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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Gloucester

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Gloucester

    Quick links for drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Suppose you are considering attending drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester. In that case, it is worth understanding just how many people across the world struggle with addiction and ends up in rehab.

    When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, many people might find themselves being and feeling more alone than ever before.

    They might feel depressed and anxious and that they are the only people in the world who knows what they are going through right now.

    However, there are actually millions of individuals across the world who are suffering from an addiction to either drugs or alcohol.

    For example, in the UK, it is recommended that men only drink two-to-four units of alcohol per day and women only two-to-three units of alcohol per day.

    However, we know that people throughout Gloucester and the UK are drinking a considerable amount more on a daily basis.

    In fact, it is estimated that there are actually 8.2 million people in the UK who abuse alcohol on a daily basis. Out of these people, approximately 1.1 million are classified as dependent drinkers.[1]

    Abusing alcohol, without a doubt, can destroy lives and relationships, with approximately one-third of all divorces being due to alcohol addiction.

    Additionally, there are approximately 1.3 million children in the UK who have parents who deal with alcohol addiction issues. [2]

    When it comes to drug addiction and alcohol rehab in Gloucester specifically, it is suggested that there are approximately 83,080 people in Gloucester who suffer from an addiction to alcohol. [3]

    Find your way towards recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Parents, Children & Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester

    Parents carrying a child through the woods at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Parents carrying a child through the woods at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    As discussed above, approximately 1.3 million children in the UK live with a parent who suffers from alcohol addiction. With one-third of all divorces being down to alcohol addiction, it is clear that the consequences of addiction on the family unit are detrimental.

    During 2019 and 2020, approximately 1,341 people admitted themselves to treatment for alcohol addiction in Gloucester. Unfortunately, 19% of these people were parents who lived with children, and 25% were parents who did not live with their children.

    The Gloucestershire Online Pupil Survey carried out a survey on 1415-year-olds in schools in Gloucestershire. They asked them a series of questions about their experience with alcohol to date. Shockingly, approximately 30% had already started to drink alcohol on a frequent basis. [1]

    Of these students, almost 12% stated that they started drinking alcohol as young as the age of twelve.

    Consuming alcohol under the age of 18 in the UK is illegal. Therefore, the children were asked how they obtained their alcohol.

    Nearly 36% stated that they took their alcohol from their own home, 25% got someone else to get it for them, and 20% asked their older friends to buy it for them. [2]

    The consequences of drinking this young include:

    • A higher chance of being arrested or convicted in the future
    • A higher chance of getting involved in violence or aggressive fighting
    • Risk of getting involved in high-risk sexual behaviour
    • More chance of being involved in antisocial behaviour

    If you are worried that a child you know is addicted to alcohol, or needs to attend alcohol rehab in Gloucester, then speak to their GP today or to a member of the OK Rehab team. [3]

    Get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester by giving our team a call on 0800 326 5559

    Hospital Admissions & Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Gloucester

    Person lying in a hospital bed at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Person lying in a hospital bed at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Unfortunately, alcohol and drug addiction often lead to hospital admissions. In Gloucester alone, 43% of all hospital admissions were down to a drug or alcohol-related issue. Although this is lower than the national average, it is on the rise in Gloucester.

    When it comes to drug addiction and alcohol rehab in Gloucester specifically, the majority of the drug and alcohol-related hospital admissions were from people aged just 2029 years of age. [2]

    To find otu more about how a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester can help you, talk to our team on 0800 326 5559

    Crime & Addiction Statistics in Gloucester

    Therapist speaking with a patient at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Therapist speaking with a patient at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Crime and addiction are very closely linked across Gloucester and across the rest of the world.

    Indeed, there is currently a significant rate of drug and alcohol crime experienced in Gloucester:


    Drug and Alcohol Crime Statistics in Gloucester (2023) Numbers
    Annual Crime Rate in Gloucester 1.5 crimes per 1,000 workday people
    Comparison to National Crime Rate 55%
    Crimes Related to Drugs and Alcohol in Gloucester 1.6%
    Total Number of Drug and Alcohol Crimes in Gloucester 1.2k
    Percentage Change in Drug and Alcohol Crime (Year-over-Year) 2.8%
    County Ranking (Crime Rate) 8th out of 54

    In fact, 45% of all incidents reported to the police regarding violence in England and Wales were because someone was intoxicated with alcohol.

    In fact, those between the tender age of 10 to 25 who abuse alcohol every week were more likely to commit criminal damage (12%) and theft (4%).

    When it comes to statistics surrounding domestic violence and addiction in Gloucester, there were approximately 5,451 victims of domestic violence reported to the police, with a large majority of these being down to the fact that at least one party was intoxicated on drugs or alcohol.

    In fact, UK-wide research has found that nearly half of all domestic violence incidents happen when at least one individual is intoxicated. [3]

    Don’t let addiction control your life – get the right treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester by giving us a call on 0800 326 5559

    Mental Health Issues & Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester

    Patients comforting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Patients comforting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    It has been recently researched that those who suffer from mental health issues such as depression or anxiety are more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs.

