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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Runnymede

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Runnymede

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Runnymede

    Due to an increase in substance abuse throughout the UK, there is greater demand on the NHS services to deal with helping people cope with the effects of addiction.

    NHS rehabilitation services are also squeezed incredibly tight. If you are considering undergoing rehab through the NHS, it is likely that you will experience long waiting times.

    As you are waiting for an NHS rehab spot to become available, your addiction may become worse.

    For this reason, there is an increasing demand for private rehabilitation services.

    Deciding to go through rehab as a private patient can increase your chances at obtaining sobriety and can ensure you get the help you need sooner rather than later so that your addiction doesn’t progress while you are awaiting treatment.

    Are you ready for drug and alcohol rehab in Runnymede?

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    Have you become withdrawn from friends and family in order to hide your addiction?

    Do you spend lots of time and money on your substance of choice?

    Do you continue to use the substance despite the negative effects it is having on your life?

    If you are struggling with drug and alcohol abuse and have found yourself browsing our website, the chances are that you are considering seeking help for your addiction.

    At OK Rehab, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    To find out more about rehab in Runnymede, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

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    Whether you are concerned for your mental and/or physical health, are trying to mend broken relationships, or are simply tired of the path that your life is on – there is no wrong reason for trying to become clean and sober.

    However, even though your intentions may be good, it is important to remember that rehab can be a long and difficult process, and you need to be committed to seeing it through to the end.

    During certain stages of rehab, your brain will be sending signals that it needs the substance in order to feel good again.

    If you are going through rehab as an outpatient, you will need to have the self-control and determination to understand that this is just a phase of the recovery process and that you will get through it.

    If you do reach out for the substance to help you through, you will have the begin the process all over again.

    What are the benefits of drug and alcohol rehab in Runnymede?

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    Many people will initially seek out free treatment to see if it helps. This is understandable because people don’t usually know what rehab consists of or how difficult it is going to be and so would rather not spend the money if they don’t know what they will get out of it.

    It is also often the case that people struggling with addiction have spend large amounts of money acquiring the substance and in many cases are also struggling with financial difficulties.

    However, as previously stated, free treatments are incredibly stretched, and you will be waiting quite some time for a referral.

    Also, the NHS does not have the resources to offer a completely comprehensive treatment program.

    A private rehab program can offer a tailored approach to your treatment by carrying out an initial assessment to determine your specific needs.

    From there, you will be referred for treatments that will benefit you the most and you won’t have to wait months to begin to treatment.

    At OK Rehab, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    To find out more about rehab in Runnymede, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    An older woman in a treatment centre

    Most private drug and alcohol rehab facilities can tailor their treatments to suit many budgets, with many offering payment plans so you can spread the cost.

    The benefits from choosing private treatment include:

    • A personalised treatment plan
    • Immediate treatment
    • 24/7 support from addiction specialists
    • Diagnosis and treatment for co-occurring health issues
    • The option to choose between outpatient and inpatient rehab services
    • Learning coping strategies for when you leave the program
    • Relapse prevention
    • A tailored aftercare plan
    • Support for your family members, such as family therapy
    • Access to a range of therapies, including alternative therapies to promote mindfulness

    Through a private rehabilitation program, your addiction will not be the only thing that is treated.

    Instead, a personalised treatment plan will ensure that your mind and body are treated so you have the best chances at obtaining and maintaining sobriety.

    Physical and psychological detox

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    The first stage in any rehabilitation program is detox. This is when the substance that you are addicted to is eliminated from the body.

    This is an important step towards recovery however, it is also the most difficult part of recovery.

    A physical detox will bring with it several nasty side effects and you will likely find yourself suffering from extreme fatigue, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhoea, and, in extreme cases, delirium tremens.

    While this may be a scary and unpleasant time, these symptoms are a sign that the amounts of the substance in your system are decreasing.

    And with the right care and treatment, you can get through this stage in a relatively short time.

    Once the physical detox stage is complete, you can move on to a psychological detox in which you will attend therapy sessions such as cognitive behavioural therapy to train your mind to think differently about the substance.

    Other therapies that you will likely encounter during your time in private rehab include family therapy, art therapy or music therapy and group therapy.

    At OK Rehab, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    To find out more about rehab in Runnymede, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.

    How do I find the right drug and alcohol rehab in Runnymede?

    Men talking during 1-1 therapy

    Finding the right drug and alcohol treatment facility can seem daunting because of the vast amount of information available.

    It is understandable to become overwhelmed by all the information and become tempted to use that as an excuse not to continue your search for treatment.

    Here at OK Rehab, we take away that stress and do all of the hard work for you. We will carry out an assessment of your needs and ask you some questions to determine your personal circumstances and budget.

    Armed with this information, we can recommend a personalised treatment plan or inpatient rehab facility that would benefit you.

    All that is standing between you and recovery is a simple phone call.

    Get help today

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    If you have browsed our website and still have concerns or questions, our team of addiction experts at OK Rehab are waiting to take your call.

    We can offer advice, recommend drug and alcohol rehab in Runnymede, or simply just lend a sympathetic ear if you are feeling alone.

    Call us today to get started on your journey to recovery.

    At OK Rehab, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    To find out more about rehab in Runnymede, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 326 5559.


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