General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
International: 0330 333 8188

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Tyneside

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Tyneside

    If you or someone you know is ready to conquer addiction, then it may be time to take action. Taking the first step to returning to a relatively normal life in Tyneside is as simple as contacting a member of OK Rehab’s team.

    Our many years of experience in helping those from all different backgrounds and circumstances give us a brilliant record within the field of rehabilitation.

    Within Tyneside, our services are well known, meaning that we greet people from all over the area, as well as the rest of the UK (and the world).

    If you’re looking to take the first step to recovery through rehabilitation or to learn more about addiction and its effects, please call us on 0800 326 5559.

    It is vital to seek help as soon as possible after deciding to seek rehabilitative help. Over 140 people died due to drug poisoning in Tyne and Wear in 2020 [1].

    Although this number has been decreasing recently, it is no less important to seek help sooner rather than later. This can reduce the impact of a number of health risks.

    Our services extend across the Tyneside area, including Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, North Tyneside, and South Tyneside.

    Contact us today to check for services in your area.

    Treatment for drug and alcohol abuse in Tyneside

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    OK Rehab recognises that every individual is different, and so are their addictions.

    Every rehab centre, treatment programme, and decision will be tailored to your specific requirements. Even if an addiction seems identical to a previous case, we will continue to strive for and create a custom rehabilitation programme for each individual case.

    The area of and around Tyneside hosts a range of rehabilitative services and OK Rehab assures you that we will handle each stage in the most professional manner available.

    It is very rare that an individual can overcome an addiction alone and support is recommended in nearly all cases. This support allows the individual to rely on something other than themselves, and professional rehabilitation staff will be on hand 24/7 during a stay at a rehab centre.

    Researching and assessing your options for rehabilitation is the first step to take in the journey to recovery, and OK Rehab is ready to help you through every step along the way.

    With OK Rehab, you will never be alone in facing your addiction. Call us today to discuss any severity of the issue – from admitting into a rehab centre to a casual chat, drop us a call at 0800 326 5559 today to get more information.

    What to expect from rehabilitation


    If you choose to move forward with rehabilitation through OK Rehab, then you are in the best hands.

    Our range of rehab centres across Tyneside boasts comfortable living, modern treatment programmes, and expert staff members.

    Giving yourself the chance to rehabilitate in a specialised rehabilitation centre allows you to focus fully on recovering, away from triggers, temptations, and pressures.

    In most cases, rehab begins with detoxification. This involves expelling toxins from the body, and completely removing the traces of drugs and alcohol from the system.

    A common side effects of this are withdrawal symptoms. These vary from person to person and rehab centres often have a specialised detox clinic in which people can receive around-the-clock care and support.

    Once the process of detoxification has been undertaken, you are then ready to progress to the later stages of rehabilitation including individual counselling and group therapies.

    Contact OK Rehab for rehabilitation support in Tyneside

    Get in touch with a member of the OK Rehab team today to start your first steps to rehabilitation. No matter how serious or trivial you believe your query to be, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

    If you’re after more information on the different rehabilitation centres around Tyneside, suitable treatment programmes, or just want a chat about any problems associated with addiction, OK Rehab is available 24/7 to receive your call.

    Want to enter a rehab centre? Call us today on 0800 326 5559 for an initial telephone consultation.

    OK Rehab offers a wide scope of addiction treatment programmes in and around Tyneside, including Newcastle, Gateshead, North Tyneside, and South Tyneside.


    [1] Office of National Statistics; Number of deaths related to drug poisoning, persons by local authority, England and Wales, registered in each year between 1993 and 2020



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