    Those who abuse alcohol and drugs are also more likely to leave school at an earlier age, leave school with bad grades and also commit a crime [3,4,5].

    If you suffer from a mental health issue alongside an addiction, then you might be classified as having a dual diagnosis.

    When it comes to looking at mental health statistics in Gloucester:

    • Approximately 70,000 people in the Gloucester area struggle with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety or schizophrenia
    • 12,300 individuals suffer from an antisocial personality disorder
    • 8,900 people have a borderline personality disorder
    • 2,600 people have a psychotic disorder

    Many people who suffer from a dual diagnosis are unsure if their addiction contributed to their mental health issues or if their mental health issues contributed to their addiction. [6]

    Get the right treatment for your unique needs at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester by reaching out to us on 0800 326 5559

    Pre-Rebab Steps: Intervention at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester

    Therapy group talking together at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Therapy group talking together at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    If you’re a family member, friend or loved one who is struggling to help their loved one understand that they need help with their addiction, then you should consider holding an intervention in Gloucester.

    An intervention is a fantastic way to get your loved one on your wavelength and to help them to understand why they need help.

    Essentially, an intervention is a conversation where you explain how worried you are and what you think the individual should do in terms of treatment options.

    During the intervention, you could start by explaining your concern with examples of times and situations that have made you worried. You should do this in a calm, monitored and helpful way that does not come across as patronising or angry.

    Often, simply expressing your concern and distress is enough to make individuals seek help.

    However, you might need to lay out some drug and alcohol treatment options, such as residential rehab, in order for them to see and understand their path to recovery.

    It is highly important that you find the right location in Gloucester for your intervention. You should make sure that the location is familiar to the individual so that they do not feel overwhelmed at the thought of having to travel to somewhere that is new.

    The location should also be quiet and calm, such as a quiet coffee shop, park or community centre. There are lots of these types of locations across Gloucester, such as Barnwood Park and Arboretum, Westgate Park and The Butterfly Hut.

    Also, try to invite one or two other people who know the individual who’s suffering well. You should avoid inviting anyone, including family members who have frequent arguments with the individual or who have a turbulent or toxic relationship with them.

    Do not feel overwhelmed or put off by worrying about knowing exactly what to say. When someone is suffering from an addiction or mental health issues, sometimes it is really difficult and hard to know what to say.

    If you are worried or anxious that you might not know what to say or how to say it, then you should consider involving an intervention specialist.

    They will advise you on what to say, what treatment options you should suggest and can even attend the intervention with you if you require.

    So, if you live in Gloucester and want your loved one to attend drug or alcohol rehab, or want to confront a loved one about their addiction, then speak to an intervention specialist today to take the first steps.

    If you would like to learn more about how to hold a successful intervention, then you should research CRAFT.

    CRAFT stands for Community Reinforcement and Family Training. It contains a lot of helpful advice on how to hold an intervention, what to say and how to motivate your loved one to seek help and treatment in the Gloucester area. [5]

    For advice regarding how to hold an intervention for drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester, talk to us today on 0800 326 5559

    How Do I Know I’m Addicted?

    Man holding his head next to a therapist at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Man holding his head next to a therapist at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    If you are considering attending drug or alcohol rehab in Gloucester and are wondering if you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and live in Gloucester, then you should consider consulting the CAGE questionnaire.

    Medical health professionals and rehab centres across the UK use the CAGE questionnaire to help figure out if someone is addicted to alcohol or not.

    So, if you are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol in the Gloucester area, then you should expect to be asked some of the following questions in the initial stages of your treatment programme and admissions process.

    The CAGE questionnaire is simply just four questions, all centred around how much you consume and how this makes you feel. It consists of the following four questions:

    • Do you feel the need to Cut down on how much you drink?
    • Have you ever felt angry or Annoyed when someone else told you to cut down on your consumption or commented on how much you drink?
    • Have you ever felt Guilty about how much alcohol you drink?
    • Have you ever started drinking in the morning (an Eye-opener) to get yourself up in the morning?

    As previously mentioned, the above questions will be asked at the very start of the admissions process by a doctor in order to determine if you are addicted to alcohol.

    Additionally, it will help to determine what kind of treatment options you will best benefit from in the Gloucester area.

    If you think you might be addicted to alcohol but are not sure, then you should consult the four CAGE questions. Make sure that you answer them honestly in order to get an honest result. [6]

    Not sure if you need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester? Talk it over with our expert team on 0800 326 5559

    Why Am I Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol in Gloucester?

    Man holding his glasses and looking down at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Man holding his glasses and looking down at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Many people who struggle with addiction problems find themselves playing the blame game. They wonder how they spiralled into a lifestyle of addiction and whether it was their fault or someone else’s.

    The truth is that addiction can surface for a number of reasons. While it is partly genetic, some events that increase the likelihood of addiction are:

    1. Childhood trauma

    Children who experience trauma are five times more likely to become dependent on drugs or alcohol. This trauma could be neglect, bullying, sexual assault, illness, or other hardships.


