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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Retford

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Retford

    It’s a special moment when you come to the point of deciding that you need to go to rehab. It often comes with a bag of mixed emotions. What’s important to remember, though, is that at the centre of it all, you’ve decided you want to return to better health.

    The repercussions of addiction are huge and deeply felt. Not only by the person living with the disease but also by all the people around them who are emotionally invested in the person. It’s usual to reach the point where enough is enough.

    This is the moment where knowing what your rehabilitation options are is important. An online search quickly reveals that you have a lot of decisions to make. For many, this is overwhelming. As if facing cravings and the awareness of the challenge you’re about to begin isn’t enough, now there are other things to think about too.

    OK Rehab is a team of specialist call handlers who support people throughout Britain to access rehab. You can call us on 0800 326 5559.

    A conversation with us means you get all the information you need about rehab options in the Retford area as well as in other locations.

    Can I Be Treated For The Substance That I Have A Problem With?


    There are trends in any place that you go for particular substances to be popular amongst its inhabitants. This is the case for towns in the UK as well as on a global scale. Availability and supply impact this.

    In the Retford area, the psychoactive substances that are commonly treated for on rehab programmes include:

    If you have a problem with a substance that isn’t listed, there will be local options. It’s advisable to call the OK Rehab team for further advice.

    What Else Can I Be Treated For On A Rehabilitation Programme?

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    Many people who enter rehab also have issues in other areas too. It’s very usual that where an addiction exists, a mental health problem exists too. People will be diagnosed as having a dual diagnosis in this case.

    Healthcare professionals in the private setting work to support people living with the two issues. The importance of being treated for both alongside each other is recognised and addressed.

    Mental health problems that are treated at rehab clinic include:

    As well as mental health issues, residents who stay at a clinic for some time might also have behavioural addictions.

    The most common which can be treated for include:

    How Do Professionals Support You To Recover From Addiction?


    There are many treatments on offer at rehabilitation centres in the Retford area. It’s imperative in the case of a moderate to severe addiction and also dependency that you access a residential stay. This is the best way to rehabilitate and kick-start recovery.

    The staff at a rehab clinic are made up of people with different professional expertise. It’s important that you’re supported in all aspects where the addiction and related issues have taken hold.

    At rehab, you’re supported in the following areas:

    • Through detox: This is to ensure that your body is physically supported to begin healing. You need to go through a phase where the substances and toxins are eliminated from your body. For some people, detox can be dangerous. Where a dependency exists this is especially so. At rehab, there is an onsite clinical team to ensure that you’re safe and looked after at all times. Where withdrawal symptoms become dangerous, medications are prescribed.
    • With psychological therapies: A psychoactive substance directly impacts how the brain works. When a person uses alcohol and drugs for a long time, they physically change the structure of the brain and how they think, feel, and behave. This is why it’s essential that you’re supported by doctors who treat the mind. Psychotherapists offer a wide range of talking therapies where you begin to understand addiction from a new point of view. You will also begin learning how to change your thoughts and this is where the key to behavioural change lies.
    • With alternative therapies: As well as physical and mental treatments, you need a holistic approach that addresses the more “spiritual” side of what it means to be human and have an addiction. It’s critical for you to become comfortable in the space of your own body. Relaxing activities such as yoga, reiki, acupuncture, mindfulness, and equine therapy are key fixtures to enable your healing from an alternative perspective.
    • Through one-to-one and group sessions: It’s really important that you’re given quality time through one-to-ones with professionals to begin deep self-reflection and healing. However, another key pillar to recovery is positive human connection. Peer groups are really important as they offer a space where you draw strength from others who are living through a similar challenge to you. This offers alternative tips and ideas to aid your recovery.

    I Don’t Know If I Have Time For Rehab, Are There Other Options?

    Two women talking and looking at a tablet

    Whatever your circumstances, there are rehabilitation options to suit. However, one of the most essential aspects of recovery is being honest with yourself. You have to seriously ask yourself whether you’re willing to do what it takes to overcome the addiction. The reality is that addiction isn’t easy to defeat and the highest recovery rates exist through a residential stay at rehab.

    There are, though, outpatient services. These tend to be more suited to people who have mild substance issues or who have already stayed as a resident and require light input after they have returned home.

    It’s worth having a conversation about this with the OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559.

    When you call us, an advisor will have a discussion with you about your circumstances, the severity of the addiction and what treatment options you have in Retford. With your consent, we can then support you to enter rehab.


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