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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Trowbridge

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Trowbridge

    Addiction takes over a person’s thoughts and the substance becomes a priority. It can become the main thing a person thinks about, does, and wants. There are mood swings and mental and physical health issues related to it. Finally, of course, there is the impact on your loved ones.

    The first time you ever tried drugs and alcohol, the prospect of needing it every day certainly wasn’t the goal. People don’t start life wanting to become addicted. Perhaps, you’ve spent a long time in denial of the problem. This is very common throughout the UK.

    There comes a point, though, where denying that an addiction exists is futile. All the evidence is there. No matter how much you might wish it wasn’t. Although this can feel like an overwhelming realisation, it’s also a very special one.

    With the admission of the problem comes honesty with yourself, and others, and even more importantly, you might opt for a life of healing and recovery. A life where you leave the substance behind and start doing activities that bring you meaning and fulfilment.

    Throughout Trowbridge, people are seeking rehabilitation services.

    When you call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559, you can get all the information on what’s available to you there, as well as in other areas in Wiltshire.

    What makes a person use drugs and alcohol in the first place?

    A man standing on a traffic light-lit street at night

    There are lots of situations that cause a person to first drink alcohol, smoke cannabis, crack, snort coke or ketamine, drop pills, or inject heroin. Usually, right at the start of the journey, though, people are in a social situation and they’re curious.

    It’s likely that when you first tried substances you recreationally used them. Millions of people try substances, of course, and don’t become addicted. There are factors, however, that make some people more likely to develop a problem.

    Thousands of people grow up in homes where there is a caregiver who has an addiction. Sadly, this will be quite a “normal” way of life for some to grow up in. When this happens, a person will learn that this type of behaviour and coping mechanism is “ordinary”.

    Some people are physically predisposed. There are neural pathways in the brain that can make some people become triggered to addiction incredibly quickly.

    When a person has experienced trauma, this increases the risks of drug and alcohol problems, as well as mental health problems.

    Are you worried about someone you love having a drug or alcohol problem?

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    It’s extremely distressing when someone you care about is struggling with substance use. This is especially the case where it hasn’t been addressed openly. It’s important to remember that people will come to admit the problem in their own time.

    This can take a while and be very frustrating for other family members and friends. When you watch a person deteriorate and they start acting in unpleasant ways, it’s heart-breaking.

    In these circumstances, it’s important you remain open-minded, calm, and approachable. This can sometimes feel impossible. However, when the person reaches the point of admitting they have a problem, your mental journey thus far can make a huge difference in them approaching you for support.

    It’s also really useful to have information about drug and alcohol services in the Trowbridge area. When the person you love speaks to you, you can then make useful suggestions and give practical help.

    You can speak with OK Rehab for information on this and also find out from us about local 12-step groups. These groups are also available to family members who are affected by someone having an addiction.

    This is a great space for you to share and learn from others. It’s really important that you give yourself self-care time and learn how to set boundaries in this situation. 12-step groups can be really useful for you about this.

    Peer support groups like this can include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and more secular organisations like SMART Recovery.

    What is included in rehabilitation programmes?

    Two women talking and looking at a tablet

    Every person who goes to rehab is assessed for the team to understand the treatments that are required.

    If you stay as a resident for some time, then you will begin with a detox. This is a seven to ten-day period of time where the focus is on cleansing the body and removing toxic substances. You’ll be supported by the medical team who will manage any negative physical and psychological symptoms.

    After detox, you begin psychological therapies. These have been proven throughout the world to be highly effective in supporting people to overcome addiction. The focus is on how your mind affects your behaviour currently and what you can do to change that. You’ll be shown really helpful skills to help you manage cravings and triggers in the future.

    Alternative therapies support you by revealing to you that inner calm and solitude are achievable. The practitioners will offer relaxing activities that relieve stress and enable you to sit in the moment comfortably. Many people who go to rehab will go on to do alternative therapies as a hobby after they return home.

    There are one-to-one sessions as well as group sessions. Sharing with other people in group activities becomes a place of empowerment and learning.

    As time goes on you will also develop an aftercare plan with a member of staff. This will highlight all the steps you’ll take after leaving rehab. The goal of this is to keep you on the path of recovery. Usually, it will entail attendance at local outpatient services and lifestyle changes that you need to make.

    What does OK Rehab do to support people?

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    The OK Rehab team is a group of advisors who specialise in the field of addiction. We support people all over Britain to enter rehab. Our team offers emotional and practical guidance on what you can do to look after yourself and begin a healthier life.

    If you want to become sober, call us on 0800 326 5559 and we can refer you to a rehab clinic in your local area. We can also support you up to your date of admission. Contact us to find out more.


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