    When we experience these kinds of traumas as a child, it often leads to a host of mental health conditions, which we try to treat by consuming substances.

    2. Divorce

    When you go through a divorce, you may feel as though you have lost the only person you could turn to in times of trouble. As a result, you may turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with the negative emotions you are experiencing.

    3. Grief

    As grief is so isolating, many people find themselves trying to cope with their negative feelings on their own. Unfortunately, this can lead to self-medication, and people can quickly spiral into consuming drugs or alcohol on a daily basis.

    A dangerous cycle is quickly formed: consume substances to numb the pain of grief, develop feelings of shame due to the consumption, and then consume more substances to treat this shame.

    4. Environment

    If you grew up around family members who suffered from addiction problems, there is more chance that you will develop similar issues.

    This is partly owing to the genetics that you inherit, but it is also a result of you modelling your surroundings.

    You do not have to learn this from your family – you could be in a friendship group that is centred around substances, or you may attend places where people are frequently consuming drugs or alcohol.

    Through therapy, you can discover what led you to your addiction. This is usually multi-layered, so there may not be one single event that caused it.

    While certain factors increase the likelihood of drug or alcohol addiction occurring, even people with the happiest of childhoods and the healthiest of mental states can become dependent on substances; they are extremely addictive by nature.

    As much as you try to abandon them, you are constantly pulled back into consumption as your body becomes reliant on the substance.

    To make this worse, any well-intentioned detox attempts are likely to result in failure without medical help, as the withdrawal symptoms are difficult and dangerous to handle alone.

    Discover more about your own addiction issues with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester – call us today on 0800 326 5559

    How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester Cost?


    Pile of money

    The cost of attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester differs depending on a number of factors. If you or someone you know has ever struggled with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, then you will be well aware of just how expensive attending rehab can be.

    Just one of these factors includes whether or not you opt for outpatient or inpatient rehab.

    During outpatient rehab, you will receive daily or weekly therapy by attending sessions at the rehab centre before then returning back home the very same day.

    Alternatively, people can attend inpatient rehab treatment. This is when an individual moves into a rehab centre for a significant period of time, for example, a few weeks or even a few months.

    Opting for outpatient as opposed to inpatient rehab treatment will affect how much you pay to attend a drug or alcohol rehab in Gloucester and, indeed, in other parts of the UK.

    For example, the cost of attending outpatient rehab treatment is slightly less than attending inpatient rehab treatment. However, attending outpatient rehab treatment is only suitable if you have a mild to moderate addiction.

    Although it is cheaper, the waiting times to attend outpatient rehab treatment in Gloucester and throughout the rest of the UK are significantly longer, with some people waiting weeks or even months before attending any form of treatment.

    Additionally, the cost of attending drug and alcohol rehab differs dramatically whether you choose to attend private or NHS-funded rehab.

    Luckily throughout Gloucester and the rest of the UK, the NHS will fund some individual’s treatment for them, meaning that they will not need to pay a penny for their treatment.

    Although not everyone will qualify for NHS-funded treatment, it is a great option for those who simply could not afford to attend private rehab.

    The reality of attending private drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester or the rest of the UK is that it can be incredibly expensive. In fact, some people find themselves paying up to £14,000 for a professional, private rehab clinic.

    This would be for the recommended 28-day stay in the rehab facility for inpatient rehab treatment.

    However, if you choose a slightly cheaper drug and alcohol rehab facility, then you could be paying as little as £1,000 per week in a rehab facility. It very much depends on what kind of rehab facility you choose and where you choose to stay.

    To find out how much your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester is likely to cost, call us today on 0800 326 5559

    What Factors Affect the Price of Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester?

    Outdoor photo of a coastal drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Outdoor photo of a coastal drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    As you can see, the matter of how much drug and alcohol rehab costs can be complicated and can depend on a number of factors. These factors include:

    • What type of rehab facility is it (how luxurious it is)
    • Where in the country the facility is based, as some parts of the country tend to have higher types of rehab facilities depending on the type of demographic in that area
    • Whether you opt for inpatient or outpatient rehab
    • Whether you opt for private or NHS-funded rehab
    • How long do you decide to stay or how long do you need to stay there for

    Unfortunately, a lot of people across Gloucester and the rest of the UK won’t be able to afford private rehab, and unfortunately, not everyone will qualify for NHS-funded rehab.

    At OK Rehab, we understand that the cost of attending private rehab is expensive, and for a lot of people, these costs aren’t something that they can afford. However, we believe that the benefits of attending private rehab are life-changing.

    In fact, below are just some of the many benefits of attending private rehab in the Gloucester area.

    • You will receive 24/7 help, care and support from doctors and psychologists to help you to overcome your addiction.
    • You will also receive a relapse prevention plan to help make sure that you can overcome triggers and cravings when you leave rehab
    • You will also receive a physical detox if necessary upon arrival at rehab
    • You will be given the opportunity to receive the very best treatment techniques
    • You will have a roof over your head and three meals a day
    • You will be fully insured whilst you receive treatment at the rehab centre
    • You will also be given medication if needed

    If you want to attend drug or alcohol rehab in Gloucester, but are worried about the costs, then speak to a member of the OK Rehab today team.

