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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hoddesdon

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hoddesdon

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Hoddesdon

    Many people suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction might be in denial.

    They might be in denial that they even have a problem in the first place, or they might be in denial about the consequences that their addiction brings.

    At OK Rehab, we understand that overcoming this denial is often the first and hardest step.

    That’s why our team are trained in working with you to come to terms with your addiction and find the right kind of treatment that works for you.

    Once you contact our team, our initial phone call consultation will help us identify which stage of addiction you’re at, what kind of substances you’re addicted to and most importantly, what kind of treatment and rehab centres are most likely to help.

    Sustaining your recovery is one of the most important things to us, as it should be for you. That’s why we work closely with Hoddesdon’s leading rehab and treatment centres to understand their offering and treatment options.

    It is because we have this in-depth understanding that we then advise the next best steps.

    However, before all of this comes acceptance and for this, you must overcome your denial.

    You can do this by calling a member of our team today on 0800 326 5559 or visit us online at

    How to Find a Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Hoddesdon

    at home

    If you’ve overcome your denial and are ready to confront your addiction, then you should start looking into drug and alcohol addiction centres in your area.

    However, for someone doing this for the first time, this can seem daunting and overwhelming.

    This is mainly due to the overwhelming amount of centres and treatment options that are available in this day and age.

    The best way to find the right kind of treatment for you is to talk to a member of our team at OK Rehab who already knows what the options in your area are.

    Not only will we be able to find treatment centres and options in your area, but because of our experience and knowledge, we’ll be able to pinpoint exactly which centres and treatment options are most suitable to your addiction, personality and future needs.

    Understandably, this can be a very daunting and overwhelming task for anyone who’s already suffering from an addiction and potentially other issues, such as mental health issues.

    At OK Rehab we understand that in order to enter rehab, you’ll need to be supported every step of the way. That’s exactly what we provide.

    Not only do we provide support, but we also narrow down and highlight the best options that will suit your needs and your addiction.

    We understand that just as each person is different, so is each addiction. No two addictions are the same, and therefore no two treatment options and plans should be the same either.

    At OK Rehab, we understand the differences in benefits that CBT therapy can bring as opposed to group therapy, what benefits outpatient versus inpatient therapy can provide and what a dual diagnosis actually means.

    What Treatment Options are on Offer?


    At OK Rehab, we will always simplify the process for you, and handpick the very best treatment options available to you in your area.

    However, there are a large number of different types of treatment options available which can seem overwhelming to some.

    For example, one type of treatment option is medical treatment. Medical treatment often involves detoxification which aims to withdraw the addiction substance from the body by abstaining from the substance for a period of time.

    This is often one of the very first treatment options that is recommended at the start of someone’s journey.

    It is understandable that a lot of individuals suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction might feel extremely nervous about this first step. In fact, this is often one of the major barriers stopping individuals from recovering from their addiction.

    It is common for individuals to experience withdrawal symptoms during this stage, which can seem daunting.

    However, by receiving a full detox plan, your withdrawal and detoxification will be monitored and designed by specialists in their field. During this stage, your health and mindset is the most important thing and will be prioritised above anything else.

    In addition to medical treatment and detoxification, there is also a long list of psychological treatments available.

    It’s important to understand and remember that addiction is not purely medical and biological, it is also a physiological illness. Due to this, it is often advised that you receive both medical and at least one form of psychological treatment.

    You will be fully assessed and only the right forms of psychological treatment will be recommended, whether that’s CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) group therapy or family therapy.

    These are only a few forms of treatment options that could be available to you in the Hoddesdon area.

    Without receiving this kind of professional treatment at a local, trusted rehab centre then it is highly unlikely that you will successfully recover from your addiction.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Hoddesdon, call us today at 0800 326 5559.

    What to Do if You’re in Denial About Your Addiction


    The reality is that most people suffer from denial about something or other at least once in their life.

    However, when an individual is in denial about their drug or alcohol addiction then things can become very dangerous and serious.

    When someone’s in denial over their drug and alcohol addiction, then they will most likely refuse to talk about how much they consume and try to distract others from how much they truly consume.

    Most people want to deny that there’s an issue because they’re anxious and nervous about experiencing detox and withdrawal symptoms. Some other individuals might be worried about what friends or family members might think or say if they admit they have a problem.

    If you’re suffering from denial about your addiction, then it’s important to remember that if you continue to deny your issue you will only put your life at further risk.

    The longer you deny that there’s an issue, the more you deny yourself a happier, healthier, substance-free life. The more you deny that there’s an issue, the harder it will become to admit that there’s an issue.

    The quicker you can overcome your denial, the better.

    You can do so by beginning to consider some of the above treatments, reaching out to trusted loved ones and contacting our team today for your initial consultation.

    How to Treat a Dual Diagnosis

    It’s very common for individuals suffering from an addiction, particularly a long-term addiction to also suffer from some mental health issues, too.

    For many individuals, whilst they get treatment for their addiction and withdraw from the addictive substance, their mental health issues will also improve.

    However, some individuals who suffer from a long-term addiction might develop a dual diagnosis.

    A dual diagnosis is when an individual has developed a mental health condition whilst also suffering from an addiction to an addictive substance.

    Although this is unfortunately very common, it also causes further complications to an individual’s recovery. This is mainly down to the fact that as one condition worsens, so does the other.

    It’s well-researched that an addiction to drugs or alcohol tends to bring about mental health complications, and likewise some mental health conditions tend to lead people to consume more drugs or alcohol.

    Henceforth, the cycle continues.

    This is why it’s very important to attend a drug or alcohol centre so that a dual diagnosis can be identified and treated in a controlled environment.

    Where to Startman with thumbs up

    If you can identify with any of the above, then you should start by getting in contact with a member of the OK Rehab team today.

    Your journey will begin with the initial phone call consultation when we will ask you a few questions about your addiction, your history and your recovery goals.

    From there, our team will discuss the very best treatment options that suit your needs. Recovery is achievable, as long as you’re dedicated to the cause.

    To get the help you deserve, get in touch with OK Rehab today so that we can help you find the very best drug and alcohol rehab centres and treatment options in the Hoddesdon area.

    Call us today on 0800 326 5559 or visit us online at


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