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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Pembrokeshire

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Pembrokeshire

    An addiction to drugs and/or alcohol can be much more harmful than most people expect. Though a few symptoms such as irritability and low energy are commonly known of, there are many more serious impacts such as seizures and heart complications.

    Across Wales in 2020, there were 224 reported deaths from drug poisoning[1]. Although this number has fallen from previous years, addiction is no less of an issue.

    Neither is this an issue specific to one region. All across the UK, people are struggling to find, enter, and complete the variety of treatment programmes that are available.

    Due to the incredibly complex nature of addiction, all of the processes listed above can be taxing on the individual’s mental and physical motivation.

    Not all addictions are displayed in the same way, meaning that people will experience addiction and addiction treatments in different ways. No matter how these manifests within an individual, seeking immediate care is of utmost importance.

    Please contact a member of the OK Rehab team today on 0800 326 5559 to start discussing how our services could help you.

    How OK Rehab can help you in Pembrokeshire

    holding hands across table

    With a wealth of experience and a professional support team, OK Rehab is able to help people suffering from addiction from all backgrounds and situations.

    After just one initial telephone consultation, a member of our team could admit you to a rehab centre, allowing you to start your rehabilitation journey today.

    During this consultation (completed for all individuals who wish to undertake addiction treatments – not just in a centre), an OK Rehab expert will ask a series of questions to gauge a number of different physical and mental factors to properly assess your situation.

    From this, they will then suggest and contact a number of different service providers through our referral scheme. These will be individually selected and chosen just for you, meaning that no addiction treatments are generalised to seemingly similar cases.

    Contact OK Rehab today for more information on anything you have read on this webpage. Our phoneline is available 24/7 at 0800 326 5559.

    Starting addiction treatment programmes in Fulwood

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    The first step for rehabilitation, as briefly mentioned previously, is the initial telephone consultation.

    This forms the basis of care suggestions from OK Rehab as specialisation is one of the most important factors that impact rehab success, meaning that this stage should not be skipped as it would be when seeking help alone.

    After this consultation, there may be a number of proceeding steps. For example, in more serious and long-term cases, the individual may be prescribed specialist drugs in order to counteract the potentially harmful effects of the process of withdrawal.

    Additionally, some individuals may be immediately enrolled on individual counselling or group therapies to help cope with and provide support during difficult periods.

    During these initial sessions (even if you are waiting to be admitted to a centre), your progress will be tracked and monitored by specialists to properly assess your experience and benefits from this type of treatment.

    Whatever the next step may be moving on from this consultation, OK Rehab guarantees professional care at every stage, meaning that your addiction will never be left for you to deal with alone.

    Effectiveness of drug and alcohol rehabilitation in Pembrokeshire

    person leaning on ledge and looking out at lake

    Across Pembrokeshire and the rest of the UK, there are thousands of options for rehabilitative services. Within these services are varying degrees of success depending on the individual’s reception of the care available.

    Not all services will be appropriate for every individual, but there are some treatments that are much more successful in terms of recovery and reducing the risk of relapse.

    For example, entering a residential rehabilitation centre is the most researched and heavily proven method for addiction recovery due to the nature of this type of treatment.

    Based on abstinence and focused treatments, residential rehab is proven to significantly reduce the risk of relapse and greatly increase the chances of an addiction-free life in Pembrokeshire in the future.

    Though no one can ever truly recover from an addiction fully, residential rehab equips individuals best for coping after leaving a dedicated centre. In addition to the treatment programmes provided by these centres, most rehabilitation centres also offer an extensive aftercare support system.

    Aftercare refers to the care and support that an individual receives after leaving rehab. Whether this is a hotline such as the one provided by OK Rehab or a social network suggested by a local centre, aftercare is held in high regard by most centres.

    Even if the centre or treatment programme you have left does not support aftercare services, OK Rehab operates a 24/7 phoneline in which we are happy to answer any queries or questions relating to addiction.

    Changing your life for the better in Pembrokeshire

    OK Rehab holds the firm belief that it is never too late to seek help or to make changes for the better.

    Moving on from addiction and breaking the cycle is a big decision and should not be taken lightly, but at the same time, we understand how imposing this feat can be. This is why we offer a range of support services to anyone who needs them.

    Regardless of your situation or how serious or trivial your issues may seem, please do not hesitate to contact the OK Rehab team today on 0800 326 5559 to discuss your issues.

    For further information online, please check our other web pages covering areas such as Glamorgan, Cardiff, Newport, Llandudno, Wrexham, Swansea, Bangor, and Gwynedd.


    [1] Office of National Statistics; Number of deaths related to drug poisoning, persons by local authority, England and Wales, registered in each year between 1993 and 2020



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