    Find your way towards recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Is Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester Covered by Health Insurance?

    Older man sat at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Older man sat at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    For those who might struggle to pay for the cost of private drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester, some health insurance policies could help.

    Lots of health insurance providers do cover the cost of private rehab. However, not everyone in the UK has health insurance.

    If you do happen to have health insurance, then the cost of drug and alcohol rehab treatment might be covered in your policy.

    Although this might differ on a case-by-case basis, it is always best to check with your provider to see if they do cover the cost of private rehab treatment and, if they do, how much they cover.

    Whether your health insurance provider and the policy cover rehab treatment for a drug or alcohol issue might depend on a number of factors, including but not limited to:

    • Who your health provider is
    • Where your rehab centre is based in the country
    • What kind of drug or substance are you addicted to
    • How severe your addiction is
    • How long have you been addicted to the drug or substance for
    • Whether you suffer from a mental health issue or not (also known and referred to as a dual diagnosis)
    • Whether you suffer from just one addiction or an addiction to a number of different drugs
    • How long might you need to stay in rehab for

    If you are considering attending drug or alcohol rehab in Gloucester, then you should always check with your health insurance provider first to see if they can help with the cost of attending private rehab in the UK.

    For those living in Gloucester or throughout the rest of the UK, there are a lot of different health insurance providers to choose from. Some of these include BUPA, AXA and Aviva.

    If you do manage to cover the cost of attending drug and alcohol rehab through your health insurance provider, then there is also the chance that you might not have to wait as long to receive your treatment.

    Make sure that you make your drug and alcohol rehab centre aware that your health insurance is covering the cost of your rehab treatment.

    Get access to the right drug and alcohol rehab  in Gloucester for your needs by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Is Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester Covered by the NHS?

    Young person in therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Young person in therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    If you live in Great Britain, then you will be well aware of the many benefits that the NHS has on our lives.

    For those living in Gloucester or anywhere else in the UK, the cost of any health issues, treatments, or indeed checkups is all covered by the NHS.

    For those struggling with a severe addiction to a drug or alcohol addiction, this also includes rehab treatment. However, only those who qualify for NHS-funded rehab treatment will be able to attend rehab free of charge.

    If you want to see if you would qualify for NHS-funded rehab, then OK Rehab suggests that you should speak to your local GP to see if you would qualify for NHS-funded rehab in Gloucester or throughout the rest of the UK.

    If you have always wanted to attend rehab but have been put off by the expensive cost of attending, then check to see if you qualify.

    By receiving treatment free of charge on the NHS, drug and alcohol rehab suddenly becomes more accessible and recovery more achievable.

    However, it is important to understand that in Gloucester and indeed across the rest of the UK, there is no such thing as a purely NHS-funded rehab centre.

    The NHS are able to provide NHS-funded rehab free of charge as they book out and ‘loan’ beds and spaces in a private rehab centre.

    Due to a lack of funding, it is simply not feasible or affordable for the NHS to run entirely NHS-funded rehab.

    Receiving rehab treatment through the NHS means that you will be placed in a drug and alcohol rehab centre completely free of charge, as opposed to the other people within the rehab centre who might be paying for their treatment.

    If you want to attend rehab in the Gloucester area, then speak to your local GP today. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of the team at OK Rehab today for some free help and advice.

    Whatever your needs may be, get the help of a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester by reaching out to us on 0800 326 5559

    How Long Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Usually Last in Gloucester?

    Woman drinking a hot drink and looking at the countryside at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Woman drinking a hot drink and looking at the countryside at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    If you are struggling with an addiction to either drugs or alcohol in the Gloucester area, then you might be anxious about how long you might need to stay in a rehab facility.

    Unfortunately, the amount of time an individual needs to spend in residential or outpatient rehab depends on a number of factors and is usually decided on a case-by-case basis.

    This usually depends on a number of factors which include:

    • What type of drug or substance are you addicted to
    • How long have you been addicted to the drug or substance
    • How severe your addiction is
    • If you need to undergo a physical detox or not
    • If you struggle with a mental health issue alongside your addiction (also known as a dual diagnosis)

    If you do not require a physical detox, then you might only need to stay in rehab for a total of ten days. Nevertheless, this is usually the minimum amount of time required to stay in a drug and alcohol rehab.

    Most people tend to stay in a rehab facility for a total of 28 days, which allows most people time to undergo a physical detox (if needed) and then receive any treatment they might need for their mental addiction.

    Others might be required to stay in longer. For example, some people are required to stay in rehab for as long as three months. However, this is generally only for those with severe addiction who also suffer from a dual diagnosis and other complications.

    Although these are the most common time frames, how long you are required to stay in drug and alcohol rehab for very much depends on your specific needs. Please note that no professional doctor will send you back home before you are ready to.

