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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Petersfield

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Petersfield

    Are you currently struggling with addiction and don’t know where to turn? Are you contemplating seeking professional help but are unsure of your options? If so, OK Rehab can help.

    Many people with addiction delay seeking treatment due to the stigma involved with treatment. This can manifest as fear of what people may think or worry about how it will impact your future.

    The truth is that these fears are often more exaggerated than you may think. Failing to seek the treatment you need means that your addiction could worsen, placing your physical and mental health in extreme jeopardy.

    Why should I consider rehab?

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    If you are in the Petersfield area and think you need to attend rehab, we can help you. Within the Hampshire area, there are many treatment centres available meaning that we can recommend the most suitable clinics that suit your needs.

    The thought of rehab can feel very overwhelming, ask yourself the following questions to determine if you should seek help:

    1. Are your relationships suffering as a result of your consumption?
    2. Has your physical and mental health deteriorated?
    3. Do you struggle to go more than 24 hours without consuming drugs or alcohol?
    4. Do you miss work just so that you can consume substances?
    5. Do you avoid social events?
    6. Have your friends and family urged you to seek professional help?
    7. Do you lie about your use of drugs or alcohol?
    8. Have you tried to quit in the past, but your attempt was unsuccessful?
    9. Have you found yourself in trouble with the police?
    10. Does your addiction take priority over everything in your life?

    If your answer to the following questions is yes, it is more than likely you will need to seek professional help. Addiction shouldn’t be a source of shame and our team are here to listen to you no matter your current situation.

    What is the difference between inpatient and outpatient care?

    woman running in sunset

    Inpatient care, also known as residential treatment, requires clients to admit themselves to a local medical rehab facility. During this time, you will be supported emotionally and physically with help from an around-the-clock medical team.

    Inpatient care is a big commitment and requires your readiness to recover so that you can see success.  Many inpatient clinics use family involvement as this can help motivate recovery.

    Because of this, we usually recommend localised treatment to our clients. This means that you will choose a clinic located within or close by to your local area.

    Localised treatment can provide higher levels of success as you are familiar with your local area, this ultimately means that the transition to and from your treatment centre isn’t a huge disruption to your life.

    Outpatient treatment, on the other hand, is a less structured approach to addiction treatment and is usually recommended to those who haven’t suffered the psychological effects of addiction.

    You will stay at home during your time in treatment and visit your chosen clinic daily to attend therapy sessions.

    For those with mild to moderate addictions, outpatient care can provide a more relaxed approach to treatment as it doesn’t require leaving work or the home environment.

    Usually, 12-step programmes are used in outpatient treatment to help motivate recovery. You will also be encouraged to attend local community groups such as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous to help you stay sober.

    No matter which treatment option is chosen, rehab can change your life in the best possible way. Talk to our team today on 0800 326 5559 to discuss which option you would most likely benefit from.

    How long does rehab last?

    holding hands across table

    Treatment at a residential rehab facility can last from between 7 days, if you complete a detox programme on its own, or around 28 for a full treatment programme.

    The recommended duration for your personalised programme will be determined during your assessment with our team.

    What does a normal day in rehab look like?

    man sat on edge of seat

    Though your schedule will depend on the kind of treatment staff believe you will show the most progress in, below is an outline of a typical day in rehab.


    Your day will begin with a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Before you have a meeting to discuss your progress, you will be given alone time to enjoy beneficial activities such as reading or mindfulness.


    At around midday, you will be given lunch. At rehab, all meals are provided for you and caterers can provide meals for a variety of dietary requirements. After this, you will most likely have a therapy session such as one-to-one or group therapy. This session could also range from art therapy to a 12-step meeting.


    After your final meal of the day and any required medication, it is bedtime. This is usually at around 10 pm. Getting the right amount of sleep is important for all clients and ensures your body and mind can heal.

    How do I get in touch?

    To learn more about the benefits of rehab or to ask any questions you may have about treatment, contact our team on 0800 326 5559.

    We understand that this may be a stressful time for you as rehab requires commitment and motivation to complete. However, we want you to know that reaching out for professional help is the best decision you can make.

    Rehab can provide you with the necessary tools and direction to change your life for the better. To lead a life free from drugs and alcohol, contact us today.

    Opening up about your substance abuse can be difficult, but with our confidential helpline, our team promise to listen to all concerns you may have.

    For over 20 years we have advocated for inclusive and accessible treatment to all. We believe that everyone should have the chance to turn their life around, no matter their current situation.

    If you are interested in receiving help yourself or for someone you know, don’t delay, reach out today.


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