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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Tonbridge

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Tonbridge

    It’s important to consider what makes a person develop an addiction. Only through understanding and the person reaching a point of honest self-reflection can change and growth occur.

    The reasons substance use turns into addiction for people are influenced by a series of factors. Where people have experienced more than one of these factors, the likelihood of an addiction forming is increased. Many people will have gone through childhood watching a parent or caregiver using substances, which normalises the behaviours.

    Lots of people will have a genetic predisposition towards an addiction. The neural pathways in the brain physically make it more likely to occur. Also, where there have been traumatic experiences, or where low self-esteem exists, these factors can influence. Finally, where people associate in social circles where psychoactive substances are used, they’re more likely to have problems.

    There are, of course, other factors that play a role too, such as the impact of mental health, eating disorders, and behavioural addictions. Whatever the background of the individual, it will be unique. However, symptoms of addiction will carry over.

    For a person to recover from addiction, specialised treatment and rehabilitative input is essential.

    If you want to find out about the recovery programmes in Tonbridge, call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559. Our team is here ready to help you.

    What happens if you take drugs and alcohol for an extended period?

    A woman with her hand over her face

    People often associate the negative consequences of drug and alcohol use with those who use every day. This isn’t helpful. What needs to be remembered is that psychoactive substances are highly toxic. Even when a person drinks or takes drugs as a once-off, the body is put under huge strain.

    The immediate effects

    Initially, the organs will have to adjust their functioning to accommodate and try to eliminate the substance. This means usual bodily functioning isn’t up to standard and the importance is negatively impacting the system.

    It’s clear how toxic substances are, especially in the examples of when people throw up or defecate. The body is rejecting and trying to expel the substance.

    Substances affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological systems. This means the heart and breathing can slow down or speed up, and a person can have seizures.

    Ultimately, people will usually start using drugs because they’re seeking a particular feeling, a buzz, euphoria, or relaxation. However, the desire for these effects comes with a considerable risk.

    The long-term effects

    If you have an addiction, likely, you’ll already be experiencing some of the long-term effects of regular substance misuse. Sadly, at the start of a person’s drug and alcohol journey, the consequences aren’t usually fully clear.

    The truth is, where addiction exists without treatment, it’s almost certain that a person will begin to develop serious chronic illnesses and diseases linked to it. Different substances impact the body in various ways. However, the following issues can occur in people who have addiction:

    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Psychotic symptoms
    • Dementia
    • Damaged nose cartilage
    • Skin sores and abscesses
    • Deterioration and malfunctioning of organs, including the kidneys and bladder
    • Chronic illnesses of the lungs, liver, and pancreas
    • Heart problems
    • Blood-borne viruses

    As a person falls deeper into an addiction they usually start to understand that serious damage can occur. However, the nature of addiction prevents them from “simply” quitting. The substance is hooked into the mind and body. To remove those hooks, detox and deep psychological therapies are necessary.

    Is recovery possible for me?


    If you’re wondering whether you can quit drugs and alcohol and recover, then you must give yourself credit. Not only are you being honest in how you’re thinking about it, but you’re also addressing the issue.

    It’s not easy to quit substances, that’s true. It is, however, very possible. Thousands of people throughout the UK become sober every year. There are also people in Tonbridge choosing the direction of abstinence.

    Recovery is possible, but you have to be aware of and accept a few things:

    1. Addiction is a serious disease and you require treatment
    2. It’s essential that you’re prepared to open up and talk to the right people
    3. Quitting requires determination and focus
    4. You’ll need to implement lifestyle changes

    One thing that’s certain in life is that change happens. Every person is capable of change. With the issue of using drink and drugs, time plays a huge role. The more time you put into quitting, the easier it becomes to stop.

    What rehabilitation services are available for me in the Tonbridge area?

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    There are lots of options for you in the Tonbridge area. Some people prefer to access a local rehabilitation service, whereas others prefer to go further afield. There are benefits to both and it’s worth discussing this with the OK Rehab team to clarify what will be best in your situation.

    The most effective programmes with the highest rates of recovery are the ones accessed in private rehab clinics. This is due to the standard of care and the wide range of treatments available. Entering rehab as a resident staying for some time and then being supported through an aftercare plan will offer you the best provision.

    When you enter rehab, a detox is essential to support the body to eliminate substances and clear the mind. After detox, psychological therapies begin to unpick the weave of addiction and its triggers.

    Alternative therapies and group work provide the strength and connection to bring you warmth and healing. All aspects are essential for you to recover.

    You may also find help by attending a mutual support group after your stay at rehab, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA) or SMART Recovery.

    What do you need to do to get into rehab?

    A man holding another person's hand

    The easiest way to research, identify the most suitable, and secure a rehab place is through accessing our services here at OK Rehab.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559. Our team will support you by giving advice and explaining what all your options are in Tonbridge as well as further afield.


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