    Curious about how long your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester might last? Find out today by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    NHS vs Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Gloucester

    Photo of a kitchen in a residential drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Photo of a kitchen in a residential drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    As discussed above, across Gloucester and the rest of the UK, there are two main types of rehab treatment, and these are NHS-funded rehab treatment and private rehab treatment.

    As highlighted above, the cost of private drug and alcohol rehab can be extortionate and makes rehab very inaccessible for many people across Gloucester and the rest of the UK.

    If you are considering attending private drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester, then you need to be sure that you are paying for the very best treatment and care that you can possibly receive.

    As there are no NHS-funded rehab centres, those who attend NHS-funded rehab are actually attending rehab in the very same building as those who are paying thousands of pounds to receive treatment.

    This is why it is really important to weigh up the pros and cons of attending NHS-funded rehab over private rehab before you make the all-important decision.

    The benefits of attending private over NHS-funded drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester are listed below.

    Pros of Attending Private Rehab in Gloucester

    • By attending private rehab, you will be skipping the long waiting lists – you might even receive treatment after just a few days
    • You will be treated by the best doctors and treatment options in the UK
    • You will be given the opportunity to create a relapse prevention plan
    • Your rehab treatment will be personalised to your addiction and your recovery needs
    • Your doctors and counsellors will look after you 24/7
    • You will be treated for any mental health issues whilst at rehab
    • You will also be given a chance to complete a physical detox on arrival at the rehab centre

    Cons of Attending Private Rehab in Gloucester

    • Unfortunately, private rehab can be very expensive and therefore, it’s not accessible to everyone who needs it.
    • You might be confused by the choice, as there is a wide range of private rehab centres in the Gloucester area.

    Pros of Attending NHS Funded Rehab in Gloucester

    • You do not have to pay to attend NHS-funded rehab
    • It is just as professional and confidential as attending private rehab
    • You will also be cared for and looked after by professional doctors

    Cons of NHS Funded Rehab in Gloucester

    • You might have to wait weeks or months before receiving treatment
    • You do have to tick a lot of boxes before you are able to qualify for NHS-funded rehab
    • You might need to wait to receive any treatment for a mental health condition until after you leave the rehab centre
    • You might even receive less one-to-one therapy time with a doctor or therapist

    So, if you are considering attending private or NHS-funded drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester, then you need to weigh up these pros and cons carefully.

    However, there is no doubt that, like with most things, you get what you pay for when it comes to private rehab for a drug or alcohol addiction.

    For example, you will undoubtedly reduce the amount of time you have to wait to receive treatment.

    Statutory-Funded Addiction Help in Gloucester:

    Here are a few addiction centres near you.

    1. Change Grow Live

    Address: 41-43, Imperial Chambers, Longsmith St, Gloucester GL1 2HT

    Telephone: 01452 223 014


    2. Young Gloucestershire

    Address: Dock Office, The, Commercial Rd, Gloucester GL1 2EB

    Telephone: 01452 501 008


    3. The Nelson Trust Women’s Centre

    Address: 1 Brunswick Square, Gloucester GL1 1UG

    Telephone: 01452 397 690


    You can reach out to helplines, such as Mind UKYoungMindsRethink Mental IllnessSamaritans and Papyrus, and SMART Recovery.

    Additionally find an Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous near you. The NHS are also there to help you.

    Whether you need a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester or the help of another service, let our experts help by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Inpatient or Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Gloucester

    Blue door and window at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Blue door and window at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    As discussed above, there are two forms of rehab treatment, including inpatient and outpatient rehab treatment.

    If you are hoping to attend drug or alcohol rehab in the Gloucester area, then you need to know and understand the difference between the two forms of rehab treatment.

    The main difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab treatment is that outpatient treatment means you can return home each day to resume daily life.

    However, with inpatient treatment, individuals live within the rehab centre for a number of weeks or months.

    For those addicted to more serious and concerning drugs, such as cocaine or heroin, OK Rehab would suggest that you attend inpatient rehab so that you receive 24/7 care and support during your detox and treatment.

    In fact, for any severe addiction, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab would be the most suitable choice.

    For anyone with a less severe addiction to potentially cannabis, then you should opt for outpatient rehab.

    Additionally, if you have a job or children, outpatient rehab would be the best course of action, as it means you are able to continue with your day-to-day life and responsibilities.

    Find your way towards recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Alcohol Detox & Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester

    Person taking medication at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Person taking medication at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Alcohol detox and alcohol rehab in Gloucester involves an initial detox upon arrival before then receiving psychological treatment.

    Unfortunately, this means that you will need to undergo detox and will also, therefore, experience the unpleasant and challenging withdrawal symptoms that come with a withdrawal and detox.

    Detox is when someone stops consuming a drug or substance so that their body is able to overcome its cravings and desire for drugs or alcohol. Although detox is unpleasant, it is a necessary step that must be taken in order to recover.

    As well as being necessary for many people, it must also be done before any other treatment, such as therapy, is attempted. This is the case with every rehab centre across Gloucester and indeed throughout the rest of the UK.

