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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Harpenden

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Harpenden

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Harpenden

    Are you becoming concerned about your drug and alcohol consumption? Have your close friends and family members expressed concern about your substance use?

    Maybe you have noticed that you need larger amounts of drugs or alcohol more often in order to feel the desired high.

    If so, it may be time to admit to yourself and others that you are suffering from a substance use disorder. There are options for drug and alcohol rehab in Harpenden that can help you get the help you need to overcome this.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Harpenden, call us today at 0800 326 5559.

    How Do I Know if I Have a Substance Use Disorder?


    If you have become concerned about the number of drugs or alcohol that you’re using, that is usually a good sign that you need to seek treatment for your addiction.

    Often, people who are suffering from addictions tend to be in denial about their dependency, so being honest with yourself about your need for help is a huge step towards sobriety.

    Admitting that you have a problem can be difficult. You might feel like a failure or that you have let yourself or others down. It can also be difficult to admit that what originated as a recreational habit has turned into a full-blown addiction.

    It is important to understand that admitting that you need help does not make you a failure. In fact, admitting that you have an addiction and actively seeking help for it shows great strength.

    If you are not sure whether or not you are at the stage where you need to seek out professional help for your substance, some common signs of a substance use disorder are:

    • You need to increase your consumption to feel the desired effect
    • You try to hide the amount you are taking from friends and family
    • You become sick and irritable if you have not taken the substance for a while
    • You spend lots of time and money on the substance
    • You have become less concerned about your personal hygiene
    • You withdraw from people who do not encourage you to continue taking the substance
    • You have lost interest in hobbies or activities that take you away from the substance
    • You have noticed a decline in your mental health

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Harpenden – What is Available?

    While it may be tempting to shut yourself off from the world and attempt to recover alone, this is not recommended. You will have a much better chance at obtaining and maintaining sobriety if you seek professional drug and rehab services in Harpenden.

    It is important to understand that addiction is an illness that requires professional medical help. Just as you wouldn’t expect to recover from heart disease alone, you shouldn’t expect to recover from addiction alone, either.

    While searching for drug and alcohol rehab in Harpenden, it is helpful to understand the level of care you will need.

    This can be daunting, however, our team of addiction specialists at OK Rehab are here to help you and can put together a treatment plan to ensure you get the best help for your individual needs.

    Call a member of our team today on 0800 326 5559 to get started with your personalised addiction treatment plan.

    Some of the addiction treatments in Harpenden include:

    1. Inpatient rehab

    Inpatient rehab requires you to check in to a clinic for a number of weeks – usually between 30 and 90 days depending on the level of addiction. Within the inpatient clinic, you will have access to medical professionals any time you need them.

    This is especially helpful when you are going through scary and sometimes dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

    The medical staff at the clinic can prescribe you any medications required to help combat unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

    They can also offer you individual and group therapy, lead therapeutic workshops and provide nutritional information.

    While it may be a scary thought to have to check in to a rehab clinic for several weeks, these clinics offer the best chance at sustained and long-term sobriety.

    2. Outpatient rehab

    As a person with substance use disorder attending rehab as an outpatient, you will still be entitled to any prescription medications you need to combat withdrawal symptoms or to replace a more harmful substance.

    However, you will remain at home during your rehabilitation, and it can be scary to go through withdrawal symptoms without the help of a medical professional.

    You will also be entitled to therapy as an outpatient and may be referred to either individual or group therapy. However, there may be long waiting lists as these are normally issues through the NHS.

    3. Peer support groups

    Peer support groups are available in most towns across the UK and normally take place in church halls or community centres.

    Anyone can attend and they are a good place for your friends or family to go so they can get a better understanding of your addiction and what lead to it.

    These groups are a good place to meet other people that have been on the same journey as you and they can offer tips to help cope with triggers and advice on how to get through bad days.

    These groups often offer a mentor program so you always have someone you can call if you feel you are struggling.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Harpenden, call us today at 0800 326 5559.

    Contact Us Today

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    If you have decided that you would benefit from drug and alcohol rehab in Harpenden but are unsure of where to begin, we are here to help you.

    Our team of experts are specially trained in the treatment of addiction and are waiting to take your call. They can help set up a personalised treatment plan and guide you towards the particular treatments that will work best for you.

    Call us today on 0800 326 5559 to get started.

    If you are still unsure, our website has a lot of advice and tips on addiction and rehabilitation from how the substances affect you to what to expect when you enter a rehab program.


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