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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Rugby

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Rugby

    As a person with an addiction, there are a lot of things you might have lost control over. You could have lost your ability to choose positively about your health. The substance often reaches a point of priority and the disease means your behaviours can become automatic.

    For some people, it feels as though the choice of saying no to drugs and alcohol doesn’t exist anymore. However, there is something very positive you have the choice of making:

    Choosing to quit. 

    Heading towards a life of sobriety saves millions of people throughout the world every day. In the UK, there are brilliant treatment options and rehab services that can support you in recreating your life.

    If you want a life where you’re able to take control of what you do and find new things to be hopeful in and to focus on, then rehabilitation clinics are a must.

    The truth is, addiction needs to be treated. It won’t just go away. It will be there every morning unless you connect with people who can support you in learning how to create change.

    For all the information you need on your options in Rugby, call the OK Rehab advising team on 0800 326 5559.

    What Does A Residential Stay At A Rehabilitation Clinic Involve?


    Before you think about going to stay as a resident for some time at a rehab clinic, you want to make sure that you’ve picked the right one for your needs.

    This means being aware of the severity of your addiction and what treatments and services you’re going to require. Although you might be an expert in the experience of addiction, knowing about treatments is something you’ll probably need to find out about.

    OK, Rehab can explain what all the treatments are and what rehab services there are in Rugby as well as in other parts of the UK. Our team refers people to rehab every day.

    We do this through holding a pre-assessment with the person and then using our up-to-date knowledge of what’s on offer we can advise you as to what will support you to recover the most effectively.

    After the assessment and you choose which of the rehabilitation options you’d like to go for, we’re able to refer you and make the arrangements for you to enter rehab. This means you don’t have to keep speaking with different people to explain what you have already said.

    Our team can provide support up to your admission.

    What Happens During The Admission Process?

    Two women talking and looking at a tablet

    OK, Rehab will have liaised with the rehab clinic on your behalf and they will have the background knowledge about you that we have shared. An admission date will have been decided through our liaising with you and the staff. If you need a quick admission, this is also something that OK Rehab can secure for you.

    The rehab staff will be ready to receive you on the date of your admission. Our team of advisors can also support you in making practical arrangements to get there should you need it.

    On arrival, you’ll meet with the friendly person at reception who will be expecting you. They’ll then let the appropriate member of staff know you have arrived and you’ll be shown your room and around the centre and made to feel welcome (a cup of tea is usually very welcome at this point)!

    At this point, you’ll then have a psychiatric assessment. This is nothing to worry about. As you’ll be under the care of doctors and therapists, they simply need to figure out what treatments you need. When this happens, they ask questions to understand more deeply about you, the addiction, and your recovery goals.

    You will then be given a tailored schedule of treatments for them to begin.

    holding hands across table

    1. Detox: the first treatment.

    Every person who enters a treatment clinic for a length of time will have to undergo a detox. The drugs and alcohol need to be removed from the system before you can begin the psychological and emotional approaches to treatment.

    The detox is linked to your withdrawal period. How long this lasts depends on the substance you use and whether it requires a tapered-off process. When people have become physically dependent on substances such as alcohol, opioids, and benzodiazepines, the detox can last up to ten days.

    During this time you’ll be encouraged to eat and drink the well-balanced nourishment from the kitchen. This will help to rebalance the body quicker.

    2. Therapies: the second part of the treatment

    When people have addictions and they think of getting help, it’s usually the therapies and group work that their minds jump straight to. These are very important parts of your recovery journey.

    What you learn here will empower you to heal and give you the tools to retrain your mind and how you value particular aspects of life.

    Residents usually undergo the following treatments:

    There are also opportunities to have couples and family therapies. This is what makes staying in the Rugby area for treatment useful. These therapies are then easier to arrange.

    Aftercare Services


    During the stay, you’ll work with the staffing team to come up with a relapse prevention plan. This will highlight what you can do to manage cravings, your responses to distressing situations, and what to do if you relapse.

    You will also have an aftercare plan which will outline the next steps to follow on leaving rehab. It’s essential you keep to this plan and remain determined to focus on your goal of sobriety.

    Many people will access outpatient services such as ongoing counselling and 12 Step groups to help them stay sober and supported. Building new friendships and relationships with people who care about your recovery is crucial at this time.

    What Do I Do Now?

    Find out about rehab options in Rugby by calling OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559.


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