    It is really important that detox for any drug or substance, including alcohol, is carried out in a safe and monitored environment, such as a rehab centre. This is because detox and withdrawal can put some serious strain on your health and well-being.

    Individuals will start to experience withdrawal symptoms very early into the detox, sometimes as quickly as six hours. Some people might experience only mild withdrawal symptoms, and others might experience more severe symptoms.

    Some of these symptoms include:

    • Excessively sweating
    • Getting the shakes
    • Getting the chills
    • Experiencing frequent diarrhoea
    • Experiencing frequent headaches
    • Struggling to sleep, and when you do, getting nightmares
    • Constantly feeling sick
    • Constantly getting ill due to a weak immune system

    How severely you experience these symptoms depends on a number of factors, including how long you have been addicted, what kind of substance you are addicted to and whether you are addicted to one or more substances.

    Some might only experience mild symptoms, whilst others will experience more severe.

    For some people, these withdrawal symptoms will only last a few days. However, for others, they might last a number of days.

    It is important to prepare yourself for your detox and to understand that your detox will take place within the first day or two of drug and alcohol rehab.

    Once your detox and withdrawal begin, you will be monitored by a healthcare professional. You will also be prescribed any necessary medication, such as Librium.

    Librium is a medication often prescribed to those in drug and alcohol rehab undergoing a detox, as it helps to reduce feelings of anxiety.

    Get the help you need from an alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Benefits of Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester

    Patient speaking with a therapist in a living room at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Patient speaking with a therapist in a living room at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Gloucester is an excellent location for residential drug and alcohol rehab, thanks to its beautiful rural areas.

    You are likely to attend rehab in the countryside, where you will enjoy gorgeous views and a tranquil atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

    Furthermore, you will have access to a wide range of outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, kayaking, and walking around the large grounds.

    Inside, you will enjoy healthy home-cooked meals, common rooms, and WiFi throughout the building.

    Most rehab centres in Gloucester are on the smaller side, so you will only have to share the building with up to 35 other patients. Each patient will have their own private ensuite room, often with stunning views of the grounds.

    To see if a stay at a residential drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester is right for you, call us today on 0800 326 5559

    Rehab for Cocaine in Gloucester

    Younger man sat in therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Younger man sat in therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    For those struggling with an addiction to cocaine in the Gloucester area, you might be anxious about what kind of treatment you might require.

    Unfortunately, cocaine is highly addictive. Therefore, you will require a lot of therapy and counselling in order to overcome the mental and psychological side of your addiction.

    However, cocaine is not physically addictive. Therefore, rehab for cocaine will not involve a physical detox.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Rehab for Heroin in Gloucester

    Therapist staring at the camera at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Therapist staring at the camera at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Unfortunately, lots of people across Gloucester and the UK are addicted to heroin. Just like cocaine, heroin is extremely addictive.

    Therefore, you will need to receive therapy in order to help you overcome the mental side of your addiction to heroin. However, heroin is also physically addictive. Therefore, you will need to undergo a physical detox, too.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Rehab for Cannabis in Gloucester

    Therapist listening to a patient at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Therapist listening to a patient at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    If you are addicted to cannabis in Gloucester or throughout the rest of the UK, then you are not alone.

    Millions of people across the world are addicted to cannabis.

    Although highly addictive, cannabis is not physically addictive. This means that although you will not need to undergo a detox, you will need to undergo some therapy to help overcome the mental side of your addiction, along with any triggers.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    What Services are Available at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester?

    Support group comforting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Support group comforting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Each drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester prepares a personalised treatment programme for your stay. After a physical and mental evaluation, staff will create a plan that states the ways in which they are going to support you in recovery.

    This will reflect your personal details, such as your type of addiction and its severity. Thus, no one person in residential rehab follows the same pattern of treatment.

    Firstly, there will be detoxification, and whether you are dependent on alcohol or drugs, the medical staff will help you remove the built-up toxins from your system in a controlled manner according to NICE guidelines.

    They will prescribe you medication to alleviate any potential withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, tremors, and headaches.

    Secondly, your daily routine at rehab will involve lots of therapy. This will treat your addiction issues as well as any general mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and PTSD.

    Each type of therapy deals with addiction differently, but they all create space for you to talk through traumatic events and how they have affected you throughout your life.

    The therapy you may have access to varies but often includes art therapy, behavioural therapy, CBT, contingency management, DBT, EMDR, equine therapy, grief therapy, group therapy, holistic therapies (meditation, journaling, reiki, yoga), music therapy, psychotherapy, and REBT.

    Experience a wide range of services at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Types of Therapies Offered at Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Gloucester

    Therapist and patient sat in chairs talking together at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Therapist and patient sat in chairs talking together at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Anyone living in Gloucester or throughout the rest of the UK will have access to a whole host of different and successful therapy techniques whilst undergoing treatment in a drug and alcohol rehab centre.

    Some of these therapy techniques have been used in rehab centres all over the world for a number of years, whereas others are new.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Brief Interventions

    Teenager speaking with a therapist at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Teenager speaking with a therapist at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    A Brief Intervention is a therapy technique commonly used in the early stages of addiction. Essentially, a brief intervention is simply a list of questions used to assess whether an individual needs inpatient or outpatient rehab treatment.

