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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Formby

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Formby

    Here at OK Rehab, we have experienced addiction ourselves in the past, so we know what it is like to face the hardships that come with substance dependence. We once struggled to find the right treatment and faced cravings and temptations, but we also eventually learned to live a life without substances.

    It is this real-life experience that has given us the knowledge and expertise we needed to help others in similar situations, and over the years we have done just that; supporting thousands of struggling individuals as they embarked on their own recovery journeys.

    So, if you are seeking treatment for your substance addiction, you are in the right place. With our help and guidance, you could soon be placed in a local drug and alcohol rehab in Formby, and on your way to a new, substance-free life.

    Call us today to find out more about our services or to begin an enquiry for yourself, on 0800 326 5559. You can also email or fill out our online form with your details to receive a callback.

    Will rehab work for me?

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    The short answer – yes! Rehab can work for anyone who is experiencing a drug or alcohol addiction, and it has proven to be the most effective route for those wishing to reach a full recovery time and time again.

    However, rehab is not a vacation or spa trip, and it can only work if you do too.

    To help along your recovery journey, and to ensure that you are making the most and getting the most out of your time in rehabilitation, we suggest the following:

    Taking your time

    Rehab is not a race to the finish line – in fact, there is no finish line, as every individual’s journey is completely different.

    The average amount of time spent on a residential rehabilitation programme in a drug and alcohol rehab in Formby is around 28 days, but focusing on how long you are in rehab, or how long it is taking you to detox, can actually hinder your progress.

    Whilst you are worrying that your treatment and recovery is perhaps taking longer than some other clients’, you are neglecting to concentrate on the actual treatment at hand, and therefore will not be putting as much effort as possible into your therapy and counselling.

    Try not to be discouraged if you are someone who needs slightly longer in rehabilitation. This will mostly be due to many factors of you and your addiction that are, at this stage, out of our control, such as the substance or multiple substances you have used in the past, your history with addiction, how long you have been using for, whether or not you have attempted to withdraw before and failed, and the general seriousness of your condition.

    Every client and every addiction is different, but recovery is possible for you no matter what your circumstances are when you enter rehabilitation. Remain focused on the journey ahead of you and the progress you are sure to make along the way, rather than on the fictional ‘finish line’ of rehab.

    Being prepared to get uncomfortable

    At many points during your therapy and counselling, you will inevitably need to discuss your history with substances, the reasons that led you to substance use, your past, perhaps your family or other major relationships in your life, and other aspects of your life and addiction.

    Though this can be difficult – and will take some getting used to – It is an integral part of therapy and is necessary for your recovery. Being able to openly talk about your problems is the first part to solving them, and it is the first step in any journey to a substance-free life.

    Don’t take this as something to fear, but instead something to embrace – you should be ready to get uncomfortable, but also ready to feel better for having done so.

    If you feel you work better in one-to-one therapy sessions rather than group – or vice-versa – this can be factored into your treatment plans during the admissions process, so that you feel as safe as possible when covering sensitive and challenging topics.

     Making connections

    You will, of course, be entering rehabilitation on your own. This can be scary for many individuals, so it can sometimes be a great help to make connections throughout your time in rehab that can offer support and understanding as you face the long journey to recovery.

    You will have a chance to meet others who are experiencing very similar situations to you in group therapy and other related counselling sessions. During these sessions, each individual will be able to share stories of their life and addiction, and we encourage you to participate as much as you can.

    Making connections with people who understand and recognise the complexities of your situation can be extremely helpful, and can help you see the bigger picture of addiction and how it impacts others as well as yourself.

     Will I need to detox?

    holding hands across table

    If you have not undergone one prior to rehabilitation, you will indeed have to undergo a full drug or alcohol detox before any other treatment can begin. Though this a commonly feared step on the road to recovery, a detox is one of the most important steps you can take and must be done if you aim to live a substance-free life.

    A detox’s purpose is to flush the body of the toxins left behind from substance use. Your body, over time, will have become dependent on the substance you use, and allowing your body to adjust to its absence at the right pace is critical.

    This whole process can take anywhere from a few days to a year in severe cases, though the average is around 1-2 weeks.

    During a detox, you will undoubtedly experience a number of side effects of withdrawal as a result of your body adjusting to the lack of substances. These can range from mild (nausea, mood swings, dizziness, headaches, muscle pain, etc.), to more aggressive and life-risking symptoms (delirium tremens, an irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, seizures, etc.) – though these are much rarer.


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