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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Henley

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Henley

    Choosing the right rehab clinic can be tough. However, OK Rehab can help you choose the most suitable facility by taking into consideration your needs and goals for treatment. When deciding upon a facility it is important that it offers the correct tools and programmes that will help you progress.

    It is also important that you are committed and ready for the journey you are about to embark on. Those who are not ready for rehab and are perhaps seeking treatment, not for themselves, but to please others, may increase their chances of relapsing once treatment is over.

    Find out more about the process and contact our team today on 0800 326 5559. Our friendly team of helpline advisers are available night and day to answer any questions or concerns about treatment.

    What tools do I need to begin rehab?

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    Rehab can pose many challenges for clients and it can be useful to acknowledge how you will successfully deal with them before you commence treatment.

    Below is a list of the most useful skills to possess before beginning your rehab programme:

    Effective ways of dealing with stress

    Addiction can cause many people to feel immense levels of stress. However, if you are willing to learn how to deal with your stress, you can make the most out of the treatments on offer during your time in rehab.

    A willingness to develop a support network

    Creating a support network made up of sober friends can be very beneficial to clients and has been proven to reduce the chances of relapsing once you are home. Whether this is through peers met in rehab, or those in recovery within your local area, sober friends are a great way to keep motivations high, especially during your first twelve months of recovery.

    The ability to want to see change

    Sadly, some people begin treatment for the sake of others. Whilst family and friends can play an integral part in making you realise the severity of your substance abuse; you must be willing to acknowledge the problem yourself.

    If not, all attempts at recovery will be futile. Wanting to remove drugs and alcohol from your life shows a strong indication that you want to begin treatment.

    Why is rehab 28 days long?

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    28 days has been considered the perfect length of many residential rehabilitation programmes due to it being an effective timeframe for many milestones to be achieved. Rehab aims to treat addiction and promote both physical and mental recovery.

    Rehab helps clients withdraw safely, create healthy coping mechanisms and support networks, as well as work through very often difficult feelings tied to their substance abuse. All of these things take time, however by selecting a residential rehab programme of our recommendation you can rest assured that you can begin to recover in a short period.

    Although treatment is usually complete within a month, recovery continues once you leave your chosen facility. This is why a long-term commitment is required, to ensure you can successfully stay sober upon return to your home environment.

    This will be possible with our support and the continued support of your chosen clinic.

    Through aftercare, you can remain in close contact with staff from your clinic so that they can effectively monitor your progress. This is usually performed through meetings and group therapy sessions that allow you to raise any concerns in a safe space.

    Staff from your chosen clinic will also recommend local support groups that can place you in contact with peers from your area.

    Although 28 days is the general length of treatment, this is not always the case with all clients and will depend on the severity of your addiction. For a more accurate quote on the length of your treatment programme, begin your pre-admission assessment today by calling our team.

    Is the admissions process long?

    A man in therapy

    Compared to that of public treatment, the admission process for entering private treatment is relatively short. Whilst it may feel slightly lengthy this is so that we can recommend only the most suitable clinics in the Henley area.

    Without suitability, attempts to recover can be pointless as you cannot access the level of care you need to succeed.

    Our admission process begins by getting to know our clients as individuals. We ask you to begin this process by calling our team on 0800 326 5559. From here we can conduct your pre-admission assessment.

    During this assessment, our team will ask questions relating to your current health, the length of your addiction, the substance you are addicted to, your goals for treatment, and the location you wish to recover in.

    This is what makes private treatment so beneficial; the level of personalisation involved. Since 2000, we have advocated for treatment for all.

    This means our staff promise to listen to you, no matter your situation. Treatment should always be inclusive to all and with our assistance, we want to help all clients access the care they require.

    Make that first step into sobriety today

    At OK Rehab we help people rebuild their lives and have been doing so for over 20 years. We believe that addiction treatment shouldn’t just be about meetings but rather personalised support that can help clients make permanent and effective lifestyle changes.

    We can help to treat any addiction and can facilitate treatment for any client who wants to stop consuming substances. Although this often sounds easier said than done, by acknowledging your problem you can begin to change your life in the best possible way.

    If you are worried about a loved one in your life who is in denial, we can help by offering support through our intervention programme. An intervention specialist can help to initiate an intervention that allows loved ones to speak about how they feel in a managed environment. Whilst this can feel uncomfortable, interventions are often very effective in getting a loved one to see the true severity of their addiction.

    Don’t delay, call us today on 0800 326 5559.


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