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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Lanarkshire

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Lanarkshire

    OK Rehab provides placements at private rehab clinics all over the country, as well as being a truly valuable information resource for those who are looking for help with addiction.

    Call us freephone on 0800 326 5559 for more information.

    When you are ready, we can begin a consultation to find out your needs for recovery. Once we have more information about you, we can use our expert knowledge of the private rehab industry to recommend a clinic that we think would be right for you.

    We can also provide all relevant information about the clinic, including the pricing and timeframe of your treatment. All calls are handled in strict confidence and in accordance with all applicable data protection laws of the United Kingdom.

    Combatting hesitance to go to rehab


    Rehab is the gold standard of addiction treatment. However, a huge obstacle in people getting treatment for addiction staying in denial about their addiction.

    Some people can go on for years in denial, blaming their circumstances or other factors for their drug abuse. The truth is, unless the person is willing to accept that they have a substance abuse problem, they will not be able to get into recovery.

    If you are calling on behalf of someone else whose substance abuse you are concerned about, we can provide detailed advice on how to stage an intervention for that person. This means that you and other loved ones can offer your perspective in a constructive way.

    This may be an effective way of getting through to someone who is still in denial about their substance abuse.

    Mental health treatment at rehab

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    Mental health issues are synonymous with addiction and substance abuse. For many people, this can be the catalyst that drives them to use it in the first place.

    At rehab, there is a big emphasis on mental health rehabilitation, with mental health professionals on-site around the clock. They will be able to help you adjust to your new surroundings in a healthy way, as well as providing dual diagnoses and dispensing medications where appropriate.

    Through a combination of counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), group work, and educational workshops, you will be able to get to the bottom of your issues and address them in a constructive manner.

    As well as being in the care of top professionals, the group aspect of rehab is also very helpful when it comes to healing. These sessions give you the opportunity to learn from the perspectives and shared experiences of others in the group, as well as provide you with a platform to share your own thoughts on what you are going through.

    Rehab is a very challenging time, so it is good to know that you are not alone and to have others to share with. If you stay close to home for rehab, there may also be the opportunity to call in family members or loved ones for certain therapy sessions, which can go a long way towards healing those relationships.

    This will only be arranged if appropriate to your treatment plan, and only with your knowledge and consent

    Detox at rehab

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    Your first port of call once you arrive at the clinic is to go through detox, which will be monitored by a small team of professional clinicians. They will be able to talk you through the process once you arrive, which will differ slightly depending on what drugs you have been abusing, to what extent, and for how long.

    They will be able to manage any unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that you have, such as headaches, nausea, or muscle pain. These kinds of physical symptoms will likely be more severe for those who have been abusing alcohol, opiates such as heroin, or benzodiazepines such as Diazepam.

    For other drugs like cannabis or ecstasy, the emphasis will probably be on monitoring the psychological side effects, such as acute insomnia, depression, or anxiety.

    Detox is potentially a very challenging time, but any symptoms that you experience will be temporary. The whole process of detoxing should take around a week, sometimes as long as 10 days.

    Once this comes to an end, you will be able to move on to your personalised therapy schedule, as detailed in the section above. Please be aware that you do not have to do anything to prepare for detox – for example, you do not have to reduce your substance usage before you arrive.

    In fact, it is recommended that you do not attempt to do this, as trying to go through any kind of detox by yourself is physiologically dangerous, and can even result in death. Just wait until you arrive at detox to be treated.

    Facing doubts about the future

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    Just as coming into rehab would have been a daunting experience, it can be equally intimidating to contemplate stepping back out into the world and staying in recovery. While this is very much understandable, it is also something that you will have a great deal of help with while you are still at the clinic.

    The team there will help you to put together a firm plan for relapse prevention, which will involve proactive steps as well as reactive steps. For example, you will have been coached on various coping techniques to use when the temptation to use arises – this would be considered a reactive step.

    You will probably also be encouraged to go to some kind of regular therapy meeting, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar programme, whether 12-step-based or not.

    Another aspect of your relapse prevention might be cutting social ties with people who are detrimental to your chances of staying in recovery. For example, you might have a friend or family member who is still abusing drugs and/or alcohol – it would likely be recommended that you stay away from this person, perhaps until such time as they are in recovery.

    Decisions like this are definitely not easy to make, but they are essential if you want to prioritise your own health and well-being. It’s a great achievement to have finished a course of rehab, but you should know that keeping addiction at bay once you leave will require this kind of proactive involvement in your own recovery and not just sheer willpower.

    Call us today

    We have a highly-trained team waiting to take your call. Whether you are calling for yourself or for someone you know, we can provide help and advice about addiction, rehab, and everything related.

    When you are ready to proceed, we can suggest a treatment clinic and make your referral as easy as possible. Call us on 0800 326 5559 to start your recovery journey.

    All calls are free from UK landlines. International callers can reach us on 0330 333 8188 – rates may vary depending upon your location.


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