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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Rochford

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Rochford

    When thinking about rehabilitation many things will be on your mind. It’s not simply the issue of quitting drugs and alcohol. Of course, we already know that there’s nothing simple about that at all. There are, however, other things to consider too.

    You’ll be interested in learning about the types of rehabilitation services that are available to you in Rochford. There will be mental preparation where you come to grips with this step that you’re taking and what you can do to make that easier. As well as this, you’ll have practical issues linked to housing, family, and work.

    OK Rehab can support you during this time. A call to our team on 0800 326 5559 will open up the opportunity for you to gain immediate emotional support and guidance on rehabilitation options in the Rochford area.

    What Makes People Use Substances In The First Place?


    Every person in this world comes with their own stories, histories, and events that have been incredibly impacting on who they are. It, therefore, needs to be remembered that people are individuals and should be treated as such. There are, though, certain factors that can make people more likely to develop an addiction.

    These factors include:

    Of course, where one of these factors occurs, addiction can develop. Where all five of these issues occur, it can be highly likely.

    All these factors shed light on the makeup of a person. Where any of these exist, a compassionate and empathetic approach is essential.

    Who Should Access Rehabilitation Services?

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    Anyone who is using psychoactive substances should find out about the drugs or alcohol that they’re using. This is even the case where use is light and irregular. This is because it reduces the risks of harm and helps to keep people safe. If you’re in this situation, you can call the OK Rehab team for advice.

    For some people, though, serious rehabilitation services are vital. Only through them do they have the chance of creating a healthier life. In the case of a person drinking more than 30 units of alcohol a day, rehab is essential. Also, where people keep trying to quit but can’t, who become violent to others, or who have mental health problems, rehabilitation support is critical.

    What Do Professionals Use To Assess Your Addiction And Rehabilitation Needs?


    There are psychiatric assessments that professionals use to understand your addiction and what treatments are going to help.

    One of the most common psychiatric tools is known as the DSM-5. This uses a holistic approach to think about all angles of what makes your addiction exist. It’s concerned with your history, your thoughts, emotions, and reactions, your environment, how you feel about recovery, and how you have fared so far about recovery and relapse.

    When you reach this point in your journey, it’s important to bear in mind that the only right answer is an honest one.

    Is Going To Rehab Expensive?

    man sat on edge of seat

    Many people think that attending a private rehab to stay for a length of time is expensive. It’s really useful to talk to the OK Rehab team about this. We can explain how your budget matches up with various programmes that are on offer.

    Outpatient services tend to be less expensive than inpatient. However, inpatient programmes provide all the treatments needed to get you sober. A residential stay can generally cost anywhere from between £3,000 to £12,000.

    What Types Of Treatments Are There?

    Two women talking at a table

    There are treatments for people that address the physical, psychological, emotional, and social aspects of addiction. A person must be supported in all areas. When this occurs, the likelihood of obtaining an abstinent lifestyle is much higher.

    What are inpatient detoxes?

    An inpatient detox is necessary for people who have developed physical dependencies. They take place at a rehab clinic and a person will stay for some time. This is common in the heavy and/or regular users of alcohol, opioids like heroin, and benzodiazepines. Where a dependency exists, withdrawal is incredibly distressing and causes seriously dangerous effects.

    The substance and severity of addiction will influence the length of the detox. They usually last between seven to ten days. This is the safest way to detox the body from these substances because a team of medical staff ensure that you’re safe and use medications to ease physical symptoms.

    What’s an outpatient detox?

    Where a patient has been assessed as being “low risk”, an outpatient detox might be recommended. This is where a doctor has daily contact with the patient over the phone while they remain living at home. They will be sent the appropriate medication to ease their withdrawal symptoms.

    The outpatient detox isn’t as safe as the inpatient because the patient isn’t supervised.

    What Therapies Are Offered?

    A woman in therapy

    If long-term change is to take place, people need specialist psychological and alternative therapies. This is where people learn about how their thoughts, lifestyle, and past are instrumental in their current situation with addiction.

    The following therapies are offered:

    Through participating in these, real change can begin.

    How Can I Access Rehabilitation Treatment?

    A young woman in a therapy session

    The OK Rehab team can support you to find the most suitable rehabilitation for you in the Rochford area. It’s our job to assess your needs in terms of addiction, substance, personality, budget, and location, and match you to the best clinic to suit.

    With our support, we can secure you a place and support you with practical arrangements up to the day you’re admitted. Where family members have questions and concerns, we can also communicate with them to support you.

    To find out more about your options, call us now on 0800 326 5559. If you’ve had enough of drugs and alcohol, the next step is recovery.


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