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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Ferndown

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Ferndown

    Knowing when to seek help for an addiction can be difficult. Many people hold the misconception that you have to hit rock bottom before you can experience addiction treatment, others believe that unless you are struggling with a severe addiction there is no need to reach out.

    The reality is that you should seek help no matter the severity of your substance abuse. If left untreated, it will continue to worsen causing detrimental effects on your psychological and physical health.

    If you have decided that now is the time to end your addiction and are seeking treatment in the Ferndown area, contact OK Rehab at 0800 326 5559. You can speak to a member of our team whenever you are ready, and we promise to always provide a confidential judgement-free space.

    When should I seek help for my addiction?

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    By definition, addiction is something that you have no control over and that causes harm to your brain and body. Addiction can affect anyone from any walk of life and can change all aspects from your career to your relationships with family.

    If you believe that you are struggling with an addiction, we urge you to reach out for professional advice and support. If a drug or alcohol addiction is left untreated it can spiral, causing your chances of recovery to decrease without professional help significantly.

    As well as this, you will also probably find your relationships with everyone in your life to deteriorate causing you to feel isolated. Feeling alone can cause your mental health to worsen which is why we urge clients to reach out as soon as possible.

    Addiction causes your physical and psychological well-being to decrease over a very short time and can have long-lasting effects, irreversible without professional support.

    At OK Rehab, although we believe it is better to reach out as soon as you acknowledge your problem, it is never too late to begin treatment. If you are committed and invested in seeing a change in your life, rehab can be your best chance of recovery.

    What happens at rehab?

    Two people talking over coffee

    Each client undergoes a personal journey when at rehab. This is one of the many reasons why we partner with clinics that provide a variety of therapy options. Whilst an important factor of private treatment is the level of personalisation, your rehab programme will follow a general structure.

    This typically includes:

    A detox programme

    Your treatment programme will usually begin with a detox. This can be a particularly challenging part of rehab, but it can help to eliminate your physical dependence on substances.

    By carefully controlling the level of consumption in the body, staff will work with you to ensure you are no longer dependent on the substance you are addicted to.

    By completing this programme in a residential facility, you can reduce the level of withdrawal symptoms that present due to the availability of prescription medication.

    After you have successfully overcome your physical addiction, you will be expected to complete a variety of therapies to help overcome the psychological effects. Addiction can both cause and drive underlying mental health conditions, which is why it is important to begin to understand the roots and triggers associated with your addiction.


    Once your programme is complete, you will be able to take advantage of aftercare treatment. This includes receiving a relapse prevention plan and meeting with your clinic staff every week to monitor your progress in recovery.

    The first twelve months of sobriety can be tricky, however, with a support network in place, you can continue to thrive upon your return home.

    What forms of therapy are available at rehab in Ferndown?

    A man in therapy

    Each treatment programme we recommend incorporates a variety of therapeutical techniques to help you in recovery.

    The types of therapy on offer include:

    • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) This form of therapy helps you to identify and subsequently change the way you think and behave.
    • One-to-one therapyTherapy focused on your needs can help you identify triggers associated with your addiction.
    • Motivational sessionsThese sessions involve your support staff working with you to help you feel more secure and positive about yourself and the new chapter you are about to embark on.
    • Group therapyGroup therapy can help you work with a support network to share motivation and remain on the path to recovery.
    • Holistic therapy is also employed in many rehab clinics as this can help you gain mental clarity and practice mindfulness.

    At OK Rehab, we advise you to contact your specific clinic for more information regarding the types of therapy.

    Where do I begin?

    We advise that you begin your rehab journey by contacting our team on 0800 326 5559 or by emailing us at

    From here we can begin your admissions journey by asking you a series of questions relating to your addiction. Whilst it can feel somewhat scary at first, opening up to a helpline adviser can help you access the exact level of treatment you require.

    The questions staff ask you will range from queries about your current health to the severity of your addiction as well as your goals for treatment.

    For over 20 years, OK Rehab has been providing bespoke levels of quality care to clients in the UK and abroad. If you are invested in seeing a change in your life, OK Rehab can help you.

    We believe that everyone has the chance to change their situation, no matter the set of circumstances they are now facing. Rehab can give you the chance to change your life for the better, so reach out today to begin your journey.

    By using the services provided by OK Rehab we can help you find the most ideal treatment whether it be via inpatient out outpatient care within the UK or abroad. By calling today you can find a range of treatment programmes and facilities suited to your budget and requirements, allowing you to begin recovery safely and comfortably.


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