where you’ll make new connections and develop new hobbies.

    How Rehab Will Facilitate Your Recovery

    Three people writing at a table

    Entering rehab as an inpatient or outpatient will mean you get access to treatments for your physical, psychological, emotional, and social well-being.

    Through these treatments you will learn where your addiction came from, what maintains it, and what you need to do to overcome it and change your future for the better.

    To find out all you need to know about rehab options in Margate call the OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559.


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