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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Newton Le Willows

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Newton Le Willows

    Where an addiction exists, there are commonly other factors that can be present. A person’s genetic predisposition, familial history, experience of trauma, individual personality, and socioeconomic background can all pull together to create an increased likelihood of addiction developing.

    However, like other illnesses, an addiction might occur where there aren’t any factors that might have predicted it. This is why there are people throughout the UK who enter rehabilitation treatment every day from completely different walks of life. The fact that so many types of rehab services and programmes exist is beneficial.

    With the wide range of options, people can access a recovery programme that suits their personality, treatment requirements, as well as practical needs around budget and location. OK, Rehab supports people throughout Newton Le Willows as well as the rest of the UK to find the most appropriate treatment programme.

    A call to our team on 0800 326 5559 will open up the support available to accessing a rehab programme. At a moment in life when you’re faced with a challenge, human connection and support are critical. We’re here to provide professional and friendly advice and guidance to make this time easier for you.

    How Can You Tell Whether Someone Has An Addiction?

    man sat on bench with head in hands

    At the start of a person’s drug or alcohol journey, their approach is most likely to have been casual. This is usually termed the experimental stage by professionals. Within friendship groups, this can be a telling time. Unbeknownst to them, some friendships are likely to become irrevocably altered by the introduction of psychoactive substances.

    There comes a point during experimentation that some people in the friendship group will go on to use substances more often in a recreational way. Some people might keep it to this, only using substances around specific events, like festivals, for instance. However, for some, regular use might become weekly and this can go on to become daily use which is when addiction has developed.

    It’s important to note, though, that problematic substance use isn’t solely focused on daily use. Problematic use is where any substance is causing any type of problem for the user; it might be physical, psychological, financial, or social.

    If you’re under the impression that you or someone you care about has an addiction, there are signs you can look out for.

    These include:

    • The person losing interest in usual daily activities
    • Secretive behaviours around drinking and drugs
    • Manipulative behaviours or lying about substance use
    • Thinking about drinking and drugs
    • Worrying at the thought of not being able to get the substance
    • Taking the substance while alone
    • Arguments about drugs and alcohol with people close to you
    • Physical and mental health issues beginning because of substance use

    Where these thoughts, behaviours, and interactions are occurring, an addiction has developed.

    How Did This Addiction Happen To Me?


    When a person uses drugs or alcohol, it directly impacts the brain’s functioning. This can create feelings that the person enjoys. They learn by using the drug that a “desired effect” can be achieved and this is a type of positive reinforcement.

    In the case of a person who uses drugs and alcohol regularly, this repeated behaviour restructures how the brain works. It also directly impacts hormone regulation and organ functioning. Soon, the desired effects tend to disappear and a person is left simply trying to feel “normal”.

    With all these bodily areas affected and becoming dependent on the substance to “feel normal”, addiction takes hold.

    How Does A Rehabilitation Programme Help A Person To Recover?

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    Whatever illness a person has, they usually need treatment. With a disease as grave as addiction, this is certainly the case. It takes a highly trained and experienced team of specialists to provide the most efficient and beneficial treatments.

    A rehabilitation treatment programme has to cover all areas. It needs to address the physical, mental, social, and practical issues that trigger and maintain the addiction. This is why the best provision of care is found in private rehab clinics.

    A team of professionals specialising in different areas form a team around the patient. They work collaboratively to support the health, well-being, and recovery of the person at the centre.

    Private rehab clinics offer the highest recovery rates in the UK. OK, Rehab can secure you a place in the Newton Le Willows area if this suits you and this is what you choose.

    The Physical Treatment On A Recovery Programme

    At the start of a rehab programme, the physical aspect of addiction is focused on. On entering a rehab clinic as a resident to stay for some time, the person will begin a detox.

    This is part of the programme which focuses on ridding the body of toxic substances and cleansing it. Residents are supported with healthy meals and drinks as well as relaxing activities, such as yoga, or reiki.

    The Psychological Approach To Your Treatment

    Addiction is deeply rooted in the functioning, structure, and neurology of the brain. For this to be unpicked, psychological treatments are essential. At private clinics, patients benefit from highly skilled staff who are trained in integrative approaches to psychotherapy.

    This means that they can support you using different types of talking therapies. They respond to your specific needs and will be able to identify what’s most appropriate for you. Therapists also set you exercises to practise that help you to change your thoughts and therefore behaviours.


    The Alternative Approaches To Your Healing

    All aspects must be covered. A person’s sense of inner peace and solitude is highly important. As are beginning new activities. A person needs to begin filling up their life with meaningful and positive behaviours.

    At rehab, the following alternative therapies are provided to support you in this area:

    What Happens After Rehab?

    A woman smiling

    At rehab, you’ll be supported towards creating a reliable aftercare plan along with the professionals. This will make clear what you need to do on returning home to maintain a sober lifestyle. This will usually include aftercare support and implementing important changes in your day-to-day life.

    Contact OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 to take your step towards long-term recovery.


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