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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Walkden

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Walkden

    If you’ve been addicted to drugs and alcohol for years, the likelihood is that you’ve decided many times that you want to stop. Wanting and doing are very different things, though, especially within the context of addiction.

    It’s brilliant, though, that you acknowledge that you have a problem. This alone takes strength to admit in a world where addiction is stigmatised and with the admission of the issue comes the decision of whether or not to quit.

    To be able to stop, you need treatment. There’s no question about it. Addiction is a serious disease and as such requires support from both professionals and others who positively influence you.

    When it’s time to access rehabilitation services, there comes a huge array of information about the various services in the Walkden area. You, however, need to find the clinic that is going to treat you in a way that is ideal for your needs.

    To help you find the best drug and alcohol rehab in Walkden, call OK Rehab now on 0800 326 5559.

    What happens to a person when they take psychoactive substances?


    Many who use substances will try to hide this, especially from people they care about. This might be because they’re embarrassed, ashamed, because it’s illegal, or because they’re concerned about your reaction.

    If you’re concerned about someone you love taking drugs or alcohol, but are unsure whether to be certain of this, there are signs you can look out for. 

    The longer a person takes substances, the more it will begin to show daily. There are both the immediate effects of drug and alcohol use, as well as the long-term effects.

    Immediate effects

    Different substances will affect people in different ways. Drugs and alcohol fall into various categories: stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and opioids. There are, therefore, common effects within the drugs of each group.

    Side effects include the following:

    • Dilated pupils
    • Bruxism (grinding of the teeth known as “gurning”)
    • Dry mouth
    • Dizziness
    • Slurred speech
    • Reduction or increase in heart rate
    • Slowed down respiratory system
    • Unusual behaviour
    • Panic attack symptoms
    • Vomiting
    • Seizure


    Long term effects

    When a person has been using drink or drugs for many years, there comes a point where serious damage starts to unravel. Addiction brings with it a series of implications where a person’s health is at risk.

    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Psychosis
    • Damaged nose cartilage
    • Skin sores
    • Bloodborne viruses
    • Weight loss
    • Looking gaunt
    • Generalised feelings of unwellness
    • Fatigue, lethargy, and low motivation
    • Chronic illnesses and failure of the internal organs
    • Dementia
    • Heart disease
    • Various cancers

    It also needs to be pointed out that psychoactive substances and their related consequences can lead to death.

    How do you know if an addiction exists?

    A woman with her hand over her face

    An addiction comes with various symptoms. People will find that they begin to think about and take the substance more and more. They usually begin to use drink and drugs when they’re on their own. These behaviours will likely cause financial and relationship difficulties.

    There is also the need to understand the difference between addiction and dependence. For the person who is dependent on a substance such as alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines, then withdrawal can be extremely distressing. This is why a medically overseen detox is essential to keep the person safe.

    It can be really difficult to address. If you’re concerned about someone you love, keep learning and find a support network for yourself. It’s critical to look after yourself when faced with the emotional stress of caring for someone who has this disease.

    To find out about support groups that look after you in Walkden, contact OK Rehab.

    What makes addiction treatment so important?

    person walking on beach

    People who don’t access rehabilitation treatment have a seriously poor prognosis. It’s unlikely that they’ll ever be able to stop. This ultimately means a series of grave illnesses as the body slowly begins to malfunction. Sadly, for many with an addiction, it is usually linked to their death.

    Those who recover are those who undergo detox, therapies, and practical support to help get their life to a healthy space. When people access rehabilitation services, life can become theirs again and they have the chance to heal.

    Is it essential that I talk about past trauma when I enter treatment services in Walkden?

    Two people talking over coffee

    Speaking about traumatic memories or events can be distressing. It is, however, important to address the causes of your addiction. It’s natural that when experiencing something terrible you will have a human reaction. Understandably, people develop addictions.

    To face the realities of the addiction you need to think about what formed it in the beginning. Psychotherapies provide a safe environment for you to do this. The therapists are highly experienced and have worked with hundreds of people in similar positions. It’s their job to ensure you’re able to explore your feelings about terrible events as safely as possible.

    Through being open, honest, and visiting those uncomfortable feelings you’re able to begin the deep work of healing. 

    There will also be a practical emphasis on people in psychotherapy. This one will train the person to learn how to control their thoughts and adapt their behaviours. With these skills in hand, residents can leave a rehab clinic equipped to face triggers on their own.

    What happens when I leave rehab in Walkden? Is there any support?

    Two women talking and looking at a tablet

    OK Rehab supports you in accessing drug and alcohol clinics that offer a 12-month aftercare programme. This outlines the steps you need to take in terms of maintaining a sober lifestyle. For some, it will include ongoing support through outpatient services, for others it might mean accessing more local 12-step groups. 

    Most people will have to implement lifestyle changes. This often means changing who they spend time with, and where they go, and also means beginning new hobbies with people who support them to make healthy choices.

    What should I do now?

    Older woman smiling

    Contact OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559. Our team will support you in finding the most suitable rehabilitation in Walkden and are happy to secure you a place at a clinic should this be suitable.


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