    If you are considering attending rehab treatment in Gloucester, then be aware that you might be asked a series of questions to determine if you are suitable for rehab in the first place.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    Two people holding hands in a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Two people holding hands in a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a very common therapy technique used throughout the world.

    Essentially, cognitive behavioural therapy helps individuals to overcome their addiction by looking at each problem, trigger or unhealthy behaviour one by one in order to help to break down their addiction and issues one by one.

    CBT is broken down into five main areas to focus on, including; situations, thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and actions.

    CBT is used throughout pretty much every rehab facility across Gloucester and the rest of the UK.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

    Therapist and patient sitting together and talking at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Therapist and patient sitting together and talking at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is similar to CBT in many different ways. The main difference is that DBT is used with individuals who struggle with slightly more intense emotions or mental health conditions, such as paranoia or borderline personality disorder.

    DBT helps individuals to address, accept and overcome these feelings in an attempt to help them recover and move away from any triggering thoughts or behaviour.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    One-to-One Therapy

    People laughing during an individual therapy session at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    People laughing during an individual therapy session at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    One-to-one therapy is used throughout pretty much every rehab centre across Gloucester and the rest of the UK.

    They consist of one-to-one sessions with a psychologist or therapist where you will receive treatment such as CBT.

    Find your way towards recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Holistic Therapy at drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Man stroking a horse during holistic therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Man stroking a horse during holistic therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Holistic Therapy is when individuals are exposed to new activities, such as drawing, running, swimming, painting, playing or listening to music.

    It is a form of alternative therapy and medicine that aims to help heal individuals and their emotions.

    Holistic therapy is growing in popularity and success, and as a result, it is now available throughout lots of different rehab centres in Gloucester.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Group therapy

    Mutual support group gathering at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Mutual support group gathering at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Lots of people across the UK and Gloucester might benefit from attending group therapy whilst in rehab.

    Group Therapy is when a group of people discuss their addiction, triggers, cravings, thoughts, tips and tricks together. As everyone is going through the same thing, people are able to help advise and help one another by using their own experiences and advice.

    This helps people to understand that they are not alone and that those undergoing treatment for an addiction to drugs or alcohol can actually use their own experiences to help each other, even if they are not fully recovered yet.

    Group therapy is available within most rehab centres across Gloucester and has been proven over the years to be really successful.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Motivational Interviewing

    Couple's therapy in progress at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Couple’s therapy in progress at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Motivational Interviewing is also another tried and tested therapy technique that helps individuals to find their own beliefs, motivations and reasons for wanting to recover.

    For those with kids, the focus will be put on recovering for the sake of their children. Aims and motivations are used to help individuals seek a life away from their addiction.

    Find your way towards recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Family therapy

    Therapy group talking together at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Therapy group talking together at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Unfortunately, lots of people struggle with their addiction because they suffer from lots of struggles in their home life.

    These struggles include things like triggers and could include a certain situation, a certain person or family member or a place.

    Family therapy is a great opportunity for you to overcome these struggles and triggers. You will be given the chance and space for family members to discuss how they can remove these triggers for you and learn how to better support you and your journey to recovery.

    If you struggle with triggers and family issues alongside your addiction, make sure that you consider attending family therapy.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    12-Step Facilitation Therapy at drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Support group smiling at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Support group smiling at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Lots of people who attend rehab in Gloucester end up attending self-help groups for months or even years after they leave.

    Therefore, during rehab, individuals are persuaded to attend Twelve Step Facilitation Therapy.

    This form of therapy encourages individuals to attend a self-help group after they leave rehab.

    Essentially, this form of therapy encourages individuals to become more engaged with the idea of attending a self-help group in the hope that they will join one when they leave.

    Self-help groups help people to stay sober after they leave rehab and reduce the chances of relapse significantly.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Co-dependency Treatment

    Patients comforting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Patients comforting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Lots of people who suffer from addiction in Gloucester and across the rest of the UK also suffer from a co-dependency issue.

    When someone is co-dependent, they suffer from an unhealthy attachment to a substance or a person, which tends to lower the individual’s self-esteem and self-worth over time.

    This could include a dependency on a substance such as drugs or alcohol, or it could include a romantic relationship or a relationship with a child or friend.

    People who also suffer from a co-dependency issue also suffer from not being able to draw boundaries, react to other people’s emotions and deal with their emotions properly.

    During one-to-one therapy, any co-dependency issues will be explored and treated, often through either one-to-one therapy or family therapy.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Dual Diagnosis for Co-occurring Disorders at Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Gloucester

    Man holding his head in front of a therapist at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Man holding his head in front of a therapist at a drug and alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    The unfortunate reality is that a lot of people who suffer from an addiction to either alcohol or drugs also struggle with mental health issues.

    If this is the case, then you are said to be suffering from a dual diagnosis. This is when an individual is suffering from both disorders at the same time.

