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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Romford

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Romford

    You have likely surprised yourself through some of the actions you might have taken about a drug or alcohol addiction. Many people might develop traits that are nothing like what they were like as a person before the substance use got out of hand.

    For others, you might feel as though you’re in control of your use of alcohol or drugs, but that you need to reduce how much you’re using.

    Problems with drugs and alcohol come in many different forms. Addiction for some might mean lying about how often they use, stealing money to be able to buy substances, or losing a job because priorities have changed.

    However, a substance problem might also include drinking or using drugs alone, hiding how often you use or think about it from others, and not being as productive during the day because your mind is foggy and you’re feeling lethargic.

    While addiction might not develop for everyone, problematic use of substances also causes a lot of damage. Rehab services provide treatments for people who use alcohol and drugs in all manners of ways.

    To find out what would suit your needs, contact OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 for advice.

    What You Gain From Going To A Private Rehab Clinic In Romford


    There are two main types of rehab services: private clinics and centres that are funded through the NHS. Although NHS services are free, they’re also strained by budget cuts. There are also a lot of targets for staff to hit as well as a slim-lined offering of treatments. Sadly, some people also find that there are difficulties in accessing certain treatments where mental health issues exist alongside addiction.

    Private clinics are staffed by professionals who understand that addiction and mental health problems are often interconnected. It’s incredibly difficult to see where one starts and the other ends. This is why staff treat both conditions.

    Staff at private clinics ensure that all the top quality and most recent treatments are on offer to residents. This helps in keeping recovery rates high.

    There is also the benefit of 24/7 hour care which is useful in the first few weeks of recovery when cravings are at their strongest. Alongside both physical and psychological treatments, there are comfortable rooms to enjoy and relax in, both private and communal.

    How Do You Know Which Is The Best Clinic For You?

    A man reading in bed

    The OK Rehab team is available to discuss the options for residential clinics with you. The team has an invested interest in supporting people who have addictions to begin recovery. Many of the OK Rehab staff have been personally affected by addiction themselves through historic issues or due to people they care about having experienced addictions.

    With this in mind, they’re driven to provide a quality service. This means keeping up to date with what’s happening in the addiction field. OK, Rehab also works collaboratively with clinics throughout the UK meaning regular contact is maintained.

    When you call OK Rehab, you can access a referral which means you get a free pre-assessment and the team can thereafter secure you a place at a private clinic. The team is trained to match you by coming to understand your recovery goals and needs and finding you the ideal clinic for treatment.

    The goal of this is to make your transition to rehab as simple as possible.

    What Happens When You Go To Rehab In Romford?

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    Some treatments are standard within rehabilitation services and some that are more individualised. What you access will be dependent on what your rehab requirements are.

    Whatever the long-term goal, however, everybody who enters a private clinic for rehabilitation must go through a detox period. This is how people begin recovery and eliminate the body of drugs and alcohol.

    How is a detox going to benefit me?

    Detox within a rehab clinic means that staff support you to be as relaxed as possible when the cravings hit. It also means that where physical dependencies have developed (common for alcohol, heroin, and alprazolam users), physical symptoms are kept to a minimum. This makes the beginning of recovery as easy to do as possible.

    Staff prescribe medications and provide emotional support to ensure you safely stay on track. There are also meals and drinks provided to support your mind and body towards replenishment.

    Detox is important because it removes the substances from the body. Drugs and alcohol are filled with toxins and the build-up of these are what cause chronic illnesses and diseases. With their removal, you’re creating a physically healthier place for recovery to take place.

    How will therapies support my recovery?

    There are different types of therapies. When you enter rehab, you’ll have a psychiatric assessment by a member of staff. This is so they’re able to ascertain what therapies and groups will be most suitable for you and your recovery.

    You’ll likely have cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as this is proven to support people who have addictions towards quitting the substance. CBT concentrates on the mind and how you think. Therapists guide you to understand what is driving your thoughts and how to change them. This is the key to overcoming addiction because of the thoughts you have to guide your behaviours.

    There are also alternative treatments to participate in such as reiki, yoga, mindfulness, and music and art therapies. These are incredible ways for people to begin healing through a peaceful approach to the mind.

    What Happens After Rehab?

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    An aftercare plan is put in place and this lasts twelve months. It will outline the services you can keep in place which might involve counselling and will include some group work such as 12 Step attendance.

    The aftercare plan will also outline what lifestyle changes are essential to support your recovery goals and what to do in the event of relapse.

    It’s really important you keep to the aftercare plan to stay focused on recovery. Local AA and NA groups also provide great spaces of support into the future.

    Find out all you need to know by calling OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559.


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