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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Folkestone

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Folkestone

    The lead-up to admission to rehab can cause anxiety. Not knowing what to expect along with the removal of a substance that you’ve come to rely on can feel quite stressful.

    At a time when you want to be mentally preparing for change, having to think about all the logistical arrangements of a residential stay isn’t necessarily useful. The OK Rehab team can support you during this time by liaising with the clinic on your behalf and taking care of various practicalities.

    If you haven’t yet thought about where you want to go to rehab, our team can also support you in this area too.

    A call to us on 0800 326 5559 will help to make everything about rehab clear. Our advisors can explain what treatment services are available in Folkestone, what will suit you most, and can also lead a referral to ensure you have a smooth move to rehab.

    This is a time when you want to stay motivated on your recovery goals and what you want from the future. Give Ok Rehab a call and we can also talk about this with you as some people might not be able to see beyond the daily drug and drink use.

    Another life is possible. One where you are healthy and find meaning and value in other places. 

    Talking with a person who isn’t attached to you emotionally can be really helpful. Our team of advisors have a wealth of experience in addiction linked to personal experiences as well as professional training, so everything you say will fall on understanding ears.

    What do you need to think about now before a stay at rehab?


    There are a few things that will help you prepare for a stay at rehab. You want the transition to be calm and you want to keep your stress levels to a minimum.

    In terms of the practical side of things, you’re going to need to save a bit of money or dip into savings. There are a wide variety of treatment options to suit all budgets and it’s worth speaking with our team about this.

    Some people might think they can’t afford rehab, but a residential stay is often cheaper than using alcohol and drugs for three months for some people. Also, different people will require different treatments, so some might require more medications linked to managing withdrawal symptoms while others might require many more therapies.

    The length of the stay also influences how much rehab costs.

    In terms of emotional preparation, it’s useful to spend time thinking about what you want to achieve in the long term from going to rehab and to have these goals strongly in your mind. These goals can become thoughts that you return to time and time again as a positive focus.

    Keeping yourself busy with positive activities can help as well as spending time with people who support your healthy choices.

    Finally, you can prepare through accepting the fact that rehab is going to be challenge but that if others can successfully become sober, then so can you. You’re going to learn about yourself and what you want and deserve from life with the support of professionals who know how to facilitate your healing.

    This is an important moment and you have everything it takes to succeed.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559 for further support.

    What’s included in rehab treatments in Folkestone?

    When you enter rehab, each individual has a psychiatric assessment. This is so that all aspects of your mental health are taken into account. The staff will therefore gain an understanding on why and how you use substances.

    They will also be able to see what you want to gain through going to rehab and what the best treatments are to enable this.

    The staff will have a conversation with you and put together a rehabilitation programme based on what your needs are. There are certain aspects of treatment that are standard and these include detox and evidence-based psychological therapies.

    The detox phase of a rehab programme


    On entry to a rehab clinic, you begin the detox stage of treatment. All efforts are focused on the removal of toxins and substances from the body.

    For a long time, your mind and body has been accustomed to drugs and alcohol. These severely affect your functioning.

    Many people won’t realise how until six to twelve months down the line when, in hindsight, they’re able to see how much easier life has become.

    It will take some getting used to. The chemicals and hormones in the body are rebalancing and you will go through ups and downs physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    At this stage, the staff are able to offer medications to help manage any uncomfortable symptoms.

    Those people who are addicted to substances alongside a physical dependency will be offered a tapered detox where the substance is gradually reduced. This makes the withdrawal process safer and smoother.

    The detox stage usually lasts between three to ten days depending on the substance used and severity of use.

    The therapies included in rehab programmes


    There are a wide range of therapies that are offered to patients at rehab. Along with the evidence-based psychological therapies that are obligatory for many residents, there are also alternative therapies.

    People who stay at rehab will have a programme which will be made up of a selection of these. This is to ensure that a new approach to controlling thought and behaviour is achieved.

    Therapies include:

    What are my next steps to find out more about rehab?

    man with thumbs up

    The easiest option for you right now is having a chat with the OK Rehab advisors. They will be able to answer all your questions and can explain what rehabs there are in the Folkestone area as well as in other parts of the UK (if you’d rather go further from home).

    When you call us on 0800 326 5559, the person you speak with will ask you a few questions. This will help to inform them of your most suitable clinical options.

    Following this, they can refer you to rehab.


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