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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Truro

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Truro

    It’s usually an uncomfortable moment when a person is honest with themselves enough to admit that they have an addiction. Others might find it a relief, to finally be able to admit that there is a real problem.

    A drug or alcohol addiction is often hard to accept because of the stigma attached to it. Some people might also feel that addiction is a sign of weakness. What addiction is, though, for many isn’t weakness. It’s a coping mechanism.

    Every individual has coping mechanisms when faced with difficulties. While some might be healthy (such as talking to someone you trust to off-load), others (like turning to drink or drugs), aren’t. When a person becomes accustomed to using substances to get through difficult moments, or simply to unwind at the end of the day, there is a risk.

    The risk of continual substance use is, of course, addiction. When a person psychologically, and sometimes physically, comes to rely on the substance to get through the day and feel “normal”. This has serious long-term mental and physical effects.

    When people around those living with the illness witness the demise of the person they care about, it can cause severe harm to relationships. The effects of this disease run deep.

    In the Truro and Cornwall area, there is a wide range of treatment options for those who have decided that they want to begin a life without drugs and alcohol. To find out everything you want to know about these, contact OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559.

    What happens when you contact OK Rehab?

    A woman talking on the phone with a ring on her hand

    When you call OK Rehab, you’ll speak with one of our advisors. Our staff are friendly and professional with extensive knowledge and experience in the addiction area. All you need to do is explain that you’re interested in treatment options in Truro (or perhaps further away if you’re interested in that as well). The member of staff will then lead you through a pre-assessment.

    A pre-assessment allows OK Rehab to collect vital information. It informs us as to what the most suitable rehabilitation services are for you. We’ll ask you questions about you, the addiction, and how it affects your life, health, and relationships. It’s also very useful for us to discuss what your recovery goals are.

    With all this information in hand, we can then explain what your best local rehab options are.

    Will I have to wait ages before I can enter rehab?

    There are minimal waiting times when you access a private rehab clinic. Some placements can happen with immediate effect. There are many more options when it comes to private clinics in terms of the number of clinics as well as the treatments they offer.

    What happens if you have a mental health problem too?

    During the pre-assessment, we’ll discuss your mental health. The vast majority of people with addiction issues usually have mental health problems too. This is another reason that private clinics are an excellent choice of service to access treatment from. Private clinics treat both addictions as well as mental health issues.

    The professional staff at the clinics OK Rehab collaborate with are highly experienced in caring for and treating those who are suffering in this way.

    Is a residential stay essential?

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    A residential stay is where a person stays at a clinic for a particular period. This offers the immersive experience of rehabilitation. There are outpatient services offered by various clinics, but these tend to be more suited to those who have already stayed as a resident. Outpatient services are also useful for people who only require a light approach to treatments.

    Residential stays offer 24-hour care. People who stay are safe and are made to feel as comfortable as possible through the withdrawal stage of recovery. During the day there are planned sessions and activities for residents to take part in.

    Each person will be given a tailored plan of what treatments and activities they will receive. This will be based on a psychiatric assessment that the in-house therapists do.

    A stay at rehab offers a 98% chance to become sober. It gives your mind and body a break. Most importantly, it equips you to effectively begin a life of recovery.

    What treatments are offered at rehab in Truro?

    Two women talking and looking at a tablet

    There are a wide variety of treatments to support recovery from drugs and alcohol in the Truro area. Different clinics offer different options, but there are staple treatments provided in most clinics.

    This is because the approach to treating addiction has been stabilised over the past hundred years. Clinicians and therapists understand what is most successful in treating patients.

    The detox process at rehab

    When you enter rehab, every person participates in a detox. It’s really important to eliminate alcohol and drugs from the body. Staff aim to stabilise residents as quickly as possible. This is done through the stopping of substances and the prescription and administering of medication. Of course, the mind and body also need to be supported in other areas too.

    Residents receive highly nutritious and substantial meals to support the body towards rebalancing its brain chemicals and hormones. The first few days of withdrawal can be hard, but with a team of addiction workers and peers supporting you, this is much easier.

    The therapies at the rehab

    There is a wide variety of therapies offered at specialist rehab clinics. What you receive will be decided according to the outcome of your psychiatric assessment. Some residents might require more input than others or a specific type of therapy.

    Psychological therapies provide the structure for long-term mental well-being to be built from. As well as addressing any causal and triggering issues, therapy addresses how to create long-term change in the future.

    Alternative therapies are also a very popular option for many residents. This is where people relax through activities such as yoga, meditation, and art therapies.

    After rehab, you may also benefit from attending a peer support group, with several organisations operating in and near Truro such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and SMART Recovery.

    To find out more about drug and alcohol rehab in Truro, contact OK Rehab now on 0800 326 5559.


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