    The most common mental health issues commonly linked with addiction include depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Obviously, dealing with these mental health issues alongside your addiction can be extremely difficult, challenging and harmful.

    Although very difficult, recovering from addiction alongside suffering from a mental health issue is achievable.

    A lot of people are unsure whether their addiction led to their addiction or if their addiction led to their mental health issues.

    If you struggle with an addiction to heroin alongside a mental health issue, then you will need to undergo a physical detox before you are allowed to receive or undergo any treatment for your mental health issue.

    Although difficult, once this is undergone, you will be able to receive all types of therapies for your mental health addiction, some of which are listed above.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    How attending rehab helps with relapse prevention

    Couple walking through a field during outdoor therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Couple walking through a field during outdoor therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    If you want to attend rehab for an addiction to drugs or alcohol in Gloucester, then speak to your local GP today to seek help.

    It is important to remember that by attending rehab, you will also receive a relapse prevention plan to help support you when you leave rehab.

    It is important to work on a relapse prevention plan whilst still in rehab. The reality is that anyone who attends rehab treatment in Gloucester is paying a lot of money to be there.

    If their rehab is NHS-funded, then they will still be dedicating a lot of time to their recovery.

    A relapse prevention plan will help to ensure that you stay on track to recover and stay sober.

    Essentially, a relapse prevention plan is a set of helpful tools, techniques and tricks that are formed into a helpful booklet or document that helps you when you feel a craving or notice a triggering thought or behaviour.

    Whilst at rehab, doctors and professionals will work with you to formulate this plan. A great relapse prevention plan helps you to overcome triggers and cravings, as well as helps you to notice any warning signs that you might relapse.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559

    Aftercare and support services for drug & alcohol rehab in Gloucester

    Patient meditating outside at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Patient meditating outside at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Luckily, for those living in Gloucester and throughout the rest of the UK, there are lots of different aftercare and support services available to people once they leave rehab.

    SMART Meetings in Gloucester

    One of the most popular forms of aftercare and support services is SMART meetings. SMART meetings are weekly meetings with other sufferers who have all gone through the same thing as you.

    There are lots of SMART groups across the UK and Gloucester. If you are interested in attending a SMART meeting in Gloucester or near you, then speak to your local GP or to our team at OK Rehab.

    Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous in Gloucester

    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are other forms of self-help groups throughout the UK. There are many AA groups placed across the UK, including in Gloucester.

    Al-Anon Family Group Meetings in Gloucester

    Al-Anon is a self-help group which allows family and friends to attend these meetings in an attempt to help them overcome triggers or unhelpful behaviours.

    Home Detox in Gloucester

    Home detox is a fantastic option for people who are motivated and capable of recovering on their own. You will receive daily phone calls from psychologists and doctors to measure your recovery and will also be sent medication in the post if needed.

    Outpatient treatment via a local drug & alcohol team in Gloucester

    Two people sharing a serious conversation at a at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    Two people sharing a serious conversation at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester

    For many people, inpatient rehab is not an option. If this is the case, then you should consider attending outpatient rehab treatment in the Gloucester area.

    This way, you will be able to receive treatment from rehabilitation professionals whilst also being able to continue your daily life and responsibilities.

    If you think that you need to consider attending outpatient treatment in Gloucester, then speak to a member of our team at OK Rehab today to discuss the different outpatient rehab treatment options in Gloucester.

    If you are suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol in Gloucester, or know someone who is, then you must seek help as soon as possible.

    Start today by speaking to a member of the team at OK Rehab by calling us today on 0800 326 5559 to speak to our friendly and helpful team.

    Find your way towards recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Gloucester by calling us on 0800 326 5559

    Contact OK Rehab Today

    Man talking on a phone at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Man talking on a phone at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Gloucester

    Making the decision to reach out for help is anything but easy. However, the benefits that it reaps are worth every effort.

    By choosing sobriety, you could regain control of your life, repair relationships, and restore your mental and physical health.

    Many people believe their addiction is not yet bad enough for treatment. If that’s you, we encourage you to reconsider. All addiction no matter how mild or severe, is treatable. Seek our advice to find out which type would be the most beneficial to you.

    You can do this by calling us on 0800 326 5559 or sending a request for us to call you, which you can find on the ‘contact’ section of our site.

    We would be delighted to help.

    We offer more services available across Cirencester, Stroud, Chipping Campden, Cheltenham, Wotton-under-Edge, Bourton-on-the-Water, Nailsworth, Berkeley, Tetbury, Stow-on-the-Wold, Fairford, Painswick, Bibury, Tewkesbury, Winchcombe, Cinderford, Bisley, Dursley, Broad Campden, Bishops Cleeve, Coleford, Ashleworth, Arlingham, Chedworth, Birdlip, Mitcheldean, Alderton, Kemble, Batsford, Newent, Adlestrop, Alderley, Lydney, Stonehouse, Bagendon, Andoversford, Broadwell, Frampton on Severn, Alkington, Icomb, Didbrook, Minchinhampton, and even more towns in and around Gloucestershire.

    Please call our 24-Hour Helpline: 0800 326 5559









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