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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Craven

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Craven

    In the year 2019, there were 73 deaths related to substance poisoning in the North Yorkshire area. This was reportedly the highest number on record since 1993 and a 30% increase from the previous year, according to the Office for National Statistics.

    If you are searching for specialist addiction treatment, don’t delay. Call OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559 for more information on the services we can provide.

    Whilst it can feel better, for a short time, to ignore your problem, this will only cause subsequent effects to worsen in the future. With addiction, it is important to seek help as soon as possible.

    Many people try and attempt to recover from home to avoid seeking professional assistance. This can be a very difficult and lonely process as medical assistance is not available.

    Overcoming addiction requires more than just a detox so it is for this reason that we ask all potential clients to reach out to our team.

    ‘Cold turkey’ attempts, whilst they can feel promising at the beginning, often place lots of stress on the mind and body causing fatal relapses to occur. For the correct physical and psychological treatment, it is in your best interest to reach out to OK Rehab for help in sourcing the most suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Craven.

    How can OK Rehab help me source a drug and alcohol rehab in Craven?

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    If you are ready to recover, our team can help source the most suitable treatment facility to recover in. For many years, we have partnered with lots of treatment providers across the UK and abroad, meaning we have the expertise to help find you the best clinic and programme.

    We begin this process by getting to know you better. This is also known as a pre-admission assessment and allows us to understand more about the severity of your addiction and the issues you are facing.

    Other factors we take into consideration include:

    • Your budget for rehab
    • Any withdrawal symptoms you have experienced
    • Any other substances you could be addicted to
    • Your goals for treatment
    • Your health status

    Once we have a clearer image of what you are looking for, we can begin to recommend only the most suitable rehabilitation facilities in the North Yorkshire area.

    What are the signs of addiction?

    A man holding another person's hand

    Addiction presents differently in each person, however, there are several signs and symptoms to look out for.

    These include:

    A mixture of behavioural and physical changes can occur and as mentioned above, vary for each person. The above is not an extensive list but more of a small selection of the side effects of addiction.

    Are you worried about a loved one, friend, or co-worker? If so, we urge you to also contact us at the telephone number provided. We can help to initiate a referral and intervention.

    Most people are in denial about their substance abuse and often it takes another person to help them see the severity of their issue. Interventions are a great way of facilitating an open, honest conversation and can help your loved one access the support they deserve.

    Do I have to undergo a detoxification programme?

    woman running in sunset

    Most clients begin their recovery journey by undergoing a detox programme. It is often the first step in all programmes due to the fact it allows clients to withdraw safely and eliminate all dependencies on drugs or alcohol.

    Detoxing allows the body to cleanse itself of toxins left behind by prolonged substance abuse. Attempting to overcome this alone can be very stressful and dangerous, therefore we encourage all clients to detox in a specialist facility.

    Detox programmes can be challenging due to the withdrawal symptoms that present. At a rehab clinic, staff can help you to manage these and also prescribe medication if it is required. You will also be provided with psychological support during this difficult time.

    Whilst most clients are required to complete a detox programme, we will not know for certain about you as an individual until we understand more about the severity of your addiction.

    What are the benefits of attending rehab?

    loved ones

    Choosing to attend a private rehab facility can bring with it a multitude of benefits.

    Private rehabilitation clinics are often places of luxury, offering high-quality amenities and facilities to all clients. They are tranquil places that provide a safe space for those who may not have previously been able to find one.

    With evidence-based treatments and support 24 hours a day, overcoming your addiction is a possibility. By choosing residential care, you can remove yourself from the busyness and distractions of everyday life.

    Whilst you may feel worried about family, friends, and your job, we provide services to loved ones and friends during this time to help them support you before and after treatment is completed.

    Residential rehab allows you to begin a personalised programme, tailored to your every need. Whilst free NHS treatment often seems like the first step, it often brings with it long waitlists and a one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment.

    For a programme that can help you achieve your recovery goals, contact OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559.

    Take the first step today

    If you are ready to overcome your addiction and seek professional help, pick up the phone and call OK Rehab on the telephone number provided.

    Our team can support you by referring you to only the most suitable rehab clinic in the Craven area. If localised recovery isn’t for you, we can also provide a referral to a clinic further afield.

    Whatever your needs, we work hard to help fulfil them. If you are ready to end your addiction, do so with the support of our team. Since 2000, we have advocated for inclusive and accessible treatment for all.

    Tired of letting addiction rule your life? Take the first step to sobriety today by reaching out to OK Rehab.


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